One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 445: Festival

, the fastest update to the latest chapter of One Piece's bounty system!

Recalling the situation in which Fei Fei was killed, the hatred of Uchiha has become more intense.

"I am going to prepare, I will be here tomorrow!"

Biting his teeth, he also left the house. Some dimly lit rooms only left the water gate standing in front of the window and wondering what to think.

The rain is still going on, and the cold rain in September is really annoying.

I didn’t even think that their every move had already fallen into someone’s surveillance.

Just in the opposite hotel, a pair of blushing eyes passed through the gauze curtain, and the black figure seemed to stand here for a long time.

This person is Sasuke. After killing the semi-Tibetan, he did not leave Yu Rencun. The purpose has not yet been reached, and he will not be willing to give up without having to kill the hidden water gate.

After the temptation of money, the threat of force and other means, he finally learned the news of the water gate and the self from the rain.

"Don't you want to take revenge? Soon, I will personally send you on the road, and I am very excited to meet my relatives."

Sasuke’s eyes emerged with a sense of killing. Finally, he glanced at the water gate and the room where he had lived. He turned and left the window.


In the early morning, the water and the water gate left the residence in the rain. They barely took anything. They simply cleaned up the soft and hurried on the road.

The two feet are very fast, Yu Rencun has become a microcosm behind him.

Somehow, the heart has always been shrouded in a cloud, and the inexplicable sense of crisis made him worry.


The voice of the other is the next step in the front of the water gate, "What happened to the teacher?"

"I'm not right."

I also stopped myself and looked at the distance in the rain curtain.

The rain screamed, and the sound of the bead rain has turned into a downpour since last night. The general rain of the water curtain makes the line of sight more blurred.

At this point, the water gate also stopped, secretly taking out the handicap, beware of the imminent danger.

Gradually, there is a twisted shadow in the field of vision. There, the umbrella blocked the rain and blocked the faces of the people.

The black figure is washed by the rain curtain, under the visual sense, the light and shadow are distorted;

. The familiar atmosphere of the people makes the water gate forgotten for a lifetime. Yes, it is his enemy, the murderer who killed the whirlpool, Xin Nai, Uchiha Sasuke!

"Found you."

The umbrella is slightly lifted, and the black windbreaker obscures the face. The **** eyes are so awkward!



When the water gate slams, it will rush forward.


I also quickly stopped in front of the water facade, took the latter's shoulders and said to Sasuke, who looked at the ten steps, "Can't let us go!"

"Teacher, what are you talking about!"

Watergate shouted: "The enemy is in front of me, how can I give up! I want to kill you!"

Under the anger of the heart, the water gate rushed up regardless of the self. In such a moment, his right hand emerged a huge chakra fluctuation, the spiral of strength smashed the rain, and the undulating electric particles exude a dazzling brilliance. .

It is a Tai Chi spiral pill!

The horror of the Tai Chi spiral pill completely locked Sasuke. Under the great hate, the water gate completely lost its rules.

"too slow!"

>, the fastest update to the latest chapter of One Piece's bounty system!


Kaleidoscope writes the eye of the wheel and easily sees the action of the water gate, but sees Sasuke’s foot stepping, and then plundering and retreating. The water gate is also pressing step by step, flying on the body, it is necessary to print the Tai Chi spiral pill on Sasuke.

You chase after me, almost blinking a hundred meters. At that moment, the water gate suddenly lost Sasuke's air and stayed in sight. When I see it again, where can I see Sasuke?


It was too late to react, and the water gate immediately threw a bitter, flying thunder!

The yellow flash illuminates, just as he just left, and the space of the blast exploded, and it was seen that the thunder of the sky was tilting down.


Thunderstorms in the sky have gathered into thunder pillars, and the shock waves that have spread out have turned the surrounding forests into powder.

"so close."

The water gate has a lingering hiding behind a big tree, looking at the ground and destroying the dignified ground. He understands that if it is not a flying thunder, he can't escape the attack.

Just as the water gate was fortunate, suddenly, such as the mans in the back, the stinging touch made his body paralyzed, and he saw the purple thunder light again.


The thunder that rises from the sky shakes the eardrum, and the water gate is about to be bathed under the beast that descends from the sky.

At this time, the yellow flash reappeared, and for a moment, the water gate cast a thunder, and escaped the swift and very thunder.


! His strength has improved a lot! ”

Standing beside him, the water gate was a little embarrassed, and his clothes were completely wet under the rain curtain.

Being attacked by the water gate, Sasuke has no accidents. If it is so easy to get rid of the yellow flash, then it is really a ghost.


"You can't escape."

Sasuke stepped closer to the self, and every step of the way was very powerful. The black figure was like a death.

I know that this time I have been escaping, I have never retreated, and I have protected the Watergate.

"Whatever is coming for me! Sasuke, are you not killing me! Come on!"

Sasuke’s footsteps stopped, and when he came to the five steps, he looked at him with a blank expression. He said: “I don’t think you have the courage to stand up, but unfortunately you will only have this. I have some courage."

Sasuke’s ridicule did not make him angry, but he suddenly said: “Sasuke, the mountain pepper fish is half hidden, you kill the leaves, then the rain. What is your purpose? !"

"My purpose..."

Sasuke’s voice still has no emotion. “I didn’t expect you to be aware of it. It’s really a three-bearing... It’s okay to tell the dead.”

"The windmill of Renhe has stopped turning, and the appearance of death is still dead. The world needs a new wind, and I am the new wind."

"New wind!" Watergate said: "Sasuke! Your purpose is really the whole ninja!"

"Yes." Sasuke said: "The calmness of the world for many years has made people lost. The shackles of the system have made people numb. They can never understand peace. They just huddled under the blessing of the village. The villages arbitrarily provoke war, big name, Shadow, for the sake of one's own desire to use force, with the means of ninja to take life. Life is like a pig and dog is generally slaughtered ... ... never exhausted, human desires, this is the root of their power!"

Sasuke's voice overshadowed the rain. "Village, shadow, and things that threaten to endure the world. These things that attempt to subvert the rules by the power of God can't exist in this world."

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