One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 288: Festival


Now, Sasuke does not inherit the inheritance of the witch, but it is still absorbed by the power of the devil, such a thing seems to be impossible in the eyes!

Looking at the opposite Sasuke, his eyes were slightly condensed, he felt it again, yes, the abominable breath is undoubtedly the power of the devil. Although it is not as pure as the power of the devil, the power contained in it is indeed the power of the devil.

It’s really not a simple kid. Unconsciously, I started to face the opposite Sasuke. He knows that this human being is not simple. Think of your own strength, and then transform the strategy.

"Boy, you are very good, although your strength is top in this era, but, in my opinion, you are still far away, do you know? In my time, there are so many humans like you. Even if it is an ordinary mage, the power you have is not inferior to you. I want you to know my strength. At that time, I don’t know how many people like you killed..."

Sasuke smiled a little, no, no, "Oh, you said so much, is it threatening me?"

"What is it!" He made a contemptuous look. "Kid, advise you not to be against me. Otherwise, you will die very badly!"

"Oh? I was so scared to die like that..." Sasuke was surprised and looked like a turn, and his mouth was swaying. "If I had to be against you?"

"Then you are looking for death!"

There was no sound in the cold, and there was a sudden black-black streamer in the hand. In the next second, a huge purple-black energy beam burst out.


The purple-black beam is so powerful that it instantly devours the entire altar.


The altar of the altar trembled a little, and the cracks began to burst, and the dust was filled with smoke. The entire cave was immersed in Yu Wei.

I watched Sasuke, who was swallowed up by the purple-black light beam, with a sarcasm. "I thought you were so powerful, but it was just like this. It really ruined the power of the devil!"

Just when you were proud, a cold voice was uploaded from the altar. "Who are you talking about?"

"how is this possible!"

When I heard this sound, I felt a shock in my heart, and then I saw it in the dusty mist. I can see that the purple dust was faintly revealed in the gray dust, and a pure and incomparable force came from it. If there is no soul pressure over the heart.

When the dust settled, I saw the scene on the altar. I saw that the whole altar was completely destroyed in the previous attack. The stone pillars were broken and the ground was ruined. The large stones fell from the dome to the ground.

Just above the altar, in a purple light curtain, a man wearing a cloak holds a witch who is in a coma. Who is not Sasuke?


In the purple light curtain, Sasuke’s face was as usual. After seeing the intact and uninhibited asters, he took a sigh of relief and even placed Aster on the ground, letting her lean against a huge stone.

I saw the purple light, and the face was amazed. "Is it enchanted?"

What you think is right, it is the enchantment that Sasuke and Aster are protecting. However, this enchantment is not a help for Zuo, and Sasuke will not have any enchantment at all, let alone such a powerful enchantment.

This enchantment was placed in the chest of the asters of the asters. Speaking of it, at the time, in the face of the endless purple-black column, Sasuke took into consideration the asters that were still in a coma, and even prepared the asters on the ground. Leave the altar.

However, even if the speed of Sasuke is very fast, the purple-black light column is already in front of them, even if you want to run, you can't run away.

"If you can't run, you can only resist it!"

Sasuke then transferred away from the chakra in the body, and wanted to resist the slap in the face. When Sasuke was to display the thunder, the dementor bell on the chest of the asters was suddenly shining, and a powerful force was excited. Out, it turned out to be a solid enchantment that would protect the two.

Feeling the power of the purple enchantment, Sasuke's heart emerged with a realization, he knew that everything is the soul of the asters in front of the chest. The ascension bell of Aster is reserved for the 16th night. In the critical moment, the soul-sounding bell feels the power of the demon in the Saskatchewan, and the automatic guardian, even if it is the enchantment, blocks the shackles for them. hit.

"It’s really the power of sixteen nights....."

Sasuke's gaze flashed a touch of envy, and he also wanted to have this powerful enchantment. For the enemy, it is this enchantment that can block all attacks from the enemy.

魍魉The previous strike has the power of s-class ninjutsu, but this enchantment succeeded in blocking it, and only after a layer of entanglement on the enchantment, the power of 魍魉 was resolved, so The enchantment is really horrible.

Sasuke's conjecture is about intensity. This enchantment is as good as the complete body.

"Good luck!" A blow was blocked, and the sound was cold. Because the strength has not recovered, the purple-black column that was just displayed is not very strong. If he is allowed to integrate the power of the soul he just got, he believes that he The blow will exert a stronger force, at least ten times that of the previous attack!

Looking at the two people in the enchantment, the purple-black brilliance of the body is uncertain. "I am lucky, I didn't expect the power of the 16th night to exist in this world, the useless kid, thank you for the power of the woman." !"

Sassy's scornful help is not in the heart, even if he is ignorant of his own, Sasuke is not mad at him.

"That is your strength?"

I felt the strong and weak breath on the opposite side of the body. Sasuke’s eyes flashed a glimmer of light, and his strength has not recovered.

"if that is the case......"

Then Sasuke began to ridicule, "Hey, your power is just like this. Is the ability of the ancient evil spirits only like this? Or, your strength is not as good as before, oh, I should have thought of it. The power that has been sealed by the sixteen nights has been exhausted by the time. Hey, it’s a pity, it’s been sealed for so many years, and now it’s possible to forget even how to fight!”

After being helped by Sasuke, I was going to have a seizure, but after all, it was an ancient evil spirit, an old monster that lived for more than five hundred years or even longer. His heart is still very good, and it is against the fire of the heart. Coldly said: "Kid, what do you say, no matter whether my strength is restored, you are not my opponent."

"is it?"

Sasuke’s mouth is light, "That's not necessarily."

Then, in the astonished gaze, Sasuke came out of the guardian enchantment.


The enchantment made a ripple of water, and Sasuke saw that he slowly stepped out of the enchantment and walked to the point where he was not far away.

"You kid!"

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