One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 316: Festival

Smog, white one.......

Above the island, the wreckage is broken, and the battles that have been destroyed are destroyed here. This is the site of the empty country.

Many years ago, Muye and the country of the air fought, and with the cooperation of the Uchiha and the Chiba, the empty country that threatened the stability of the world was erased from the map of the world, except for the people of the empty country who were forced into exile. Everything here was destroyed, civilization, political power, army, all life, all in the battle to be ashes.

In the jungle, the rustling of the rustling sands is faintly visible, and two people are already visible in the faint mist.

Gradually close, you can see that the coming person is an old man who needs to be white, and his side is a woman with a slightly darker skin. The woman’s appearance is not good, and she can even describe it with ugliness, especially a black scorpion on her left face. More strange.

The woman is like a follower, carefully following the old man. From her gaze, it can be seen that respect for the old man is a kind of respectable teacher.

Before the wreckage broke, the old man took a breath, apparently because he was physically weak because of a long road trip. "This body is really useless...." The old man laughed and laughed at the woman behind him. : "Amaru, come over."

"Is it finally? Shennong master."

When the woman came forward and looked at the vicissitudes of the vicissitudes of the vicissitudes of life, she said to Shennong: "Master, is there really a legendary relic here?"

"Of course there is..."

Shennong glanced at Amaru and said: "This is the relic of the empty country. Although it has not fallen, it has left something, something to prepare for revenge."

"That is......"

Amaru is very curious, although she knows that Shennong is a survivor of the country of the air, but Shennong never told her about the remains of the empty country.

"What you will see..."

Shennong smiled a little and ignored Amaroo. He walked straight to the high platform in front and followed the ladder to the inside of the relic.

Amaru was surprised to see the action of Shennong Ma, "How suddenly the master's actions have become so swift."

At the moment of her hesitation, Shennong has already gone far.

"Master, wait for me..."

Amaru called, immediately ran to climb the steps, followed his master into the ruins.


In the vast sea, five ships floated quietly above the deep blue sea, like a steel fortress.

The coastline, a piece of coconut grove, the sound of the emptiness came, the five figures appeared quietly here, it was Kakashi and his party.

Kakashi poked his head from behind the bunker, stared at the five ships on the sea, waved his hand, greeted a pale-skinned man, lowered his voice, and said, "Saku, here you can fly, attack only. At that time, the air will be handed over to you, and you can't let any one escape."

Sakai nodded blankly and replied: "Understand." Then he retired and stood by, his movements were not dragging his feet, and the daring temperament of the sergeant made Kakashi nod.

"I really don't want to be a member of the group. The quality of the dark part is not the same as that of the ordinary ninja." Kakashi screamed and immediately issued an order to the three people in the seventh class. "White, you are responsible for the siege, with a wide range of hail." The attack controls the enemy, Naruto, Sakura, and the two of you cooperate with me to take charge of the attack. Whether the success of this mission is related to the safety of Konoha, do you understand?"

"Yes, Teacher Kakashi."

Naruto nodded in unison, they knew the importance of this mission, as long as it can eliminate the air here, Konoha will never be attacked by air.

"Very good." Kakashi nodded and was very satisfied with the performance of the seventh class. Then he said: "Although Sasuke left, I believe that your ability and mission are important, but you must pay attention to protecting yourself. Once there is any sudden danger, retreat immediately!"

"Yes, Teacher Kakashi."

Finally, under Kakashi’s orders, they began a raid, aiming at the airbearing that was parked on the sea.

Naruto bears the brunt of it, as a bait to attract air and attention, but sees his body plundering, almost in the blink of an eye, not far from the ship, slamming, huge wind and spiral spiral quickly condensed, it is true. Windy. Spiral shuriken!

Naruto's right hand trembled, and immediately, the blue-and-white whirlpool was like a comet, and the meteor rushed to the middle of the ship.


Under the huge tremor, the ship hit by the real. Wind Spiral Sword was unbroken. Finally, in a huge bang, the ship's power system collapsed, and in an instant, the fire was over the sky.

In one hit, the airborne squadron of the garrison ran out like an ant, and was about to see what was going on, but it was a white hail that greeted them.

"Ice. Frozen front!"

Between the breaks, the white seal has been completed, the blue Chakra communicates the energy of the heavens and the earth, and the vast sea area is filled with a strong ice flow. Under the increase of the heart of the ice crystal, the calm sea surface suddenly forms a thick ice layer. The square is full of ice, and the huge icicles spring up like clouds.

"this is......"

The air stunned and looked at the sudden appearance of the icicles, but saw that the icicles continued to spread to the ship at a very fast speed.


Air forbearance immediately ordered the sailors to turn the ship, but it was too late, and the endless icicles came instantly, like a dragon, to swallow all the ships.


The first collision sounded, less than a second, the huge shock was like a raindrop, and the tremor of terror spread like the sound of death.

Hey! Hey! Hey! ......

The inexhaustible icicles easily pierce the weakness of the ship. The sharp ice slams through the air on the deck, the blood flies, and sprinkles on the crystal icicles. The blossoming **** petals.

"Flash! Run away!"

"Ah! No, this **** icicle!"

"I can't stop it!"


Seeing that his companions were pierced, empty and forbearing eyes widened, the intense fear spread into the crowd of death, shouting, shouting, completely without the order and calm of the past.

In order to save his life, the air escaped and fled, and in the huge tremors, people continued to fall. The next moment, the icicles broke open the deck, and the sharp ice thorns instantly penetrated the human body.

Where the ship is broken, the hail strength continues to wreak havoc, the shining ice is condensed, the glazed ice crystals, the petals of the past bloom quietly, the leaves are separated, and the ice thorns burst into flames.

Puff puff!

Like the arrow rain, the stream is constantly flowing, cut open, cut off the bones and muscles, the limbs are cracked, the chest is open, the blood-colored organs are scattered all over the ground, the lightning rain is devastating to the human body, the harvest is general, and more than a dozen airbearings are dismembered. The frozen deck is full of flesh and blood.

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