One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 482: Festival

, the fastest update to the latest chapter of One Piece's bounty system!

The five senses are still the same, but the familiar facial contours have been tough, and there are some vicissitudes in the temperament, no more simple and cold in memory.

Seeing Sasuke at this time, Naruto’s heart was shocked. Is this still a small partner of the past? Unconsciously, the sense of distance arises from the heart of Naruto.

"Sasuke... How could it be you, how are you here?"

“Why come here? I am like you, but I am six years earlier than you.”

"Six years!"

Naruto stunned, no wonder there will be a strange feeling when facing Sasuke, no longer the same. It turned out that everything has become clear, and Naruto began to realize that the interval between six years is enough to change everything.


Naruto remembered a very important thing, stepped forward and said to Sasuke: "Sakura has been waiting for you! This time, please come back to Muye with me!"

“Wood?” Hearing a familiar and unfamiliar name, Sasuke smiled. “Okay, it’s time to deal with something.”

"Really!" Naruto almost danced. "Too good, Sasuke! Everyone will be very happy, you can go back, Kakashi teacher will be overjoyed!"

Looking at Naruto's look of joy, Sasuke's look reveals the color of remembrance. His innocence and self-confidence have not changed. However, at this time, I have no mood of six years ago.

"Naruto, you will be looking forward to everything I have done to Konoha."

Sasuke's words in Turkic made Naruto very inexplicable. When he wanted to continue asking, Sasuke had already passed away.

"Well, I still have to solve this guy before."

I thought that the neglected hundred feet were preparing to escape, and Sasuke’s sentence directly made him fall into the abyss.

Full of knowing the horror of Sasuke, the rumors of the resentment in the past six years are not groundless.

I remembered the scene of being slain, and my face was white, but I was driving and ran away!

"Can you escape?"

Sasuke’s voice rang like a death knell, and he saw him in his hands, and the power of terror spread between heaven and earth.


The black giant sword cannot be inferior to its borders, and suddenly it is dark in the field of vision.

Tianjian two style!

The black light flashed, and when the line of sight was clear, the huge cockroach completely disappeared. On the ground, there is a huge canyon-like crack in the place where it passes, and the mountains in the distance are cut off by the waist!


Naruto is shocked, and he is so horrible that he can't take it anymore, even if he can still live, it is also a dead end.

As a god-like Sasuke, Naruto has a strong sense of strangeness. He doesn't know how to face it. In a moment, he suddenly hates himself.

"What has Sasuke experienced in the past six years!? That kind of power is not a ninja! Sasuke, have you abandoned the source of the power that the ninja is proud of?!"

The gap created by the huge gap of six years, Naruto clearly felt at the moment, it is an abyss that cannot be filled at all.

Naruto has already guessed the expression of Sasuke, and he does not understand what Sasuke thinks in his heart.

Gap, sense of distance, strangeness, not only in strength, but also in age and worldview.

"Sasuke... Why do you become what it is today?">, the fastest update to the latest chapter of One Piece's bounty system!


Looking at Sasuke suspended in the sky, Naruto flashed a look.


Sasuke didn't go back to Naruto immediately. After all, he still has a lot of concerns in this world. Can't you say nothing about leaving home?

Naruto did not ask Sasuke about the changes over the years. On the way back, he followed silently. He looked at the back of Sasuke and felt only a bleak heart: "I still can't catch up with him. I can only look at him for a lifetime. Back view."

Sasuke abandoned the Naruto and walked slowly, and then applied the floating technique to the latter. In a silent atmosphere, the two quickly returned to Konoha.

I saw the earth-shaking changes in the leaves, and Naruto’s face was awkward, and the tall buildings in the field of vision gave him the feeling of being trapped in a cage.

"The wood leaves are not the same..." Naruto said to himself, lost in the bustling buildings.

Naruto wanted to find a contemporary fire shadow to inquire about the situation, but found that the Huo Ying Building was closed and was just displayed as a historical relic. When he looked at the fire shadow Yan Yan, the free eyes were stuck there, only to see Sasuke's head stand up!

"That is..." Naruto felt that his breathing would stop. "How could it be... Sasuke, Sasuke is the fifth generation of Naruto!"

The history of Muye, Naruto, still knows that this era should be the four generations of the Konoha regime, but here, it is already five generations of Naruto!

Naruto looked at the four generations, an old man's head with a writing wheel.

"Or the Uchiha family! In just six years, the history of the trajectory has changed so much!"

Naruto realized that things were not right, and the history of Konoha was arbitrarily altered.

Immediately, Naruto asked passers-by about the history of Huo Ying, he must figure out what these are all about.

At the beginning of the question, the people of Muye were silent, but they couldn’t stand the bombardment of Naruto’s mouth.

"Oh, the world of forbearance has long since changed. The three generations of Huo Ying were killed, and Uchiha took power. The four and five generations of seats fell to Uchiha."

"So, Sasuke is the fifth generation of Naruto?" Naruto is still not sure about the fact that Sasuke became Naruto.

"Where is there the name of Huo Ying?" The passerby said: "The five generations of Huo Ying took the stage to launch the revolution soon, and the ninja world was completely unified. The former ninja system was also abolished. In this world, there is no more ninja profession. It is."

The passers-by sighed for a while and sighed: "The contribution of the members of the parliament to the tolerant world is obvious to all. The entire family has prospered a lot because of the New Deal."

Passers-by also want to show off his son to join the gendarmerie, but Naruto has escaped like a runaway.

"How can this be... The ninja world I know is definitely not like this..." Naruto ran all the way, venting the negative emotions in his heart. At this moment, his world view was broken. of.

"How can the ninja system be abolished, my forbearance, how can I be easily denied by what I have been doing for years? Sasuke... How can you abandon the way, you have not become a ninja And happy! Ninja’s duties, the ninja’s dignity, how can you abolish...”

Because the other party is Sasuke, a friend of life, so Naruto is confused at this moment, he does not know how to express the mood at the moment, hate? Disappointed? Still getting numb?

"Why does Sasuke become like this, why does he make those choices? What is he thinking about... I, I don't know at all!"

The more you think, the more you fall into the abyss of entanglement.

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