One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 338: Festival

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In the thunder, the faint yellow between the heavens and the earth was broken, the purple thunder continued to spread, and the thing hidden in chaos finally showed its figure.

The face of the cockroach, the giant body that grows up to a hundred feet, is like a snake-like brilliance scale, and the horn-like substance born at the top of the head is a white dragon.

The roar of the sky, the white dragon circling, carrying infinite power to make the sky dim, one of the condensed, swooping, it is necessary to completely swallow Sasuke.

The dragon is fierce and hardly responds to Sasuke.

call out!

The dragon is like a white lightning, and the body of Baizhang is coming!

Feel the powerful pressure, Sasuke's heart is free to turn, and the body shape flashes between the millennium.


The tremors of the earthen trembles, and I saw the rift of the vast land, which turned out to be a large cave that was widened by a hundred meters.

In the distance, the form of Sasuke, who escaped a blow, was able to stabilize. With the empty mark, he suspended the air and took a look at the destroyed land. The three-necked writing wheel automatically opened.

One hit, the white dragon roared, and the big head turned over. The bronze bells spurred the flames of the eyes, and Sasuke, who stared at the sky, spoke.

"I am good at this situation, die!"

In an instant, the great Longwei excites and forms a white storm that makes this space tremble.


The surrounding space was surging, and under the influence of Longwei, the air of Zhoutian was instantly evacuated, and a virtual dragon image that appeared four or five times larger appeared behind Bailong. The mighty power would flood the whole space.

Immediately, the white dragon once again attacked Sasuke, like a white lightning.

The dragon screams, the dragon stalks, and the white dragon's offensive is extremely fierce. For Sasuke, this singer is unambiguous, almost to kill him completely.

"What a damn!"

Once again, he escaped the attack of Bai Long, and Sasuke snorted. He knew that this dragon was the guardian spirit of this magic wheel mirror. The fairy tales of Longdi Cave were hidden in the white dragon body.

"As long as you kill you, the fairy technique is mine."

In the mind, Sasuke made a decision. He wanted to kill the dragon and kill the **** white dragon with the power of the devil.

Immediately, the assistants condensed the purple thunder, the thunder snakes mad, and the power of the thunder condensed in it was almost suffocating.

At this time, the attack of the white dragon is also here. When the cloud is surging, it is the **** mouth of the open mouth, almost devour everything.

Sasuke did not evade, and ran straight up. The Thunder became more and more violent, and the blood red three-hook jade written in the round eyes showed his strong confidence.


Sasuke whispered, and when he was close to the white dragon, the high-speed body technique suddenly appeared, but it appeared behind the white dragon.

All this happened only in an instant, Bai Long only saw Sasuke's figure suddenly disappeared, the next moment, it felt the violent Thunder cover its body.

Bai Long turned his head and looked at it, but he saw the thunder of the assistant in the assistant suddenly skyrocketed and turned into a purple Thunder Dragon lightning.

Although the purple brontosaurus is smaller than the white dragon, the power contained in it is terrible, subconscious, and a sense of threat floats on the heart of the white dragon.

It’s just too late to resist.


Like a knife-cut tofu, the purple brontosaurus cuts the white dragon's body into two segments, and the hot red blood turns into a blood-colored flower that blooms in the air.

Under the faint sky, the **** flames are so dazzling.

"has it ended?"

Sasuke breathed a sigh of relief, and when he thought that the result was White Dragon, a madness came out suddenly from the **** flame.

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"Kid, don't be too proud!"

But in the **** flames, white light surging, accompanied by a burst of dragons, Bailong that broke into two pieces of the body miraculously began to heal.

Under the circumstance, the dragon's body was completely recovered, and almost no injuries were seen.

Seeing the performance of Bailong, Sasuke’s eyes were condensed, and his heart said, “It’s really a white dragon. It’s no wonder that no one has been able to successfully subdue it for centuries. This kind of resilience is simply undead.”

"But that's it."

Do not give Bailong the opportunity to take the initiative to attack, immediately, Sasuke's body shape plunged into the white dragon, the thunder and lightning in the hands, the more huge Chakra transformed into the power of the Thunder.

Like the phantom, Sasuke appeared on the top of the white faucet, and the left hand with lightning was straight to the dragon head.


The lightning broke through the air, and the purple thunder snake slanted out like a light curtain.


The Thunder barrier, the purple waterfall runs through the heavens and the earth.

The white dragon bathed in the thunder and light was deeply affected. The huge dragon head was directly bursting open, and the blood flies, and the powder is destroyed by lightning.

However, even with this blow, it is still impossible to destroy the life of Bai Long.

After Sasuke’s first strike was completed, he saw that the blasted flesh and blood quickly condensed, and it turned out to be a dragon head.

"Damn beast, I see you can be revived a few times!"

Sasuke vainly floats above the white dragon, and the hands are printed, and the purple brilliance of the whole body is flourishing. The huge force of the devil is tilted out.


The space on Sunday was oppressed. The water-like fluctuations spread and the next moment, a purple arrow about three feet long appeared quietly.

The arrow is purple, and the force of the demon around it is constantly figurative, forming a little purple lightning around the arrow, and the sharp breath almost penetrates the space.

This shock is absolutely purple, but this time it is an enhanced version, at least five times stronger than the original purple pole.

"The purple is extremely scattered, and the thousands of illusions are extinguished, annihilating in the flame of purple!"

Suddenly, the purple eclipse that squashed the power of horror and demons broke out.


As the boiling water rolls, the space where the purple poles fall is oscillated, and the horrible broken arrow instantly penetrates the body of the white dragon.

The scales are broken and the flesh is blurred.


The white dragon made a roar, and there was pain and incredulity among them. It felt that his life scent was constantly weakening.

"Damn human!"

The white dragon roared and roared, but could not stop the erosion of the body by the power of the devil.

Less than three interest The power of the devil has eroded the soul of Bailong, the unbearable pain of the soul makes it worse than death.

Looking at Sasuke, who is still floating in the sky, Bai Long’s eyes are filled with strong hatred, why he will lose to this human!

Bailong, who is the guardian of the spirit wheel mirror, will never admit such a thing.

Bai Long’s life is weaker. He wants to continue to attack at this moment, but he finds that his body strength is lost. Under the huge pain, he can’t stabilize his body shape and he will fall from the sky.

"Is it dead? Hate!"

After all, after a sorrow, Bai Long’s body burst into flames, and the scattered flesh and blood dyed the space into a red color.

After this piece of red, it was a white light rising from the sky, and a scroll-like thing was suspended in the air.

Seeing the scroll of the sky, Sasuke’s heart jumped. He knew that this scroll was what he was looking for.


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