One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 415: Festival

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Sasuke nodded, and the right hand was wiped on the big snake pill, and the purple demonization was dissipated.

The body resumed its movements, and the big snake pill stood up, looking gloomy and looking at the bounded self.

"In order to live forever, you can only sacrifice you, and you will not hate me!"

Seeing the big snake pill is about to start, the side of the hand is shouting: "Da snake pill, you are really a white-eyed wolf, have you forgotten the companionship between us? Just for a ninja to sell companions, I really are I have read you wrong!"

Sasuke came to the side of the hands and said to her ear: "It's too exciting to get old. Isn't this kind of drama very exciting? It's not too much to kill the same threshold."

"Sasuke! You let him stop! Otherwise I will hate you forever!"

The director hated and said that when there was a decisive tone, she unconsciously brought herself into the ‘her’ in Sasuke’s mouth.

"Threaten me." Sasuke licked his eyes and immediately said to the big snake pill: "Stop, since the emperor princess pleaded, then this matter will end. I will give you a part of the immortality. The rest, we will naturally give you after the cooperation is completed."

The hand was held, and the big snake pill looked at the hand and was slightly surprised. I didn’t expect the words of the hand to work. I followed the channel: "Yes, I believe we will cooperate happily."

He escaped from the dead, and there was a cold sweat behind his back. He was clearly aware of the killing of the big snake pill. If Sasuke was not shouting in time, he might have been shot dead.

Because of this matter, I have seen the face of the big snake pill, and eat the little man outside the cockroach, and raise the fat wolf!

Sasuke did not kill himself. In addition to giving him a face, it is more important to give himself a stage.

After all, the three generations of apprentices, whether they are missing or dead, will be traced to his head for three generations.

Before it happened, Sasuke didn't want to make extra-budgets. Because of a small matter, he messed up the big picture and lost more. He didn't want it.

Two hours after the imprisonment of the hands and other people, Sasuke released them.

However, before the dismissal of the demon squad, Sasuke moved his hands and hands to the master and the two, and completely erased what happened today. Their memories only stayed when they came to Uchiha.

As for the injury on his face, Sasuke was tampering with the memory of the two, saying that he was also a child of Uchiha's family, and was later slap by the hand.

Dashen Pill stayed aside, and looked thoughtfully at Sasuke's movements. The narrow eyes were flashing with amazement. In the strength of Sasuke, he couldn't see through it. He only knew that the other side was strong.

When he left, Sasuke called the big snake pill to the side, secretly * handed over a part of the record that was recorded to the latter, and whispered a few words to him.

In this way, there was a dirty trade between Dashen Pill and Sasuke. In order to live forever, Dashen Wan sold his leaves with conscience.

Seeing that the snake snake and others left, after a while, Uchiha mirror came here.

"How, Sasuke, they didn't find out what to do."

"Nature, no, patriarch, have you not seen us finally talking about it?"

"That's true."

Uchiha mirror laughed happily and admired the means of Sasuke. -->>, the fastest update to the latest chapter of One Piece's bounty system!


The big snake pill squatted tightly around the reel in his arms, watching the front of the walking hand and the self-successful eyes flashing complex light.

Because a ninja completely sold out the soul, betrayed the companion, and sold out the leaves. The big snake pill suddenly has some sorrows. Although he is very self-blaming, he thinks that he can live forever and can never die. His mood is still good.

"Hey, the master, you are really heavy, oh! My left face is numb, my teeth don't know how many, I hurt!"

"Who will let you play the woman of Uchiha!"

The director said with no anger: "If you dare to provoke a woman in front of me, you must be looking for your teeth next time!"

I also said bitterly at the same time: "I am also hard to help myself. You must control me on this matter;

. ”

"Hey! What do you want!"

The master said: "The guy who has no interest, if he sees a woman, he can't walk, and today he dares to scatter in the Uchiha family. Since then, your courage is getting fatter!"

As he said, the hand clenched his fists and made a soothing crackle, and the air blew out.

"Oh, don't!"

Seeing the movements of the hands, the face was white and whitish. I quickly found an excuse, and the bottom of my feet was smeared. He didn't want to face the strange fists of the hands.

After seeing the hand, the big snake pill stayed silent. He slowed down and hit the latter's arm. He said, "The big snake pill, why don't you talk? The guy is more and more arrogant, over two. I am afraid that I will dare to sing the Princess of the Kingdom of Fire. Oh, you must tell the teacher."

Dashen Pill took a look at the whispering hand, and thought in his heart that Sasuke’s technique was really powerful, and it was really powerful. He didn't start with me because of trust?

Of course it is because of trust.

Trust is the premise of cooperation. Sasuke is very good at this point, and he is also very familiar with the character of the big snake pill. Before the immortality is really not at hand, the big snake pill can not do anything to betray him.

Seeing the spirit of the big snake pill, the outline of the hand said: "I always feel that you have something to look at me."

The big snake pill did not answer the outline of the hand, the gloomy long face could not see the slightest expression, said faintly: "Nothing ~ This mission is over, Sasuke is not the murderer, let's go back and inform."

After that, the big snake pill left, and the master quickly followed up.


The country of Vortex, adjacent to the country of fire, can be said to be the vassal of the latter, because the relationship of Muye Village is also highly respected and has many benefits.

The vortex family and the wood leaves are deeply rooted. They also experienced the rough as descendants of the immortals. Although they have inherited a powerful force, it is inevitable that the fate of decline will be lost in the past 100 years.

Each generation of the Swirls will perform rituals, carry forward powerful powers, physique, blood, and endless life, and the power of immortals has been passed down.

The whirlpool, Xinnai, because of the seal of the nine tails, has attracted much attention in the whirlpool family and even in the country of fire. She even served as the sacred sacred woman, and she was in charge of the ritual inheritance ceremony of the vortex family.

A while ago, the whirlpool 玖辛奈 fell into love, and she liked to play with her handsome and powerful feng shui gate. After several incidents, the relationship between the two developed rapidly, almost reaching a private life. stage.

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