One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 306: Festival

, the fastest update to the latest chapter of One Piece's bounty system!

Thinking of the purple shadow, Shion bit his lip and said quietly: "Sasuke, you have seen her..."

Aster's breath slaps on Sasuke's side face, with a sweet fragrance, and the supple hair slides over Sasuke's skin and itchy. In the face of Shion’s questioning, Sasuke’s heart could not go on, and his heart sighed, saying, “Well, as you have thought, I have seen her.”

"16 nights adults..."


Confirming the facts, Aster stunned his mouth and had an incredible look. "No wonder there are some strange scenes in my dreams, it turns out..."

Sasuke said from apologetic: "I didn't want to lie to you, but because I promised that she would not tell her about her existence for sixteen nights, she chose to hide."

"I should have thought of it." Shion’s gaze flashed a flash of light, and suddenly said: "Sasuke, the lips of the 16-night-old adult is wonderful."


The words of Aster Turk make Sasuke almost a jealousy, heart, how do she know those things!

"Although I was in a coma, some scenes still appeared in my dreams." Shion hugged Sasuke and put her soft body and Sasuke together, leaning on Sasuke's shoulder, "Sasuke, you and me last night." I saw the 16-night adult thing..."

Aster's tone is somewhat resentful. During the speech, the gentle breathing spreads around Sasuke's neck.

When I heard the asters, Sasuke’s heart, and sure enough, she was jealous.

"You know, I have absorbed the power of the devil, and I have to do it for the 16th night because I want to get back my strength."

"It’s good to say." Aster said with a taste: "Who knows if you want to take advantage of it? The mood of the 16-night adult is passed on to me, the bad guy."

"Hey, it’s awkward to pry at someone else’s mind."

Sasuke said this. At this time, he thought in his heart, was the mood of Shion at that time felt by the sixteen nights?

"Oh, I want. I am a descendant of the 16-night-old adult. I believe that the 16-night-old adult will not blame me. It is you, it is a jerk."

Said, Shion is also showing a small tiger teeth, biting the shoulders of Sasuke, but this time, her movements are a lot softer, afraid of biting Sasuke, but leaving a shallow trace on it.

Outside the sound-bearing village base, the big snake pill and the pocket are waiting for Sasuke here. Not long after, their goal was to appear in the forest.

"Sasuke, you are finally back..."

The big snake pill looked at Sasuke in front of him and found that his spirit was gradually condensed into one, faint, and a dangerous atmosphere was uploaded from Sasuke, which was very uncomfortable. Obviously, the strength of Sasuke has improved.

Perceived Saskatchewan's Chakra, the big snake pill gaze, the heart is really terrible, just a few days gone, the strength has been raised to this step, read, my plan has to be long-term.

"Don't come innocent..." Sasuke's mouth was light, and he looked at the two in front of him with ease. He said, "I didn't expect you to come out to meet me personally. It's an honor..."

At this time, standing next to the big snake pill, said: "Sasuke adults, Da Shemaru knows that the news you are coming back is ready, specifically waiting here."

"Oh? Then I-->>, the fastest update to the latest chapter of One Piece's bounty system!

I was really flattered. Sasuke looked at the pocket behind the big snake pill. At this time, the latter was watching him. He smiled at Sasuke, and the thin glass lens flashed a white light. With his look, the gloomy face looked very good. Surprising, I don’t know what kind of intrigues are being prepared.

For pockets, Sasuke is a headache. Knowing that he is a time bomb is like a lurking snake. It is chilling, but Sasuke can't move him. If he kills his pocket, the Naruto world will undergo irreversible changes. The Naruto story will also be more unpredictable.

Under various reasons, Sasuke had to suppress the killing in his heart. If you don’t have a trace of your eyes, Sasuke’s heart is dark, let you live for a few more years.

Later, Da Shemao noticed the asters behind Sasuke and asked: "Sasuke, is she the witch of the Ghost Country?"

"Yeah." Sasuke nodded, and he waved at the back of the Aster. "Aster, he is the big snake pill, the manager here."

After receiving the call of Sasuke, Aster walked to Sasuke's side and made a slight stance to the big snake pill. The guest said: "The big snake pill, first meet."

"Aster? It's a lovely witch..."

The big snake pill was not serious at this time. He licked his tongue and showed curiosity in his eyes. He said that the witch, the character of the snake, was the first time he saw it. He wanted to know what the witch had. Under the meaning, the big snake pill licked the long tongue and made a move of the snake.

Being watched by the big snake pill, Aster felt like a man on his back, especially his evil smile, which almost made the Aster heart tremble.


Subconsciously, Ziyuan shrunk and regained her body. She hid behind Sasuke again and avoided the examination of Dashen Pill. The curious eyes made her unnatural.

Sasuke is very helpless for the performance of the big snake pill. He knows that the big snake pill is a scientific madman. He is very curious about some fresh things. He saw the big snake pill looking at the eyes of the asters. Needless to say, he is playing the idea of ​​the asters.

"The big snake pill! Please put away your disgusting look!"

Sasuke snorted and blocked the sight of the big snake pill looking at the asters. The body flashed a purple thunder, and the powerful momentum oppressed the big snake pill.

Under the gas field of Sasuke, the big snake pill is condensed in the air, and there is a heavy feeling like a and the pocket behind the big snake pill is a pair of legs, under the pressure, It turned out to be a few desires to fall to the ground!

Immediately, the big snake pill also condensed Chakra. During the chaos of Chakra, it gradually resisted the pressure of Sasuke. He fixed his mind and said: "Sasuke, don't be nervous, I am not malicious... ”

Said, the big snake pill retracted a slightly disgusting gaze, and concentrated on the purple chakra filled with the power of the devil.

"The best, in front of me, you better not show a disgusting expression, otherwise!"

The next moment, Sasuke smiled, and the purple light chakra formed by the chakra field suppressed all the space, and the bright purple brilliance was full of ruin.

At this time, the big snake pill can no longer resist the pressure of the purple chakra, the whole body of the chakra constantly fluctuating, under the pressure of the devil's power, the big snake pill only feels that the chakra in the body is disintegrating and disappearing, the evil chakra It is impossible to resist the erosion of the power of the devil!

The face of the big snake pill is paler. He wants to condense Chakra's resistance from the soul, but finds that his chakra is gradually disappearing, but it seems to be purified.

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