One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 368: Festival

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Immediately, Sasuke stepped on the foot and his body shape disappeared from the place. In a flash, the grass-scarred sword spread over the purple thunder and slammed into the heavenly road.

Sasuke's speed is very fast, and it is just three feet behind Payne. At this time, Payne's **** Luo Tianzheng is also completed.

The atmosphere stirred and the powerful vibration spread, but Sasuke’s body was directly shaken out, and it took three or four steps to stop.

"It’s really a **** god."

Sasuke gave a sigh of praise, and immediately, the body once again turned into a residual image, and plundered to Heaven.

The five-second cooling period has not yet arrived, and Payne has to use the black stick and Sasuke to attack melee.


Continuous collision, a little spark of annihilation under the purple thunder.

For three seconds, Tiandao Payne’s black stick and Sasuke’s grasshopper sword collided 17 or 8 times. Under the sharp sword, Tiandao Payne was forced to retreat seven or eight steps.

At this time, the cooling period of Shenluo Tianzheng also arrived. During the crash, Tiandao displayed the gods and the sky, and the powerful spiral airflow spread.

Tiandao Payne thought that the Shenluo Tianzheng would once again fly out of Sasuke, but the prospect of the eye was to make him look a bit.

I saw that Sasuke appeared in the purple barrier, but it completely blocked the impact of the **** Luo Tianzheng.

Under the two forces, Sasuke completely broke through the air layer of the **** Luo Tianzheng, as if it was into the uninhabited territory, the grasshopper sword of Sensen stabbed the neck of Tiandao Payne.

Between the millennium and the hair, Tian Dao Payne raised his black stick.


Once again, the metal strikes, but at this time Sasuke's grasshopper swordsmanship is much bigger, and the squatting down directly hits the black stick of Tiandao Payne to the ground.


The grasshopper sword is full of swords, and a sword full of cold light pierces the air, and at this moment, Payne’s five-second **** Luo Tianzheng has not yet reached the cooling period.

Will Tiandao Payne be defeated by Sasuke?

The darkness was amazed, but I did not expect that the strength of Sasuke was so good!

Just as the grasshopper sword was piercing the neck of the heavenly Penn, the sound of the metal broke through, and it was accidentally hit on the blade. The huge force made the grasshopper sword deviate from the original track.

Sasuke’s shot was blocked, and the god’s **** Luo Tianzheng was completed.

It was also a strong air tremor, and the Sasuke shells in the center of the vortex were shaken off. The strong force made Sasuke almost unable to control his figure.


Sasuke hit the wall behind him directly, and the cobweb-like crack spread.

This kind of attack did not hurt Sasuke, but the chest was slightly suffocated. When he returned to the field, he found that there was a figure on the other side. The paper butterflies flew, it was Xiaonan.

At the beginning, Xiaonan couldn't bear to fight with himself. He left the battlefield halfway and waited until he learned that he had died. He just dared to return. It coincided with Sasuke’s sword stabbing in the middle of the road, Payne’s shot, and a thousand copies of the success of the grasshopper sword.

At this time, Xiaonan and Tiandao Payne stood at the same time, facing Chakra secretly condensed, flying origami wrapped around the whole body, it seems to be to deal with Sasuke with Tiandao Payne.

"You really can see me."

Sasuke is not afraid of the two on the field, saying: "If this is the case, then I will be the active activity bones, come on, let me see the power of angels and gods!"

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Sasuke raised his hand in the grass and sword, pointed out by the sword, and burst out of chill.

Xiaonan and Tiandao Payne also shot, Payne melee, with the black stick and Sasuke to do the work, and Xiaonan bears the responsibility of remote output, wandering around, the origami flying in the hands, continuous origami bombs exploding around Sasuke .

Fortunately, Sasuke's body skills are exquisite, and there are enchantment bodyguards. The grasshopper sword and the black stick collide from time to time. The slamming swordsmanship is one after another, and the origami bombs only provoke a layer of shackles on the enchantment. As time passed, Sasuke was still relaxed and freehand under the joint attack of the two.

The battlefield stalemate, and stunned, Sasuke pulled away from the attack range of the two, but it was the seal of the hand.

I saw that Sasuke’s white brilliance suddenly thrived, and the ground trembled. A wave of fluctuations spread with Sasuke, and it spread from the inside of the building to the entire Yu Ren Village.

The next moment, the ground squirming, the white natural Chakra is constantly pouring into the Sasuke from the underground. For a moment, Sasuke's momentum has increased step by step, and it is still growing rapidly.

In the dark, I did not recognize the help of Sasuke, and I also refused to hide my figure, but it was subconsciously exclaimed: "It turned out to be a dragon sorcerer!"

Immediately, they arrived on the field and prepared to deal with Sasuke with them.

Finally, Sasuke's momentum is no longer growing. At this moment, Yingying Guanghua is constantly surging under the skin of Sasuke. His body is like a parasite of some kind of fierce beast, which makes people burst into horror.

"Yes, it is the Dragon Fairy."

Sasuke squatted on the three people on the field, his feet flashed white, and he continued to pick up the natural chakra from the ground. It can be said that as long as he stood on the ground, the natural Chakra in Sasuke will not be exhausted. In other words, Sasuke on land is invincible.

Knowing the power of Longhua, Absolutely Heavenly Paine and Xiaonan made the color. At this time, they also understand that in the face of Sasuke’s Sasuke, once it is opened, it is endless, and this battle is very likely. It will spread to the entire Yu Ren Village, and that kind of situation is definitely not what Tiandao and others want to face.

As a last resort, Tiandao Payne gave him the help of the stage, but also gave him his own stage.

"I didn't expect that you would have the Dragon Snake of the White Snake Fairy. I really can't think of it. Sasuke, we can't get any benefit from playing like this. It's better to take a step back and tell you the purpose of coming to Yuren Village. Let's stop here."

"My goal is not to come here to fight with you."

Sasuke slowly recovered the momentum, and the white light that broke out gradually subsided, and the ground began to return to normal.

See Sasuke's stop, Xiaonan and others also obey the letter of trust ~ ~ have withdrawn their posture.

"The purpose of my coming to Yuren Village is very simple. I just want to make a deal with you."

"Transaction?" Tiandao Payne said with no expression. "If it is detrimental to the trading interests of Yu Ren Village, then I will not talk about it. I don't have much time to spend with you here."

"This transaction will definitely not harm the interests of your Yuren Village." Sasuke said, "You are looking for three tails. It happened that I met a turtle in the country of water and took it down." ”

After hearing the three tails, Payne and Xiaonan looked at each other. Immediately, Xiaonan said: "Is it really three tails?"

"That is natural."

Immediately, Sasuke took the seal of the seal and untied a part of the seal. In an instant, a powerful chakra burst out, followed by a roaring roar.

"It’s really three!"

Tiandao Payne looked at the seal scroll in the assistant, and the dead eyes were eagerly cut.

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