One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 276: Festival


In the dark secret room, there was a slight vicissitude.

The dusty memory is opened, and the flood-like fragments are connected into a scene that flashes in the sea of ​​the mind. At this moment, all the sorrows are finally turned into a long sigh.

As the host of the cockroach, his inner thoughts and thoughts are naturally known by Huang Quan. Recalling the memories of the sputum and the pottery that appeared in my mind, Huang Quan was a bit stunned. He did not expect that there would be such past events.

Huang Quan secretly commented on the things of 魍魉 and 椿 pottery, look flashing, monsters and witches? There is no such thing as a real world. Two wonderful people, the witch has achieved this point, fell in love with the monster, violated ethics, she is also dead.

Just as Huang Quan thought about entering the gods, the voice of the vicissitudes of life came again. "Huang Quan, are you spying on my thoughts again?"

"Of course not a spy, I am an adult, I saw it unintentionally."

"Hey." He said coldly: "Don't let me discover again next time, or I will completely devour your body!"

In the end, the bitter coldness made Huang Quan tremble, and the heart couldn’t touch the bottom line. Otherwise, he didn’t know how to die. In order to save his life, Huang Quan immediately said, “Yes, adults, these things. I will never commit another crime in the future."

The point in Huang Quan’s mind was carefully thought of by nature, and he did not pursue it. He said in a voice: "Speaking, the missions of those you sent out failed."

"Failure? How do you know about adults?"

"Hey, don't forget the dead souls, they are my things, their every move is under my watch, hey, Huang Quan, your men are very unfaithful to you, say, they are now Already hiding."

"It’s no wonder that there has been no news of them until now. It turned out to betray me, this group of waste!"

Thinking of the fact that they betrayed themselves in an instant, Huang Quan’s face showed a murderous light. He hated the betrayal. If possible, he wouldn’t want to smash the corpse now!

Worried about taking the initiative to pursue responsibility, Huang Quan immediately said: "Hey adults, subordinates dereliction of duty, did not complete the task, but also ask the adults to punish!"

"No, Huang Quan, you can rest assured, I will not blame." I know that Huang Quan’s heart is thinking, and the heart is slightly disdainful. It is very incomprehensible to Huang Quan’s tricks. I think this is the nature of human beings, and I am afraid of death. Such as ghosts!

With a cold cry, he said: "Although you are under the control of the ministry, it is all your own human affairs. I don't want to take care of them. If you want to punish them, I have a way to get them back!"

"What is the way? Adults, please allow the subordinates to handle these guys personally, and dare to betray you, this kind of thing is absolutely intolerable!"

"Oh, I have my own way, I can control it through the dead soul worm, I want to make them come back easily, but, Huang Quan, how do you punish them?"

"Nature is to let them survive without asking for death!"

Huang Quan licked his tongue, his eyes flashed with bloodthirsty light, and vowed to torture them to death!

"Hey, you really are a jerk!"

He perceives the punishment that Huang Quan thinks in his heart. He smiles very strangely. He is very interested in such things. After all, he is a monster. He is very happy to see the scene of human beings killing each other. It is best to kill him. It will make him have

-----This is a gorgeous dividing line--

Please inform the novel users: Please read the rest of your eyes for a long time. Recommended reading:

----This is a gorgeous dividing line ---

Inexplicable and inviting.

"Huang Quan, if you want to punish them, I have a good way to do it here. Instead of tormenting them to death, it is better to use them to make them become a walking dead. Is it better to be enslaved like a dog?"

"Adult, what do you mean?"

"Hey, you will know when you get there."

"Yes, adults..."

Then, there was a hazy laugh in the secret room, and the ghostly sound was particularly harsh.


In the dense mountain, a few people rushed to escape this place, because they were worried about being killed by Sasuke. Several people found a cave to hide.

In some dim caves, I sat in a clean place in an instant, watching the firewood with the flames shining, and the shining fire reflected his face, showing that it was not reconciled.

It was originally intended to kill the Aster, destroy the plan of Huang Quan's resurrection, and then leave the control of Huang Quan and start a new life in another place.

However, what they didn't think was that, just as they were about to kill the Aster, they succumbed to the process of biting gold. A man of great horror saved Aster from their hands. This kind of thing they never expected.

Damn boy! Suddenly, the eyes flashed the color of grievances. If it wasn’t for Sasuke, how could they fall to this point? !

At this time, the voice of congratulations broke the silence inside the cave.

"Big brother, that kid is really very powerful. The third brother was killed by him almost in a flash. Fortunately, I and Jiusha ran fast, or else I really couldn’t come The tone of the intention is full of fear, remembering the thunder and lightning in the assistant, subconsciously, he has a cold sweat behind him. At this time, he can still feel the thunder and lightning shining behind him, as if the next moment is going to be penetrated by the thunder!

When I heard the greeting, I suddenly flashed my eyes and said, "Are you not a dead soul? How can you be so easily defeated in his hands?! And, you said, the boy is only fourteen and five years old. Even if he cultivated from his mother's womb, it is impossible to have such a strong strength. Oh, I am afraid that you are not good enough."

At this time, Jiu Sha came out to speak. "Big brother, congratulations are correct. Although the kid is not old, but the strength is terrible, I guess, even the shadow-level power can not reach his level. ”

"Oh? Is it?" The moment was a little shocked, and immediately said, "Well, that's the case, it's not surprising that you are defeated in his hands."

"Oh, you can only blame us for being too lucky, and when we meet the kid, it’s almost impossible to kill the witch..."

"Gay, you don't have to sigh like this. After all, come back alive, this is the most important thing."

At this time, Jiusha comforted the greeting, and immediately said to the moment: "Big brother, what are we going to do in the future? Have you been hiding?"

"Hidden?" Suddenly indulged for a while. "You know the character of Huang Quan. He is not merciful to the betrayal. Now, we can only hide and look forward to not being caught by him."

"Yellow Spring..."

The man with a gloomy face appeared in Jiu Sha’s mind. She saw Huang Quan’s scene of dealing with traitors. Peeling, scraping, dissecting, amputation, and infusion of lead and silver are all indispensable. As long as they can be thought of, he can do it.

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