One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 392: Festival

The feet gradually became heavy, and the wind in the mountains gasped. I looked at the group in front of me and looked at the same sweaty woman who took the roots. This was the courage to say: "The group of adults, let’s take a break. Let's go."


The front group slowly slowed down, and the mountain strokes were in line with each other. They looked at the latter and shook their heads and said: "It’s normal to be physically weak in the desert. It seems that you have reached the limit. Let's rest."

"Yes! Adult!"

With the permission of the group, the mountain wind and the oil woman took a joy on the root surface, and they did not care for the image. They were lying on the sand with a glimpse of their bodies.

For the mountain wind and the oil female roots of the wave-shaped gangs, but he is very strict with the subordinates, but these two are his cronies, followed him for decades, the feelings are there, he is still very good for the two outgoing.

During this period of rest, the group was looking into the distance and seemed to be waiting for someone.

The wind in June was not as cool as it was, especially in the desert, where the hot air was blowing, and the yellow sand rolled up so that the dunes in the distance were immersed in a faint yellow.

The hot sand stuck to the skin. Spicy, sitting on the ground in the middle of the mountain, I was lucky enough to sit up and wipe the sweat from my face. "I am really going to do it with us?"

"how is this possible!"

The oil woman took a squat and stood up and said: "Now we are already an ally with the village, and it is impossible for Sasuke to tear the face and start with us. Is he going to be the public enemy of the world?"

"Who said that it would not be."

The left eye of the group became a line, and the half face covered by the bandage looked cold. "You are too small to see his obsession with Uchiha, even those who can kill his own brother, and What can't be done!"

"What! It's dead!"

The mountain wind screamed, and it was so powerful that it was killed!

Thinking of the death of the body, the group said with some regrets: "It’s a pity that a good piece, I put him in 'xiao' was originally bound to that person, surprisingly winning at a critical time. But now it seems that he It’s just a discard."

After all, I used to have a good relationship with the shackles. The mountain strokes and the oil women’s roots are indispensable to the feelings of the dead foxes in the rabbits. They can still remember the situation of carrying out the tasks, and the days of the brothers and sisters are gone forever...

After a quarter of an hour, the three continued to hurry, and the rush of inevitable suspicion of escape, but there is no way, the other situation is stronger than the people, can you still die and fight with him?

Exhausted, the group is also very wrong, for so many years, it is the first time so embarrassed, an old bone can not withstand the toss, he is very remorse at this moment, I knew that I had to send several dark parts to assassinate Sasuke. As a result, such a small scorpion animal was left, and the wings were hard, and it was necessary to take a bite.

There is no regret medicine in the world, and it is always necessary to come back to the mix. The group can only swallow the bitter fruit that he planted. At this moment, he only hopes to get back to the leaves as soon as possible. At that time, Sasuke will certainly not dare to take him.


After the group left and left, Sasuke bid farewell to the beauty, and chased it alone.

Zhao Mei knew what Sasuke was going to do. She didn't stop it. The life and death of the group had nothing to do with her.

Moreover, the murderer, the person will always kill. The same beauty who experienced the genocide incident knows the pain of losing her loved ones. In the past period of time, she almost went crazy. The thought of revenge swallowed her reason and planned a riot that overthrew Yakang’s rule.

After many people died, **** will wake up from the lost souls. She began to realize that she had committed the killing. After revenge, instead of hatefulness, there is boundless guilt and guilt. With this kind of mind, according to the beauty of the five generations of water shadow, in order to repay the sin, she decided to dedicate her life to the village of Wuji, only in this way, can alleviate the guilt in her heart.

"I hope that after killing the group, your vengeful heart will calm down. I really don't want you to be like me..."

This is the last promise of Sasuke's help to Sasuke. It is a gift from Sasuke when he leaves. He only hopes that he can return smoothly.


In the line of sight, the three ant-like black spots gradually became clear, and when they saw the figure on the ground, Sasuke’s heart was happy, and immediately removed the seal of the void to chase the three.

The sound of the break was clear, and the group of the road was hidden and looked down.

I saw a figure in a plain clothes zoomed in quickly, not who is Sasuke!

"The old dog!"

Sasuke screamed, and immediately the hands were printed, the purple streamer flooded out, and a layer of space fluctuated to cover a radius of 100 meters, just trapping the group and others.

Suddenly, the voice of Sasuke was shocked. The foot of the mountain was messy and unresponsive, but it was hit by a purple barrier.


The barrier contained magical power, and the mountain wind that hit it was actually rebounded directly just picked up by the oil woman.

"this is!"

The group's eyes are condensed. He has never seen this strange technique. The heart, the strange tricks that this little scorpion animal learned from, is similar to the enchantment.

It is an enchantment that traps the three people in the group. Of course, it is not a ninjutsu. This is the martial art from the sixteen nights. The power is not comparable to ordinary ninjutsu.

"Old dog! You are running!"

Sasuke snorted, and after a swell of water, he entered the enchantment.

The group's hiding face looked at Sasuke step by step, and the dim yellow eye flashed a strong killing.

"Small beast, you really dare to do it, you haven't gotten out of the country of thunder, you have been chasing it. These years, the wings are hard, and you think you have learned some means to dare to scream!"

"Hey! How many methods I have learned, you will understand, although you can't be extraordinary, but it is more than enough to kill you!"


The eyes of the group were slightly stunned, and the right side of the bandage was manually moved. "Take me to see your strength. What makes you so crazy!"

"Oh, really confident, old dog, Uchiha's account, I haven't looked for you yet, you can't wait to do it for me, if that's the case..."

Sasuke’s foot moved, and the body dragged the residual image to the oil woman to take root and the mountain stroke.

Sasuke is too fast, the oil woman takes root and the mountain stroke is not responding at all, and it is seen that the violent purple thunder spreads.

"Small beast, you dare!"

The group screamed and screamed, and the hands were printed, and the wind was blowing.

The speed of lightning is comparable? Moreover, Sasuke's Thunder does not need to be printed at all. At the moment when the Tibetan and Tibetan seals were just completed, the huge thunderbolt was to completely devour the mountain strokes and the oil women.


Sharp blasting, air bursting, extremely high current turbulence.

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