One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 279: Festival

弑天斩灵剑, one of the skills that 椿陶 added to the terracotta warriors in the past, is a fit skill. Effect, destruction, cut off, attack hard!

The singer, the attack is invincible, and it is invincible!

In an instant, the majestic purple spirit emerged from the curse of the terracotta warriors and horses. With a steady supply of spiritual power, the purple giant sword is more solid. The sword is nine feet wide and nine feet wide, symbolizing the number of nine poles. The body is covered with various mantras, and the mantras flow, forming a stencil of the texture.

Hey! Purple swordsman constantly rushes, seems to destroy everything in the world.

Powerful, sharp, unbeatable! This is the sword of the sky!

The scorpion sword appeared, and the air above the forest was evacuated for a moment, forming a vacuum area.

A group of soldiers hiding behind the fortifications saw the purple giant sword in the suspended air. Everyone burst into an incredible light in their eyes, and the scene in front of them completely surpassed their cognition.

"This kind of power... is impossible, even if it is a ninja, there is absolutely no such power..."

On the face of the resident's chief, there was a fascinating color, and the power of Mo can be shocked by his heart. Fortunately, he used to be a tolerant person, but in the face of the power of the sword, he could not give birth to a rebellious heart. So that even the escape is forgotten.


The purple giant sword sent a scream of screaming, and the sharpness of the breath suddenly broke out. The purple brilliance flashed, and the huge purple swordsmanship rose to the sky.


The purple sword is endless, like a sword running through the heavens and the earth. Only a sharp purple light flashed through, and a strong sword storm was formed in the forest. The sword raging, the continuous flood of torrents trembled the earth.

When the smoke dissipated, all the objects within a hundred meters of the square were destroyed. The ground was opened and a huge trench of up to 100 meters was opened. The cut was flat and it was cut off by the sharp weapon.

At this time, the soldiers and the protective work were completely destroyed by the powder in this blow, and the shrine in the distance was also affected. The weather-beaten building became more and more broken, almost crumbling!

"Is this the power of the sword?"

Huang Quan took three corpses from a bunker 100 meters away. They escaped far away when the Scorpio spirit sword was launched, so they were not affected by the tyrannical blow.

"No, this is not the power of the real sword. Compared with the real sword, this trick is not as good as one tenth of it. In that year, she used this trick to break it. Earthly pulse."

The whispering voice is faint, and it seems to recall the style of the pottery of the year. At that time, she only used a sword to fight the top monster keel at that time, killing the keel with strong sword skills, that is In World War I, she officially established her position in the spiritual path, following the sixteen nights, leading the second witch of mankind.

“Is it really so powerful?”

Looking at the forest that had been destroyed, Huang Quan muttered to himself: "A sword that cuts off the earth! It is unimaginable, how powerful humans should be at that time."

"That is nature, because human beings are too powerful, so they end up in the world, the spiritual power is lost, the spiritual road is cut off, even the martial arts is the same. Oh, don't underestimate the human beings at that time, the martial arts and the spiritual road. Compared with the stubbornness and weakness, I don’t know clearly. I only know that at that time, the human beings who reached the peak of the martial arts can easily kill all kinds of monsters. In the end, even the gods will tremble. However, history did not appear in the history. The human beings who reached that step in the martial arts."

Huang Quanxuan’s listening to the narrative narrative, he has imagined the scenes of human and various monsters living in the past, the martial arts and the spiritual road, how powerful he is, he does not understand, but he knows that the power at that time is not forbearance at all. The surgery can be compared, it is no wonder that the Ninjutsu at that time can only be regarded as a side door.

After a meal, there was a bit of jokes. "If there are more people like the 16th night, it is estimated that even if there are no ways for human beings, the spiritual and martial arts must It will continue to this day. This is a scorpio. Under the rules of heaven, it will not allow the existence of creatures beyond heaven. No matter who, as long as it appears, under the power of heaven, it will be killed."

"is it?"

Huang Quan didn't realize his heart, but he still said in his words: "That's a pity, then the powerful power is not passed down."

"Oh, I really want to pass it down. It’s still worth it. With the character of your humanity, this world may have been destroyed."

I admit that I have seen the human nature, and now it is ruthless ridicule.

"The adults said it." Huang Quan said with a sullen smile, and immediately said: "Adults, now those guys have been solved, we quickly broke the seal to liberate your soul."

"Also, I can't wait, let's get started now..."


However, Sasuke finally arrived at the shrine with Aster. Just as they were about to enter the shrine, there was a purple light curtain in the surrounding space, blocking their steps, like the ripples of the ripples, but seeing this light. The curtain completely shrouded the entrance to the shrine.

"This thing, enchantment?"

When Sasuke’s eyes are condensed, he will use Raychem to break through the enchantment.


