One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 314: Festival

The man is going out to check out. Behind him, the daughter in the small bedroom also ran out, followed by his father, and his little head curiously explored the window.

They saw that there was a fireworks spreading in the distance, the gray smoke smothered the sky, and the air was filled with a strong smell of sulfur.

The continuous explosion, the shouting crowd, like the wounded beasts, flee everywhere, and the streets are full of panicked people.

The ground trembles, the black steel grenade falls in the air, the huge roaring sound, the fire is shining, the thin shock wave carries the sharp iron piece to break through the air obstruction, the whistling is continuous, the crack is four, just for a moment, it is to make the surrounding piece ruins.

The house was dumped, the wood and stone rolled down, the shrapnel flew, and the dense and powerful attack, the people who had no strength in the hands of the chicken fell down, the whole body was covered with scars, huge cracks, **** red limbs, gorgeous, continuous The innocent life has passed away.

The air whistling constantly, a group of airborne low-flying dive, grenades falling, machine guns, they deliberately destroy everything in the wood leaves, in the endless roar of explosions, they are more and more excited, for this moment they waited for a long time, now finally Achieved.

"Finally, finally revenge!"

The air-bearing face was so stunned that the masks that were blocked were deformed. They couldn’t help but tremble with excitement, their eyes flashed, and their hearts were arrogant. "Kill it, the pigs and leaves of the wood leaves, repay the crimes you committed. Ah, haha, you also have this moment, our country, our souls! Their hatred, now finally reported!"

It seems that the power of such an attack is not enough, and the air force has begun to mobilize their newly developed weapons, electromagnetic guns!

The attacking aircraft slowly appeared, the giant muzzle of twelve centimeters, the deep black hole, the powerful force shining in the accumulator, the thunderbolt, the electromagnetic squeaking, under the control of the ninja, the violent thunder was turned into everything. Powerful electromagnetic storm.


The loud noise carried through the clouds, the ground trembles, and the cobweb-like cracks spread to the distance in an instant, the dust and fog filled, the powerful electromagnetic storm rolled up the sound of the sky, and the horrible roaring electric field condensed into the blue arc.

After all, the dust settled, everything in front of it began to be clear, the original tall building was turned into powder, the ground was blown up by huge potholes, and the remaining arcs continued to shine in the potholes.

Seeing their masterpieces, the airless eyes reveal the cruel color, they can be sure that this hit, the electromagnetic gun at least let hundreds of wood leaves people become gray fly.

The airborne massacre continued, and the sudden attack made the leaves unprepared, and the airbearers occupied the commanding heights of the air, and the ordinary ninjutsu could not attack them. Under this circumstance, the air tolerance is even more unscrupulous, so that their self-confidence is infinitely magnified, and their next goal is even hit the Huo Ying Building!

In the violent electromagnetic roar, the air smirked and pointed the gun at the Huo Ying Building, and the thunder flashed, and their faces were reflected.

In an instant, the powerful electromagnetic gun burst out, and the blue torrent flood will destroy the Huo Ying Building into an ashes.

At this time, in the whistling sound of Lei Guang, there was an ethereal female voice, which suddenly came and vanished.

"Hail. Ice mirror guard..."

"Hail. Ice mirror guardian!"

The woman’s voice suddenly sounded, and the air on the aircraft looked down to the sound source, but on the dome of the Huo Ying Building, a black-haired woman appeared there.

When the voice falls, there is a strong convection in the air, and the blue Chakra condenses and flickers, but it makes the water molecules between the heavens and the earth resonate.

The air is twisted and the cold current is bursting. It is almost an instant. Hundreds of ice mirrors with strong coldness are condensed. When the electromagnetic gun has not fallen, it forms an impenetrable ice cover. protection.

All of this fell into the eyes of a group of people. At that moment, they suddenly wanted to laugh. They laughed at the idiots of Muye Ninja. Under the mask, their expressions became more and more embarrassing. "Trying to compete with human and murderous electromagnetic guns?" Hey, then annihilate in this electromagnetic roar..."

Suddenly, the air is forcing the trigger, blinking time, the huge blue electromagnetic burst out, destroying the dead, almost to turn everything on the ground into ashes.


In the airless cruel low noise, the electromagnetic gun eventually hit the ice mirror.

In an instant, the air bursts, the blue arc fills the field of view, the ionizing neutrinos vibrate, the water vapor is diffuse, the ice mirror trembles, the thunder and the roar, the two forces collide and bang, and the blast wave that erupts makes the airborne body on the aircraft unsteady.

Kankan stabilized his body, and his eyes turned to the Huo Ying Building. Everything that happened in front of them made them stunned. The crystal ice mirror was unharmed, the ice blue air condensed and turned, and under the sunlight, the ice mirror formed. The shield is indestructible!

Seeing all this, the air bears an incredible roar, "Impossible! This kind of thing..." The air is very shocking The moment is to pull the trigger, in an attempt to launch the next time Electromagnetic gun.

However, their actions ended, and the woman’s voice sounded again, but it was like the sound of death.


The empty laughter came to an abrupt end. In the gaze of fear, they saw that the surrounding space was suddenly stagnant, and the strong ice scent enveloped the space, almost making their body tremble, under the inexplicable fear. The movements in the hands are also a bit slower.

Space vibration, ice blue Chakra cyclone condensation, the water molecules in the air are all in the hands of the woman.

"Ice breaking lotus!"

In an instant, dozens of long ice dragons appear in the sky, like miracles, the image of the ice dragon is prepared, and the imposing momentum is oppressed, causing all the air to be scared.

Do not give the air to react to the time, the huge ice dragon is whistling and plundering to the air, almost to devour all the air to endure.

Seen in a thousandth of a second, the control of the electromagnetic gun can be overwhelmed, without hesitation, with the help of a **** support in the heart, even if it is dead, he will take the leaves. Ninja's life!

"Do you still want to resist?"

The woman's thin lips are lightly opened, and the painted eyebrows are slightly stunned, which is to manipulate the ice dragon and slam into the electromagnetic gun that will be launched.


When the electromagnetic storm was not launched yet, the huge ice dragon formed the mouth of engulfing, and swallowed the air into the stomach. The next moment, in a dull roar, I saw the ice crack in the body. The blue arc instantly poured out, and under the diffuse electromagnetic, the ice dragon almost broke.

After all, the electromagnetic storm disappeared in the belly of the ice dragon, and the overflowing lightning arc was completely resolved in the cracking sound of the ice dragon.

"It's too strong... so terrible..."

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