One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 454: Festival

After the third round of the war of endurance, the economic and military decline of all countries, especially the wind, thunder, earth, and the three countries, could not restore the pre-war strength in three years.

The country of fire and the country of water received a large amount of defeated materials and became the biggest beneficiary in the war. This is one of the greatest benefits of the war. The victorious country can complete the original accumulation in the shortest time and provide a huge material resource guarantee for the rapid development in the future.

A month later, the traces left by the Third Endurance World Wars gradually disappeared, and the territory of the Wind Kingdom began to restore the tranquility of the past.

However, for the people of the wind country, the once raging war still makes them remember. Every time I think of the tragedy of the Three World Wars, many people look pale, and they don’t want to go through the days of flesh and blood.

As a leader, the three generations of the wind and shadow watched their subordinates die of incompetence and incompetence, this incompetence makes the three generations of wind and shadow. For the first time, the three generations of wind and shadow feel that their age is really big.

A few days later, there was news from Sha Ren Village that the three generations of wind and shadow automatically abdicated, and the four words of the four generations of wind and shadow were used. At this point, the country of the wind began to recuperate for five years.


In the village of Muye, as always, the legacy of the civil war has gradually been remedied, and people have begun to recognize the reality, no matter who is in power.

Uchiha’s efforts for the Three World Wars were obvious to all, and the battle was resolved in the shortest possible time. Such achievements are remembered by the people of Muye. A large part of the people even began to think that Uchiha is very reliable and is a family that can provide maximum security.

Perhaps this is human nature. Weakness always seeks strong asylum. Even though the powerful has committed unforgivable sins, the short-term comfort will make them forget everything and indulge in the powerful structure.

Uchiha mirror finally came to an end. As soon as he dealt with the post-war issues of the Three Wars, he directly found Sasuke and asked the latter to explain why he wanted to kill the semi-Tibetan.

What is this, what is the account after the fall? Of course, it is calculated after the fall!

At the beginning, Uchiha’s mirror heard that Sasuke’s message of killing the semi-hidden smuggling had blown up the lungs. Why did Sasuke help the boy to keep his mind?

Not long after, Sasuke went to the Naruto Office according to the meaning of Uchiha.

As soon as he entered the office, Sasuke saw the old face of Uchiha mirror that almost fell off the ice.

"Huoying adults."

Sasuke pretending not to see it, sitting on the sofa next to the ceremony.

"You stand up for me;

! ”

Uchiha didn't hit the mirror, he yelled: "Say! Why are you killing half-hidden!"

After all, it is the current patriarch, Sasuke still wants to give face, does not sit down, stands and says: "There is no reason, killing is killing, is it still let me resurrect him?"


Sasuke’s indifferent answer shook Uchiha’s beard and shouted: “Have you ever thought about the consequences? How much trouble will you cause when you kill him! The third time you endured the world!! You are killed. How many people! How many people do you leave homeless! How many people do you have to disperse!"

Uchiha mirror is really very angry. He took a look at the table and the documents on it spilled over.

"I have not done anything wrong. If the patriarch is angry, he can expel me." Sasuke looked at Yu Zhibo and said: "I don't think that I am a sinner. The outbreak of this war was originally in keeping with the weather. The so-called villages, the so-called shadows, and the big names who are crowning the peace banner, they are the real executioners. Without their efforts, how can this war spread to the entire ninja... Besides, Konoha is not Have you gotten a lot of benefits from that war, and the patriarch, your Naruto seat is not sitting more stable than before."

"Miscellaneous stuff!"

Uchiha's gaze is staring at Venus, and he said: "You still have the merits! Killing people, causing so many troubles! Let me praise you!"

Uchiha mirror has been so angry for the first time in the past ten years. He is not calm at this time when he is a good old man. He only listens to him: "Even though you said that the third endurance war is a shadow The big names made it, but you don't forget, if it's not for you, the gunpowder can burst at once!"


Sasuke did not speak, let Uchiha mirror.

For a long time, Uchiha mirror was tired, and he took a breath and said: "Sasuke... The most unwilling thing in my life is that children don't live up to expectations. No one can take up the heavy responsibility of the Uchiha family. For a long time, I have been Waiting, I look forward to the emergence of a peerless genius in the Uchiha family, who can lead Uchiha to stand on the peak of the endurance world. When you appeared in Uchiha, I was really happy... Finally, I finally saw Hope. You know... I really want to see you as a biological, leave you and you can do your best for the prosperity of Uchiha."

Having said that, there are some tears in the old eyes of Uchiha Mirror. "I don't know what you have experienced, and I don't know what you are thinking. I just hope, I hope you can stop and take a look. Around, they all regard you as a loved one and as a friend... In this world, there is endless light in addition to darkness."

Uchiha Mirror’s words are long-lived, and hate iron is not a steel, and all the strength is exhausted.

These are all seen in Sasuke's eyes. He is not a cold-blooded person. The performance of Uchiha's mirror makes him a little moved.

However, this level is not enough.

Sasuke chose a superficial compromise and took a step back. He said: "I understand the pains of Huo Ying adults. Sorry, I am wrong..."

Seeing that Sasuke is soft, Uchiha mirrors a sigh of relief. He is not really going to pursue Sasuke’s responsibility. It is only because of the face of the elders that he has to make a reasonable explanation.

"Go on, boy, I am tired."

Uchiha mirror looks a lot old at the moment, waving his hand weakly.

"Yes, Huo Ying."

Sasuke retreated.


On the shadow of Yanying Yanyan, the black silhouette stood still.

"It’s really a quiet place to be nostalgic."

Looking down on the vast wooden leaf village, Sasuke's expressionless face surfaced with memories. He remembered that in the days of Konoha, there were many memories in the world, Muye Village.

"Unfortunately, these are all appearances. The darkness of this world cannot be erased. It is like the bones of the bones, and it will never be exhausted. The darkness of this world cannot be expelled even if people work hard. The gap between people, The gulf between countries, because of the existence of selfish desires, because of the existence of hatred, can never be filled."

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