One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 394: Festival

At this time, the man of Sasuke began to evolve, from the samurai body to the crows, symbolizing the evil sword of killing and blood.

"Old dog, then want to die, then I will fulfill you!"

Sasuke licked his lips and smiled. The man’s left hand showed a black sword with a black infinity.

It’s a great addition to the sword!

Adding the sword of the earth and the blade of the thunder and lightning at the same time, the two sharp blades break open the air, and the space is twisted.


The addition of the earthen sword has locked the shape of the mountain stroke, and the speed is extremely fast, and it is impossible to resist.


The sharp blade penetrated the body of the mountain, but it was a sword that made him into two segments. The black flame burned continuously, and the remaining debris was turned into powder.

"Mountain stroke!"

The oil girl took the roots and smashed her lips, and her friend died. The anger swallowed his heart, and he rushed forward without a fate, and quickly sealed his hands.

Secret law. Worm jade dances!

Thousands of black worms have erupted from the roots of the oil women, and the black clouds will be swallowed by the men.


The constant biting sound is uploaded from the male body of Susuo, which is the power of the male who is sending the bad insects to suck.

"You can only be more ridiculous in front of Uchiha!"

Sasuke did not care about sending bad insects. The thundering blade of the right hand of the man must be taken to the oil woman. The thunder flashed and fell apart. The fate of the oil girl took the same as the mountain stroke.

The two men died, the group hatred, but there is no way, the other party is powerful and terrible, and he has no powerful ninja attack to break the defense of the man, he can only watch his subordinates being watched. People kill.

The owner died, and the bad worms were frantic and screaming. It was a mad man who slammed the man of Zuo Zuo and wanted to break the defense of the man who had to be Zuo Zuo. However, this was only in vain.

I saw that the Lei Guangli blade of the right hand of Zuo Zuo disappeared. The large-scale thunder and lightning came out of the male body of Zuo Zuo. The snakes spread and opened. Those bad insects quickly lost in the power of lightning. After all, they were Kill all.

Solved the mountain wind and the oil woman took root, saw the **** Sasuke's eyes more killing, he is eager for more killing, eager to water the water, the only way to make him feel the value of existence in the world.

"Old dog, only you are left."

Sasuke turned around and the huge Raven Dog had to step back to the side of the group. The **** kaleidoscope was like the **** of death.

"I admit that you are very powerful, Sasuke, I really regret that I did not kill you at the beginning, your existence will only make the world of tolerance into a disaster!"

The group's hiding face is expressionless, and the old voice is faint.

"kill me?"

Sasuke smiled and said: "Do you think that there is such ability? It is time to repay all the guilt, your sin will be cut off by me. See you, this black blade is exactly You prepared, and there are countless souls that have been killed by you. The taste of the fire is definitely good."

"I admit that I have done a lot wrong in my life, but Sasuke, you are blinded by hatred, you will not understand everything I have done. The existence of Uchiha in this world is a mistake in itself, as early as a few hundred years ago. Your family should perish, this is a curse, and it is also the sorrow of the world. The family cursed by fate must annihilate it completely!"

"shut up!"

Sasuke’s heart hates it, and the man’s hand in the hands of Sasuke’s hands is hit!


The body of the group was pierced, and the black flame burned his body, and the flame-like fainting of the flames.

"Sasuke, you are wrong..."

A large amount of blood was sprayed from the mouth of the group, and the broken internal organs squeaked under the burning of black inflammation.

"Ai Zhibo's right or wrong is not up to you to comment!"

Adding a soil and a sword to the home, the group was intercepted by the waist.

At this moment, the body of the fallen land has changed for a while, and after a mirror of water and water, an intact body appears on the sand dunes.

"Ixagon, old dog, thank you for the strength of the Uchiha family. These things belong to Uchiha, I want to get it all back!"

Sasuke snorted and added the earthen sword to continue to sneak into the group.

Black inflammation is in the body, but the group is hiding with the avatar, just behind the man of Zuo Zuo, the hand is quickly printed.

Hibiscus. The tree world is coming!

The group used another force of the body to steal the first-generation raft.

Thousands of trees miraculously rise from the desert, and the trunks of the knots will have to be tightly bound by the male limbs. In a short while, there will be an oasis of 100 meters in the desert.

The body of the group suddenly appeared above the man of Sasuke. He stood on the trunk and looked down on Sasuke, who was trapped by the tree world.

"Sasuke, do you know? The thousand hands and the family are the same as your Uchiha family. They have the power to destroy the entire ninja. Under such powerful force, everyone is afraid and forced to obey under pressure. They claim to be Immortal descendants, inherited the extraordinary power ~ ~ think that they are superior, enslaving other ethnic groups ... but for me, these are shit! Such a family can not exist in the forbearance Among the world, the kind of power that can subvert other things must not exist. Only in this way can we usher in true peace!"

The voice of the group is a bit irritating, like narrating a rag that has been accumulated in the heart for a long time.

"Why can't mortals have powerful power, why do you always think that you are superior? Haha, look at your appearance, the thousand hands, the Uchiha family, after all, they are still annihilated in the dust of history. Now, I have yours. Strength, it can be said that I am the closest to God, the power of immortals, I also have, the kind of people who are descendants of immortals are really shit, where talent is the dominant player in the world, trying to control the power of others' destiny , be sure to kill it!"

"You are really sad..."

As the tree world descended, Sasuke’s consciousness was clear, but the killing was still unabated.

"Is this the reason why you have been working hard for it? Funny, Uchiha and the dignity and pride of a thousand hands are mortal and can be understood by ordinary people! The descendants of immortals are always descendants of immortals, you will never understand this, attached by fate It’s definitely not just a simple level difference, feel it, it’s the power of the immortal!”

Sasuke’s voice came out of the air, but he saw the seal in his hand, and the strong white light excites.

Xianfa, the magic of the dragon!

In an instant, the male of Sasuke changed, and the dragon-shaped hook was engraved on the armor, and the original bulge appeared above the bird's beak.


The crows of the Ravens must be unbroken, as if they were venting some kind of pain, smashing, smashing, continuous cracking sounds, and all the tree branches were broken under the powerful force.

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