One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 362: Festival

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Dida La can't think about other things, and immediately pull out the pain and no resistance.


The crisp metal strikes resounded through the clouds.

Dida's arm trembled slightly, although it blocked a sword from Sasuke, but the huge tremor could not be eliminated.

Didara hated it, his body shape changed, and his painlessness changed his mind, but he was straight and stabbed to Sasuke’s chest.

Sasuke has already opened the writing wheel at this time, and has long predicted the action of Dida La, and it is blocked when he is seven inches away from the chest.

"Your speed is too slow."

Sasuke smirked, the grasshopper sword micro-microwave movement, the endless force radiated out, but it directly shook Dida.

Immediately, Sasuke pursued and chased, and the grass and swords were innocent, and the dazzling cold light completely placed Didala in the sword.

The slamming of the swordsman continued to sound, and Dida La's in the sword was so unbearable. After all, one inch long and one inch strong, and that is that Didala could not bear the violent attack.

When the ghost made a difference, Didara revived again, and the slowness in his hand was defeated by Sasuke in his hands, and his defense was completely disintegrated.

Everything happened only for a moment. It was too late when Dida La came back. But I saw the grasshopper sword in the assistant's assistant suddenly condensed the thunder. In a flash, Lei Guangli stabbed Dida's right chest.



A little bit of blood splattered, and the severe tingling shrouded Dida's body and mind.


Dida pulled out the blood in his mouth, and looked at Sasuke with unwillingness. The blushing writing of the eyes was like a curse, and he wanted to pull him into the abyss of hell.

The memory that can never be forgotten emerges quietly. At that time, in the face of jealousy, Didala could not give birth to resistance, it is a fear of facing the gods.

Now, it is easily defeated by Sasuke, and the suppression of the strength makes Dida La's heart shock.

"How is it possible... Uchiha is a genius..."

Didara's eyes were more dizzy, and in the purple thunder, Sasuke in front of him was irresistible like Raytheon. In the face of that power, he could not make anything.

"I am not willing! Not absolutely reconciled!"

Suddenly, a suffocating rush from Dedara’s heart, he will never admit the fact that he was easily defeated by Sasuke.

"The explosion is the eternal art, and it’s time to write down the wheel!"

Didara screamed, and there was a snow flake at his feet. He looked away from the blade, and in the air, swallowed the explosive clay and sealed it in his hands.

"See my art! My art is eternal!"

Didara screamed to the sky, the body seal quietly untied, and immediately, powerful power swallowed his body, faintly visible, the body was broken like a porcelain, the glare of the light burst out, the black lines imprinted like a sign death.

"It turned out to be a self-destruction!"

Sasuke exclaimed, but he did not expect to force Didala to a dead end. If he was to show his explosiveness, everything would be ashes within a radius of ten kilometers.

In the heart of the fog, the safety of the people in the village, Sasuke immediately immediately sealed the hand, he must not let Didara show this trick.

Both Ddala and Sasuke are racing, to see who's print is completed first, and life and death are between the thoughts.

After all, Sasuke, who has a round of writing, is still on the verge, and the blue seal is fluctuating.

One hour before Dedara was about to blew himself, the irresistible yin and yang seals completely suppressed his self-destructive power.

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Suddenly, all the white light that broke out from Dida's body was suppressed back into the body, and the strange black lines quickly retreated like running water.

"my power......"

Dida La is incredulously screaming for Sasuke, his eyes are round and unwilling to pale as he is in the mood at the moment.

"Sure enough, I still haven’t surpassed Uchiha... I’m not willing...”

After all, the body of Dida, who had been cut off, slowly fell, and the snow shovel under his feet disappeared.

In the fall of gravity, Dida's body fell into the lake like a stone.

Didara died, and Sasuke went to the United States to remove the enchantment that protected her. The two then returned to the shore.

"Sasuke, you are really not simple."

Looking at Sasuke in the eyes of the United States, the latter, with the help of the seal to suppress the scene of Dida La’s self-destruction, she clearly saw that if she was, she could not cope with such a situation.

I was embarrassed to be looked at by the beauty. Sasuke avoided her sight and said, "You are also very powerful. Besides, I am now a person in your village, I don’t think you will have any imbalance. ""

"That is natural."

Zhao Mei smiled slightly, and the help on Sasuke’s face made her glimpse. My heart was teasing Sasuke, and immediately said, “You are indeed my person now. The stronger you are, the more happy I am.”


"Giggle, you are still shy, my sister won't eat you."

Zhaomei still wants to continue to tease, but at this time, Sasuke’s look is slightly changed, and he looks at it with vigilance.

"Who is it! Come out!"

Zhaomei was shocked and looked over there. It was faintly visible that a shadow was hidden in the canopy.

I dare to peek at the old lady here!

According to the beauty of the dark hatred, she hates the sneaky little devil, and then sighs: "Come out! Otherwise, I am rude!"

The threat of beauty is no effect, and the shadow is still hiding there, and there is no plan to come out.

Just as the beauty of the United States began to pull it out, Sasuke took the lead, but saw him take out the grasshopper sword, Jianhua rolled up, and the fierce sword spurted out.


The sword swelled, and the huge canopy of the umbrella was dismembered and the black shadow that was hidden in it fell to the ground.


The sound of the funny cry came out, Sasuke and the beauty of the eyes fixed, but saw that the man wearing a red cloud robe, wearing a vortex mask, clearly is the idiot of Dida.

Seeing the mask Sasuke was slightly surprised, but said: "A Fei? Why are you still here?"

This sentence of Sasuke makes the beauty of the beauty, the heart, they have already known?

"Oh, it hurts."

A Fei touched his ass, it seemed really painful, like a slow response, then asked: "Hey, how do you know my name, Uchiha's family."

Sasuke can't say that he knows it in comics. The mysterious way: "Nature is what Didala told."

"Didala actually sold me, hey, the predecessors are not reliable."

A Fei finally stood up straight and complained about Dida.

At this time, according to the beauty of the arm of Sasuke, whispered: "This guy looks very strange, always feel very wrong."

"Well, he is really weird." Sasuke said: "I am also confused about his true identity. Perhaps, what is hidden under this mask is a terrifying secret."

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