One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 298: Festival

Almost for a moment, the purple thunder flashed, and the Thunder Blaster was piercing the body.


Unbelievably touched the big hole in the chest, raised his hand, and the eyes were full of greasy black blood.

Under the erosion of the power of the devil, the heart of the cockroach has completely stopped beating, the blood of the chest is no longer flowing out under the burning of lightning, and the bright red heart becomes a piece of dead ash.

The body is hit hard, and I feel that my vitality is constantly losing. A purple-black airflow containing the power of life is constantly leaking out of the wound. It is the power of life.

"That kid..."

Sorrowfully watching the Sasuke on the ground, since 16th night, he has not suffered such heavy damage, although it will not be fatal, but it also makes him unable to recover for a while.

"Is it heavy?"

On the ground, the thunder of Zuo Zuo's left arm gradually disappeared, and the tiny purple arc slowly recovered.

"This is a lucky moment, I was almost hiding by him..."

Sasuke knows that he can be so easy to make a big hit with luck. You must know that the current strength of the company has not fully recovered, only about 15%.

Moreover, only after anger and anger, Sasuke caught the flaws, and succeeded in reinventing it by writing the power of the wheel and the power of breaking the magic.

"Call..." Sasuke sighed softly, looking at the sky, and flashed a glimmer of light in his eyes.

"Hey, you are sick, you are going to die!"

The scene that followed was to surprise Aster, but I saw a mysterious print in the assistant, and the Indian-style Amethyst knew, isn't it her yin and yang seal?

I saw the assistant and the Chinese-Indian fast change. The invisible power condensed in Sasuke's body. The next moment, I saw Sasuke's body shining purple brilliance, it is the power of the devil!

The power of the devil is constantly output, and the print in the assistant is more pure and mysterious.


A purple ripple spreads out, and the power of a powerful seal fills the world.


Asters stunned, she felt that Sasuke's seals were far more powerful than hers, even if she couldn't do Sasuke with the help of the Soul Bell, her seal was a little witch compared to Sasuke. See the big witch.

Suddenly, Sasuke's purple brilliance is even worse. Under the blessing of the devil's power, the yin and yang seals turned out to be a bit different, but the force of the original purple seal changed and turned into a light blue brilliance. In terms of momentum, it has gradually approached the seal of 16 nights.


The cold words spit out from the help.

The next moment, the power of the light blue seal flooded into the sky, like a flood, it would be swallowed up!

In the sky, there was a horror, because he was seriously injured, he had no time to take care of the other, and at this time, the surging seal power has suppressed all the space around him.

Under the powerful force, I only feel that I am completely imprisoned. It is almost difficult to breathe.


The power of the seal broke out in the light blue light, and it became a large and small plaque rune all over the body, the brilliance shines, and all the power of the seal broke out.


The force of the seal trembles, and under the powerful force of the seal, the purple and black airflows of the whole body are surging, but between them, it is unable to escape the **** of the seal.

After a burst of space, he once again showed his prototype.

The large purple-black body is constantly shrinking under the suppression of the seal power, and the purple-black airflow is almost indistinguishable.

At this point, you will be completely subdued when you see it!



On the ground, Aster walked to Sasuke's side, pulled his sleeves and whispered, "How do you get my seal? And have such a powerful force?"

For this, Shion is very curious, she does not know when Sasuke will steal her trick.

Was pulled by Shion, Sasuke turned his head and saw the eyes of Shion full of doubts, his heart jumped, he naturally understood that he could not tell her the truth of the matter, and even said: "Well, you know, above the altar I was swallowed up by the purple storm. In the purple storm, I only felt something into my body. Later, in my mind, there was more memory of the seal, and I don’t know how it came back. I have absorbed some of the power of the devil."

Sasuke’s statement explains why he has the power to break the magic and the technique of seals. However, even if he is a deceit, he will not believe it.


Asters suspicion of Sasuke, a pair of big eyes is like interrogating a prisoner, and the light that is revealed makes Sasuke unnatural.

"of course it's true."

Sasuke is not afraid of Shion’s review, and even if he tells a lie, he will not change his face.


Staring for a while, Aster lost and left Sasuke's side, it seems that he is no longer prepared to pursue this matter.

However, when Aster walked away, Sasuke's heart was a rush of thumping, and the heart secretly said: "Fortunately, she did not ask again, or I really couldn't help it..."

Sasuke then wanted to continue to clean up the shackles of the yin and yang seals. Suddenly, he saw that the light blue light curtain that was suppressed was constantly shaking, and the mysterious runes above the light curtains flickered. Guanghua.

At this time, I heard the screams from the sky. "Kid, I thought this would suppress me! Seeing that I broke your **** seal!"

His voice was low and loud, and he was full of gas. Obviously he was recovering from serious injuries.

"This kind of thing!"

Aster saw the performance of the cockroaches full of sorrow: "Is even the seals can not be suppressed?"

Sasuke's face sinks into, it's a tough guy. It's no wonder that when he was sixteen nights, he tried his best to seal him.

In the seal, the cockroaches constantly absorbed the evil suffocating from all over the world, and the intense suffocation between them gathered, but the injured part quickly recovered, and even the heart that turned into a dead gray gradually recovered blood red.

This is the metamorphosis of the embarrassment. It can be said that it is immortal. As long as there is the power of evil, no matter how severe the injury, you will survive.

Seeing that you are going to recover all the injuries, Sasuke’s thoughts are sharp, and suddenly, he decided to use the refining pot to suppress!

The reason why Sasuke did not use the refining pot before, is that he is worried that the refining pot can not be suppressed, and he is also affected by the refining pot. Since Naruto’s incident, Sasuke realized that once he was countered, he would fall into the darkness of endlessness. Under the cover of the evil forces inside the refining pot, he would lose all his reason and turn into a killing. The demon.

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