One Piece Bounty System

Chapter 81: The most absurd invitation in history

"What's wrong? You guys, what are you looking at?" Dibaru touched his smooth cheeks. Before he finished thinking, he was already very abstract. Now he must be recognized by this guy and the affiliates. I am.

"Head!" The black-faced fisherman looked at the handsome Debaru, and snorted, incredulously said: "Head, you are handsome! Become super handsome!" Two fishmen next to you, At this time, I also reacted and brought a mirror to Dibaru with the black fisherman.

Dibaru reached out and took the mirror that he had handed over. I thought about you guys. If you dare to lie to me, I will make you look good. But when he saw himself in the mirror, Dibaru's eyes were straight.

"This ~ this ~ this handsome guy is really Lao Tzu? Laozi ~ ~ ~ Laozi really, become so handsome?" Di Baru bite his lower lip and repeat, in addition to shock in the eyes is more joy. "I am getting handsome, and I am really handsome! Hahaha~~~~ Laozi has become a beautiful man."

"Bad man, you are the benefactor of my Debaru!" The handsome Debaru, with a pair of watery eyes, gratefully stood on the back of the black cow and looked up at Sanzhi and Luffy. He said sincerely: With this look, I will never feel inferior again. Yes, I am a handsome guy! What conditions do you want, I promise you all!!!"

At this time, a beautiful woman came out of the ship's warehouse, and was watching the skyrocket of this farce, and immediately became a face that was incredible: "Nami." Didn't he help him get the dragon? Unexpectedly, I was on the boat of Luffy!

Although I didn’t have the income of Naomi at that time, it was because I had a great love for the group in the past, and I couldn’t bear to tear them down. However, he also knew in his heart that with his own intervention, it would be possible for Nami to encounter Luffy again. I did not expect to be on the Luffy boat. It’s amazing! Is the aura of this protagonist irreversible?

When Tian Lei was still in the leg law of YY Shanzhi and the appearance of Nami, the brain suddenly appeared in the system text [叮! Piracy and genuine encounter, the quest for piracy and genuine battles of the branch line, the task reward, Luo Luoya Sauron genuine one-way flow! 】

For a long time, there was no system text, and it scared the thunder. After reading it, Tianlei whispered, the system you come out to make fun! Luo Luo Ya Suolong genuine knife flow? It seems that I have to reveal my face.

"Hey! Nami, I didn't expect to see you here! You mean let me catch you! Or let me not catch you! Let me be so embarrassed!" Tianlei immediately made a noise, a serious look The appearance, began to joke, Tianlei naturally will not catch Nami.

"God! No!!~~~ Really is him!" Hearing this familiar voice, he immediately knew that he had met an old acquaintance. Namei's face was excited, her eyes immediately reddened, and she shed tears in a while.

Roroya Sauron: "Well? Actually, I didn't find this person coming, so strong!" Both hands could not help but grasp the hilt.

This is a flower mad anger: "You, who are you! Actually dare to catch my family's Nami! Do you want to die?"

When Usopp and Choba saw Tianlei immediately, they hugged them together. They said in horror: "The sea ~~~ the navy appeared!" Then he said: "Even if you are a navy, I will not let you bring It’s still a panic, but it’s full of firm determination.

Luffy angered directly: "Damn, but also to take my companion, this time is Nami? I decided not to let you get punished, look at my rubber machine gun." Unfortunately his fist has not been played He has already been beaten by the more violent Nami.

On the head of Luffy, he immediately got a big bag. When he looked at Nami with a grievance, he didn’t understand that he was not helping her. How can I still fight myself!

Naomi said to Tianlei: "I am very happy to see you again~~~~ ah? Lieutenant? You are already a lieutenant?" Namei is an incredible face, this has not seen for a few years! This is also rising too fast!

The crowd exclaimed: "Lieutenant?" At this time, all the talents saw the rank of Tianlei. Before they saw that Tianlei was very young, they didn't care much.

Tianlei smiled and said: "Your sister, Noki Gao, is already a colonel. I am still a Brigadier General. It is too faceless!"

The crowd exclaimed again: "Sister?"

Yamaji Limafei came to the same place, and Nami’s side, and opened the mother’s flower idiot: “Nami Sang! You still have a sister, you must be as beautiful as you! Introduce it to me!”

Nami directly rewarded a fist in the past, and when the anti-mountain rule was over, KO was on the ground.

Tian Lei’s bright smile: “Nami, how about going to my naval base? Just see your sister.” Tianlei issued the most absurd invitation ever. The Navy asked the pirates to sit on the bus. It was absolutely unprecedented for the unbelievers. The most speechless, the pirates agreed without thinking. When Nami can hear it, the sister she hasn’t seen in a few years, where is the other! I agreed directly.

Both Usopp and Choba felt bad, and the cold sweat on their faces came down. They said, "We are going to the naval base? We are going to be caught!"

Thunder and Lu Feidao: "I have a lot of meat! Please eat how, oh! There is no good wine to drink!"

Just now, Lu Fei, who had a tangled face, immediately glared, and said with Roroya Sauron, who had previously held the knife: "Let's go!"

Franci, Brooke, and Sanji, looking at the two, couldn't help but say: "This attitude is changing too fast!"

Thunder again said: "Hey! Nami's sister, Noki, is so beautiful, can't resist!"

The eyes of Sanji once again turned into two loves, and shouted in excitement: "Nokie Gao! Miss Noki Gao! I am coming!"

This time Frankie and Brooke suddenly felt bad, Brooke: "How do I have a feeling that I have to be caught!"

Luo Bin was laughing at the side. She knew that Tianlei was not malicious to them, and she was not malicious to herself. Otherwise, she would not remind herself when she played Krokdal last time.

Soon, Thunder took a group of 9 people from the road to the door of the naval base. The naval soldiers immediately issued an alarm: "A straw hat is coming!"

Thunder's face immediately turned black, and a slap in the palm of the shouting people: "You didn't see that I brought them over? Shouting a fart!"

After a while, three people ran out, and they all knew, Mole, Dalmesia, and another lieutenant who was stationed here.

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