One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 460: Festival

, the fastest update to the latest chapter of One Piece's bounty system!

Forced to helpless, most of the original residents chose to migrate, away from the ominous land cursed by the demon, only a few people who stayed in their hometown.

When I saw it, Sasuke asked the local residents about the characteristics of the demon. As expected, the so-called demon with the thunderstorm was the six-tailed rhinoceros. (This time, the six tails are wild and have not been captured by Yu Rencun. Therefore, it will become a scourge.)

Without further ado, Sasuke immediately rushed to the place where the six tails often appeared, and the center of the valley was seen.

In the jungle, the sun casts mottled light and shadow through the uneven leaves, and Sasuke walks on the narrow path, converges and carefully perceives the movement around.

An hour passed, Sasuke searched the entire valley, and did not find any clues. The six tails in the rumor seemed to be non-existent.

"There must be something wrong."

Sasuke believes that the six tails must be somewhere in the valley, but they cannot be found because of some obstacles.

Suddenly remembered the rumors of the six-tailed thunderstorm, Sasuke’s heart moved.

Immediately, Sasuke stepped on the foot and appeared at the top of the canopy.


Looking at the blue sky, the glare of the sun gave Sasuke a look. I saw that Sasuke’s eyes changed, and the **** color wrote a round eye.

By writing the wheel eye, Sasuke saw the water vapor suspended in the air, which filled the entire field of view like a white mist;

According to the analysis, Sasuke has roughly mastered the air density and the pressure of the belt. Everything is ready, Sasuke starts to print.

Fire. The fire is extinguished (copying the Uchiha spot)!

In an instant, the fire waves rose, the water vapor evaporated, and the large white smoke rushed to the height of 100 meters.

After the fire was extinguished, Sasuke continued to seal. This time it was a dragon fire. Although it was only a b-level ninjutsu, it was a power that was close to the s-class ninjutsu.

Nearly 50 meters of orange-colored fire dragons rushed into the sky, where they burst into a sizzling sound, and the water mist that was carried quickly condensed into a large cloud of rain.

Seeing that the rain clouds are getting more and more, Sasuke launches the sky.


The black flame fell, and the forest a hundred meters away was caught in a sea of ​​fire. Just like pouring oil on the fire, the unbalanced air quickly expanded at a very high temperature. Soon, the pressure difference finally reached its peak.

"it's time."

Sasuke’s voice just fell, and the black cloud covering the forest was getting lower and lower. With the gust of wind, the first thunder sounded.


The blue arc flashes in the dark clouds, like a lamp that is about to burn out.

Suddenly, the field of vision is bright, and in the thunder of the thunder, the gust of wind slams into the shower.

During the rainstorm, Sasuke did not take cover measures, letting the rain beat, and his writing wheel eyes were running to the extreme, capturing any unusual Chakra fluctuations.

Not long after, with a subtle tremor, I saw a glare of thunderous lightning hitting the depths of the jungle, at the same time, the hidden Chakra volatility finally revealed.

"See it!"

Sasuke’s gaze is like electricity, and it immediately bears the seal of the void, and flies away to the place where Chakra appears.

"call out!"

Sasuke will increase the speed to the extreme, blinking 100 meters in the past -->>, the fastest update of the latest chapter of One Piece's bounty system!

. Followed by his sight, there, a deep area, a sudden rise of white mist, dense air bubbles gathered into a hill-sized ugly monster.

"Sure enough, it’s six!"

Seeing the huge meat mountain in front of him, Sasuke didn't want to waste time. He planned to use the refining pot to suppress the six tails.

The black streamer fluctuated and saw that the palm-sized jade pot flew out from Sasuke's chest, and instantly expanded to about five feet.

At the moment when the refining pot had just appeared, the six tails made a strange call, and when I hurriedly looked into the air, a black beam of light projected down.

Immediately, I saw a six-tailed body tremble, followed by a soothing rubbing sound, visible to the naked eye, the huge body was constantly compressed, like a balloon that was quickly deflated.

This is also difficult for the six struggles. After all, the refining pot is the biggest nemesis of the beast. In the face of the refining pot, even the nine tails have no resistance;

Soon, the six tails were completely suppressed, and in the final unwillingness to turn into clouds, they were absorbed by the refining pot.

The capture of the six tails soon ended, and after a while the thunderstorm stopped, the black clouds of the sky gradually dissipated.

An hour later, Sasuke stripped off the six-tailed yin-character Chakra, leaving only half of the strength of the six-tailed breath in the forest. For the six tails, this experience, at least for a hundred years, can restore strength.


Before six o'clock, Sasuke returned to the well in the well, and did not say anything about the tail beast. Of course, these are the secrets of Sasuke, and Meiqin does not ask, Sasuke does not need to tell.

After staying in the upper hill for three days, Sasuke and Meiqin were ready to return to the leaves.

After a week, Sasuke and Meiqin finally returned to Muye. At this time, Uchiha still has a major event waiting for them, that is the election ceremony of the next patriarch!

When Uchiha mirrored his family’s selection of the patriarch, everyone in the Uchibo family was surprised.

Meiqin is very puzzled, how they made this decision as soon as they returned to the mirror.

"Father, do you really decide?"

"I have decided, Meiqin, now is the age of your young people. I am getting older, it is time to abdicate."

Mirror said, looked at the Sasuke around the Meiqin, said: "This time called you back is also helpless ~ ~ originally promised Meiqin let her relax for a while ... in this critical period is difficult to protect someone Come out to mess, I am old, I hope someone can come out to help me lead the situation, Sasuke, you are the most powerful person in Uchiha, I hope to use your power to prevent accidents and ensure the success of this selection."

"Huoying adults are heavy." Sasuke said: "I have married the Meiqin, then it is a member of the big family. Any confession of the patriarch is my business."

Hearing the words, the mirror is a loose heart. He knows the meaning of Sasuke. Everyone is a family. It’s a bit hypocritical when you go back. The mirror is straightforward: "There is a problem inside Uchiha. Do you still remember Uchiha Fuyue?" ?"

"Fu Yue? Is he not dead?"

At this time, Meiqin said: "Is it a four-uncle!"

"Yes." Uchiha mirror worried: "I really don't trust him. Although Fu Yue is dead, the most promising candidate for the patriarch is defeated, but I know the character of the handcuffs, he can never stop. He has been planning for the position of the patriarch for a long time. The assassination of a few years ago was also his plan. According to the return of the person I placed in the handcuffs, he is planning a plan to destroy the election ceremony and let him The second son succeeded!"

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