One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 378: Festival

, the fastest update to the latest chapter of One Piece's bounty system!


On the court, the battle was in full swing, and suddenly, Tiandao Payne caught a flaw in Sakura, and immediately quoted in Vientiane, the powerful force instantly made Sakura fly out.

Sakura couldn't control her own movements. Under the power of Vientiane, she could hardly make any resistance.


When the sound of the air broke, Tian Dao Payne pulled out a black stick and pierced the heart of Sakura.

Sakura never felt that death was so close to her, she could only watch the black stick infinitely magnified in front of her eyes.

In an instant, Sakura thought of Sasuke and remembered the days behind Sasuke.

In the past, Sakura always sought the protection of Sasuke, and there was nothing to worry about hiding behind him. This kind of comfort made her very enjoyable.

Since the beginning of the game, Sakura has grown a lot, become self-improvement, and she knows that she can't be protected by Sasuke for a lifetime. All she can do is to constantly strengthen and gain recognition from others with her strong strength. In the end, I can stand with my loved ones, fight together, and experience all together.

"Sasuke, even if I have worked hard for so long, I still can't get enough power. Sorry, the vow to fight with you can't be realized..."

Sakura closed her eyes and she didn't want to see her dying.


Just when Sakura thought she was going to die, the harsh metal shock came into the ear and opened her eyes, just to see the scene where the black stick was shaken from the distance.

"who is it!?"

Was rescued, Sakura looked subconsciously to the ruins, only to see that there was no one, there was no such figure she expected.


In a ruin, Sasuke saw the master who was guarded by several ninjas.


Finally found the target, Sasuke hid in the dark, he knows that when Paine attacked the leaves, the hand will be in crisis, so it is specially arrived.

Sasuke used the mind to look at the situation of the hand, knowing that the hand was just coma, and the soul was not taken away by the Hell Road. At this time, Sasuke was relieved.

"Can't let her stay in the wood leaves."

After thinking about it, Sasuke decided to take the outline hand first and let the master hand disappear. In order to lead the group and others, he can only make the best decision.

Easy to subdue the wood leaf ninja, Sasuke holds the hand in the arms, and starts soft, the feminine feminine signs are perfectly revealed.

At this point, the outline of the hand is pale, although coma, but still can feel his situation, it seems to wake up.

After all, it is a princess, Sasuke can easily encounter some hidden areas of the hands, the kind of touch makes him feel in the heart.

After watching the glued battlefield, Sasuke sighs and apologizes, and immediately leaves here, and rushes to Yuren Village.


On the road, the scorpion that was closed by the hand finally slowly opened. The next moment, she immediately realized her situation, and she was actually held in her arms!

"Oh, who is so bold!"

Just as the master wanted to attack, the familiar voice was introduced into the ear.

"Aunt, I haven't seen you for a long time."


The outline hand was exclaimed, and looked up, but the person who was worried about it, although matured a lot, but the outline has been clear for a long time.

"Is it not me?"

Sasuke’s mouth was lightly swayed, and when he saw the expression of his hand, he suddenly felt very cute.

"Right! How is Koye Village?">, the fastest update to the latest chapter of One Piece's bounty system!


"Wuye Village?" Sasuke deliberately made a worried expression.

"how was it......"

The heart of the hand is tight, but it is subconsciously grasping the clothes of Sasuke.

"Wood leaves are no problem." Sasuke knows that the hands are worried about the leaves, and they don't make any noise. "You can rest assured that the wood leaves are destroyed once, but they are only shocked. Naruto will handle everything." ”


The key hand will be suspicious, and after a while I remembered a very important question: "How are you here?"

"I came here to save you, my aunt, let me go. Wood leaves are not the place you should stay now."

"Take me away?"

"Yes, don't you want to be with me?"

The heart of the hand jumped, and then turned around and avoided the burning eyes.

"Wuye Village needs me very much now. As a fire shadow, how can I withdraw at this moment, Sasuke, I will go back..."

At this moment, Sasuke is stubborn. "No! Konoha is very dangerous now, I can't let you go to death."

"So worried about me..."

The eyes of the hands were a little dizzy, and the head subconsciously leaned on the chest of Sasuke.

Smell the long-lost breath, the hands of the hands did not know what to say, Sasuke's heartbeat sound she clearly felt, very stable, very reassuring.

In Sasuke's arms, the master was surprisingly lazy and didn't want to think about anything else.

Being taken away from Muye Village, he was helpless, but he also tried to persuade Sasuke to return to Muye with her and resolve the crisis safely.

However, Sasuke’s heart has already made a decision. He will never return to Kosak before he kills the group. As a bargaining chip, he can’t return to Konoha.

Seeing that Sasuke is so stubborn, the director wants to get out of the way, but at this time there is no physical strength. What is more, she noticed that her Chakra acupoint was sealed by Sasuke.

"Sasuke! You let me go, I want to go back!"

In the heart of Muye Village, the master struggled in Sasuke’s arms and wanted to get out of his control.

"Do not let go, never let go!"

Sasuke controls the hands of the master. Even if she struggles, she can't get rid of the posture of 暧*昧. During the speech, the seal of the void quietly emerges, sweeping through the sky at a very fast speed, and getting farther and farther away from the leaves.



At this moment, the master remembered the scene four years ago. At the beginning, Sasuke was also like this, and the memory of the shame appeared.

The vague can also feel the kind of electric touch, and even she feels that her *slightly painful, seems to be being played.

"Oh... what happened to my body."

The hand was a little asthmatic, and a little red sputum floated on the cheek. I don’t know why. In Sasuke’s arms, her heartbeat began to accelerate, like a little deer madly colliding, and for a time it was a sin.

The lake heart of the hands has never been so instigated. After four years of precipitation, the emotions of the shackles are inscribed as imprints. The aunts meet again, and they happen to be held in a shy posture, and she feels it. The other's hands are stuck on the soft part of her chest and legs, it seems to be kneading...

"God, what is he doing, hateful... feeling more and more intense, this kind of thing... am I thinking about spring?"

When I think of the word "Thinking Spring", the hand is shy and angry, and the silver teeth are biting. "You must stop him. No, you can't continue this way!"

"Sasuke! Let me go, yours, where is your hand?!"

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