One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 356: Festival

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Immediately, according to Mei Ming, he talked about things in life.

"Because of the rush of time, your place of residence has not yet been determined. If you don't mind, you will be in the hotel for a few days. I will arrange these things as soon as possible."

"Well, we have no opinion."

Sasuke looked at the performance of several people in the Eagles team and immediately said: "After all, I have been wandering outside for a while, and I am used to living in hotels. The water shadow adults don't have to worry so much."

"No, these things still have to be done with responsibility. After all, you are the special person who came back from Wujiu Village. How can I be neglected?"

According to the beauty, I waved my hand and insisted on helping them to buy a place to live.

Sasuke sees the beauty of the meditation, it will give up, others are warm, can he refuse?

Later, after receiving the protection of the village of Wujiu Village, the Sasuke several people officially became the special ninja of the village of Wujiu, and only accepted the dispatch of the beauty.


It’s already a night to arrange some things. The night in Wujiu Village is similar to that in Muye Village. The same bustling, the same noisy, the pubs and casinos are full of people, and the nightlife begins.

In the hotel, Sasuke and his wife each went to the room where they were arranged in the beautiful place.

More than eleven, Sasuke heard that the door was knocked and opened the door, but it was asters.

"what happened?"

Sasuke looked at Shion very strangely and didn't know what she had.

"Know your knowledge. Did you promise me during the day?"

I was reminded by Shion that Sasuke was a little embarrassed. "I think you are too tired today. I think you need to rest, so I didn't go looking for you."

"Don't lie to me."

Ziyuan Yu sat on the bed of Sasuke and looked at the latter with a questioning look. "I think you are confused by the fox who is beautiful. Hey, the purpose of joining the village is mainly because of her."

The words of Shion gave Sasuke a sudden lack of tension. "How can it be that the medicine can be eaten indiscriminately? If you can't talk about it, we are the first time to meet. That is simply impossible."

"What is impossible."

Asters licked his mouth and secretly said: "I have seen..."

"What do you see?" Sasuke had some doubts. Since the encounter with the beauty, Asters has been chanting this sentence, and the way it is done makes Sasuke know why.

"It's nothing."

The asters misunderstood and immediately shifted the topic. "Do you really want to stay in the fog-bearing village in the future?"

Seeing the Ziyuan’s mouthfulness, Sasuke did not continue to entangle the things of the genius. “This is just a temporary place to stay. There are still many things in our place. We can’t stay here all the time. If there is no accident, I will still find a way. Back to Muye Village, after all, the roots of our Uchiha family are there."

"Reviving Uchiha is not so easy." Shion knows what Sasuke thinks. The shadow of Uchiha's family has been lingering in Sasuke's heart. He will never give up until he revives Uchiha.

"It is not easy to do it. This is my destiny and my responsibility."

Sasuke's tone is firm, and he will not be disturbed by other things. This is his long-cherished wish when he was seven years old. The recovery of Uchiha is also his most desired thing.

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p; saw the resoluteness of Sasuke's face, Shion slightly lost, gently got up, and Sasuke surrounded his waist.

"I also believe that you will achieve, Sasuke, you and my destiny are linked together. I have already seen it through prophetic techniques. So, no matter what happens in the future, I will not allow you to leave without permission."

When she said this, Shion’s tone was a little trembling. She worried that the scenes in her dreams appeared, worried, afraid, and knew that this was fate, but she tried to refuse the moment, if possible, Shion Really want to change it all.


Sasuke felt the guilt in the heart of Aster, the fear of facing the unknown, like the fear of death and despair.

"Don't worry, who can fully predict the future, no matter what you see, but believe what you said, 'Our destiny is connected.'"


Asters raised his eyes and tried to nod. A little crystal was shining in the night.

It was already at night, and after the beauty was sent away to Sasuke a few people, it resumed the normal life of the day.

Because of the help of a few people, the documents that have been used today have not been reviewed, and there are still a lot of book scrolls and the like on the desk.

Time passed, and when I finished reading the last document, it was already midnight.

After looking at the time, I said that I regretted it when I was beautiful. "I don't know if I am lazy in the morning. If I don't have enough sleep, I will get aging in advance."

Think of the word "aging", according to the beauty of the whitish color, she is most afraid of this thing, said that she is twenty-nine years old, is a young woman, if you do not pay attention to living habits, it is easy to produce a variety of skin And physiological problems.

After all, it is a strong woman, and she pays special attention to her own maintenance. Fortunately, she is practicing leeches, she will not be overly irritated, and the water property Chakra has a certain degree of antioxidant effect, for delaying aging. It is also very beneficial.

However, according to the beauty of the United States is still not at ease, and the more you want to be more and more afraid, immediately take out the vanity mirror, look at the mirror yourself.

As before, it is moist and lustrous, and it is as flexible as a new one, like a new peeling lychee, without any skin problems.

"Only a few days and nights every month should not have any problems. According to Mei Ming, I comforted myself and immediately left the office and prepared to go back to the bedroom to rest.

To put it bluntly, the daily bedroom in the beautiful office is also in the office building, which is a separate room. This is the intention of the United States to facilitate the usual work, if there is any urgent matter, it can also issue orders in the first time.

The interior is quite warm, it is a healthy orange color, but it also matches the hair color of the beautiful, the less dazzling light dispels the darkness, and the light and shadow casts the silence of the night.

Taking a bath before going to bed is good for delaying aging. This is not the case, so that a warm bath and a milk bath will become a favorite thing.

The net stockings and the blue low-cut dress were fading, and the white body of the bumpy and convex body was filled with healthy colors under the dim light. It was played in front of the floor mirror for a while, and it was only after entering the bathroom.

According to the beauty test, I tried the water temperature, and I felt that it was appropriate to remove the only shyness from my body. This is completely a jade body. After all, it is a mature woman. All aspects of the body have already developed a long way. To describe, it is the stalwart chest that can be distracted from the gravity of the heart.

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