One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 319: Festival

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In the whistling sound, the empty trajectory of the behemoth is jetted, and the fluid engine provides powerful power, which spans a distance of 100 meters in an instant.

The empty track, the large crystal plane, a woman wearing a walker's costume is soft and soft on the ground, her hands and left leg are broken, the chest is broken open, the face is blue, the pupil is enlarged, and the convex eye shows her I suffered a lot from my life.

She is Amaru. When Shennong liberated the zero tail from her body, because the power was too large, she even shocked her chest directly, and finally returned to heaven.

Until the death, Amaru still couldn't believe what happened to her. Shennong, her master, killed the loved ones for the so-called power. This kind of thing is really unacceptable.

Perhaps, as Amaru said, "The distant dream has long been fragmented." Her dreams, everything she has, have been turned into illusions in the separation of heart. After all, everything is just a dream. ....

Above the throne, the cold steel touched the skin, and the chill of the bones came.

Crystal Palace, everything is cold and lonely, when he personally killed his apprentice, Shennong hesitated, he saw Amaru's tears, saw the flash of hope in Amaru's eyes.


The voice of Shennong sounded faintly, and it was transmitted far from the iron throne. There was an inexplicable bleakness in the empty palace.

I finally achieved this step, and finally took control of the empty track, but also lost a lot...


The deep jungle, the white figure appeared in the broken wall, it is from the sound of the village to find the Shennong Sasuke.

"Has you left?"

Sasuke felt the powerful atmosphere that had not disappeared, and it was the direction in which Shennong left. It was the village of Muye.

"Sure enough, it is to avenge the wood leaves, Shennong, I did not expect your movements to be so fast, although some trouble, but ... even if you want to destroy the leaves, it can only be me, no one wants to I shot before!"

Did not stay here, Sasuke will chase up, he must solve the Shennong before the arrival of Muye Ninja!


The realm of emptiness, knowing the sky.

The whistling sound of the empty air became a torrent of wind. In an instant, the trajectory of the air was a hundred meters. After all, in less than an hour, the trajectory of the air reached the sphere of influence of the country of fire.

"Is it finally?"

The voice of Shennong was faintly heard, and it echoed for a long time in the wide hall.

Looking at the icon above the holographic image, Shennong got up from the Iron Throne and stepped down the high platform. The footsteps of the scorpion swayed out in the crystal plane.

Before arriving at the body of a woman, Shennong stepped a little and squinted and saw the situation in which Amaru died.

The familiar face was already stiff, the pale body was blue, the blood had condensed, the red and black blood was like a mottled oil, and the end was outlined as a sharp mark.

The sharp black and red as the arrow pierced the eyes of Shennong, and the mottled color made his already corroded mind suddenly tremble.


Shennong’s voice is a little dry, although there is no emotional fluctuations in calmness, but one of them can still be experienced.

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Bsp; Shennong's lips moved, the old face appeared shallow and lost, after all, under a sigh of sigh, he resolutely passed the body of Amaru.

"If there is an afterlife, I will repay the guilt of this life, Amaru, I hope not to hate me..."

Through the Crystal Palace, within the narrow passage, the back of Shennong seems to be a bit sad, although the old body does not have the slightest disease, but at this time it is a little faltering.

"The country of the air, my country."

Shennong looked around the murals inside the corridor, depicting the living conditions of the people of the empty country. Looking at it, Shennong’s eyes were blurred.

Familiar memories came at a time. At that time, he was only a child, his mother's love, his father's love, and he was in the honey pot. He didn't know what to worry about.

However, everything changed overnight. Wood leaves launched a counterattack, and the Air Force struggled to resist. Although they had advanced technology and had a unique air force, they faced the union of Uchiha and Thousand Hands. Their strength is still not enough. Even if they exhaust their national strength, they will still be defeated.

Since that World War I, the empty country was destroyed, all civilizations were burned, the people, the country, all of them turned into gray, leaving only some ruins and broken walls, and the trajectory of this empty space.

After all, Shennong came to a secret place, here is the power room of the empty track.

Stopping, Shennong looked up, but saw the blue light curtains continually shining. In the giant inverted bell mouth, a dark shadow floated up and down, surrounded by various straws, and the energy of the small stocks poured out from the shadows. Then, it was accommodated by the straw, and it turned into a little bit of brilliance disappearing in the power furnace.

Looking at the dark monster inside the down clock, Shennong’s mouth is light, and the old face looks a bit spiritual at the moment.

"Zero tail, how is my request for your consideration?"


At this point, the monster in the bell-shaped object was clear and a few points. You can see that the worm's general body, the dark skin, the mouth device poke out ten tentacles, and the greasy mucus splashes a little yellow liquid on the barrier. .

"Human, your conditions are too harsh, I can't promise."

In the face of the zero-tail rejection, Shennong was anticipating, and he naturally knew that it was not easy to let the zero-tailed willingly surrender to himself.

Later, when Shennong’s words turned, he said, “I remember that you were created by an ancestors of our empty country. It can be said that the empty country has created you, the zero tail, after such a long time, Is your feelings about the country of emptiness so dying?"

"Empty country?" The zero-tailed tone is The ones you said are too far away, and the country of the air has long been annihilated. The country of the air is only in memory for me. ”

"Zero tail!"

Shennong approached the seal, and Hong Sheng said: "Although the country of the air has been destroyed, the people of the country of the air have not disappeared. We have survived and survived. In order to revenge, in order to regain the country, we have tolerated too. For a long time, I finally found the empty track, and the hope of returning to China is in sight."

Shennong looked at the humanized cheeks of the zero tail, and did not retreat because of its prominent mouthwash. "Zero, I represent all the people of the empty country to pray for you, we really need your help."


The ten tails and ten tentacles gently sway, and the human face is floating on the color of thinking.

For a while, the zero-tail compromised, and then promised Shennong’s petition. "Well, I promised here, providing all the power, supplying the empty track, and..."

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