Shion immediately stopped the action of Sasuke. "Sato, this enchantment cannot be broken by external force!"

Was stopped by the Aster, the thunder of the assistant in the assistant stopped, and the asters on the back, "What's wrong? Is this enchantment strange?"

"Yeah." Aster nodded and said: "If you use external force to break through, this enchantment will rebound the power of the operator. If you can't dodge, you will be accidentally injured. Sasuke, let me down, I know how. turn on."

"Well, please, please."

Sasuke put the asters down from the back and looked at the movement of the asters.

However, I saw the asters from the witch costume * the soul bell, and reached out, let the soul ring and the enchantment come into contact, the next moment, the enchantment fluctuated, the purple brilliance flow, the light curtain instantly became transparent, flowing like water After the fluctuations, the enchantment finally disappeared completely.

"This will do, let's go in."

Sasuke followed Aster into the shrine, and the enchantment reappeared, re-forming a purple light curtain to guard the shrine.

These changes are seen in Sasuke's eyes, and they are very surprised by the ability to enchant. "Is this the power of inheritance? With this layer of enchantment protection, no one can enter here except the one who inherits the power of the witch." ”

"Well, this enchantment was originally set by my ancestors to protect the seal of the shackles. After so many years, the power of enchantment still has not weakened. To put it, my ancestors are very powerful."

“Is it?” Sasuke is curious. “What is your ancestor?”

"Well, how do you say that my ancestor was a bad man in the past, and he was also a witch. She was called a 16-night adult."

"Sixteen nights?" Sasuke was slightly surprised. He didn't know when such a character appeared in the world of Naruto. He even asked: "Who is 16 nights? Why don't I know?"

When I heard Sasuke, there was a surprised expression on the face of Aster, like watching a monster and looking at Sasuke.

Some hair was seen by Aster, and Sasuke immediately asked, "Oh, what happened? I didn't say anything wrong."

"You don't even know the 16-night adult!" Shion touched his forehead and touched Sasuke's forehead and said, "No fever."

Asa’s intimate movements made Sasuke’s heart jump, and he suppressed the guilt in his heart. He said: “I really don’t know who the 16th night is.”

Asters made a face defeated by Sasuke and said, "Hey, I really doubt if you are in this world. I don’t even know it for sixteen nights. The 16-night adult is a witch five hundred years ago. It’s incredible. She sealed the monsters that almost destroyed the world with her own power. If it weren't for her, humans might be extinct."

Ziyuan said from his own self, the usual narrative is arousing the stormy waves in Sasuke’s heart. How could this happen, five hundred years ago?魍魉 Destroy the world? God, this is not a joke!

In Sasuke's cognition, the human civilization in the Naruto world was opened by the big tree, and since then humans have used the Ninjutsu to create various civilizations.

Five hundred years ago, there was still civilization? !

When thinking of this, Sasuke’s heart was shocked. He suddenly remembered what the snake snake had said to him. Regarding the history of Tian Zhiguo, at that time, Sasuke remembered that the big snake pill once talked about the central dynasty, which was also a matter of hundreds of years ago. However, at that time Sasuke was not in the heart, so I ignored the past.

As early as in the Ninja School, Sasuke also learned history. Everything recorded in the history book is exactly the same as that recorded in the original book of Huo All human civilizations nowadays are Dabumuhui and Liudaoxianren. Creative. As for the sixteen nights, such a famous figure has not been mentioned in the history books, such things are simply unreasonable!

“Is my existence already offset the trajectory of the Naruto world so much?”

Thinking of his own role in the world of Naruto, Sasuke realized that his super butterfly has completely affected the Naruto world. In the past, because there was not much intersection with the Naruto world, the impact on the world was not great, but after For seven years, everything he has done is enough to change everything in the world of fire.

Now, the history of the Naruto world has changed. There are many people who should not exist in the air. Many of the history that should not exist, Sasuke’s well-known world of Naruto has undergone tremendous changes. This is what he did not expect. of.

"I really can't control the change." Sasuke sighed, history has changed, and it can't be recovered anyway.

Sasuke knows that if he continues to survive in this world, then there will be more things to change, and it is likely that everything will move in an uncontrollable direction.

For a time, Sasuke had a lot of troubles, so that even the words of Aster did not listen to it, standing there, a soul is not guarding.

Seeing the performance of Sasuke, Aster took his shoulder and said, "Hey, Sasuke, what are you thinking about? Have you heard me?"

After being shot by Shion, Sasuke was awakened, and smiled and said: "I just went away, continue, I really want to know about the 16th night."

Looking at the sincere eyes of Sasuke, Shion did not send a big temper, forgive the help of Sasuke. Then I continued with Sasuke and told him about the sixteen nights...

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