One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 487: Festival

, the fastest update to the latest chapter of One Piece's bounty system!

With the reincarnation of the soil, I thought that now that I had a confrontation with the five major countries, I immediately put forward a strategy at the meeting.

"...this is the real eye of the moon plan, as long as you get nine more, no one in the world can stop our steps!"

"Only the white army can not completely settle the five big country guys." Helped the eye and said: "The power of the avatar can only deal with the general ninja. There are many strong people in the five major countries, even if it is 100,000. The army has all entered the battlefield, and it is difficult to suppress them in frontal battles."

"What do you mean?" With a look at the soil, to tell the truth, he does not like this guy who is not like a snake.

"We need to break through each other, use white to contain the battlefield, and the babies that I smashed out are responsible for the main battle." Speaking of the side of Jun Ma Lu, the eyes of the snakes flashed a reverence, "Of course, we There is also a secret weapon, Jun Ma Lu, whose power has surpassed the ninja category, even if it is six reincarnations, it is difficult to resist its edge!"

"Oh?" It’s very curious to bring the soil. He has seen the earth reincarnation. As for the power of Jun Ma Lu, he is not clear.

"Jun Ma Lu, please also show you your strength." When he said this, he raised his right hand, which is a deadly arm and the rest of the body covered with white snake scales. The parts are out of place.

Seeing the right hand, Jun Ma Lu’s eyes swayed, as if the lips were frozen and spit out a word.

"it is good."

As the voice fell, a strange force spread with Jun Ma Lu as the center, and the bright forehead was actually cracked out of a hole, and then, a strange red crimson suddenly opened!

"this is!"

In addition to the pockets, the rest of the people were stunned to avoid the glare of the red, and run Chakra to resist the horror of the horrible anomalies.

"Nine hooks are looking back!"

I saw the horns on both sides of the face, and he was very knowledgeable. He first recognized Junjiu’s Jiuyuyu.

With the full force of the soil to write the wheel eye, under the blessing of the right eye wheel eye, it can barely look at the strange Jiu Jade.

"The legendary eyes! The eyes of the ten tails really exist!"

With earth ecstasy, "With these strengths, who else is the opponent in the world of tolerance! That is the real eye of God!" With a soil sigh, busy surprise said: "Okay, yes, Jun Ma Lu As long as you have it, this battle must be our victory!"

Seeing the effect of the expected, laughing a bit, it really is a strange goods to live, the existence of Jun Ma Lu did not let him down.

He put a right hand on his hand and gestured to Jun Ma Lu to close the horrible anomaly of Jiu Jade.

Jun Ma Lu did what he said, and the power of the force was gone.

Seeing the action of the right hand commanding Jun Ma Lu, the face under the mask of the earth showed a different color.

"It seems that the arm is very unusual, and I really want to get it."


A quiet place in Yuren Village, where the soil was specially arranged for Jun Ma Lu.

After the meeting, Jun Ma Lu took off the red cloud robe and put on his own clothes. Like before, he liked the refreshing bathrobe.

Jun Ma Lu sat on the tatami against the roof of the roof and looked at the sky outside the window. Since the death of Dasong Pill, he has developed this habit. When he is alone, he does not want to, and he sits there.

>, the fastest update to the latest chapter of One Piece's bounty system!

I don't know when, Jun Ma Lu's ear moved.

"Oh," the opening and closing sound of the wooden door broke the quiet silence. Jun Ma Lu did not look back. He knew who the coming person was.

Closing the wooden door, standing respectfully in the same place, "Jun Ma Lu adults."

Jun Ma Lu did not speak, only snorted and counted as saying hello.

He laughed and laughed at the coldness of Jun Ma Lu. "Jun Ma Lu, I am really sorry today, I am using the body of the Big Snake Pill to give orders to you."

Sorry for the pocket, Jun Malu is another, but this time he said a complete sentence, "I will not blame you."

Hearing words, a smile on his face, the eye-catching eyes became a line, although it is very festive, but with his snake face is not flattering, how to look like a good person.

Guess Jun Ma Lu is in a good mood today, and he starts to move forward, intending to sit next to Jun Ma Lu.


As soon as the pocket was halfway, the voice of Jun Ma Lu came over. I saw Jun Ma Lu's face cold, "I will kill you when I come over!"

Hearing his words, he said, "I am your companion. I don't even believe it now?"

"I don't believe it." Jun Ma Lu's voice is very disgusting. "Your body is too dirty. Don't think that you can gain the strength of the big snake pill. I can recognize you. Remember, you are always a dog. Don't think about being like a person."

The pockets are not talking, the expression on his face is very stiff, and the five senses are almost entangled.

"I understand, Jun Ma Lu, I am your dog."

He insisted on humiliation and said this sentence. He wanted to resist, but he did not have the courage. Even though he learned the fairy tales of Longdi Cave, he still dared not look at Jun Ma Lu.

The pocket had to hang his head. He didn't want Jun Ma Lu to see his expression, and he didn't want to irritate the latter.

"Jun Ma Lu, what should we do next?"

He stood in the house with a humble knee, waiting for Jun Ma Lu to issue an order.

"Everything works according to the plan, don't let people see the flaws." Jun Ma Lu maintains the original position, and does not look at it at all. "We have successfully entered the inside of the organization, and then we will resurrect with their strength. Ten tails, I can complete my mission by then."

Said here ~ ~ Jun Ma Lu faintly flashed out of the figure like a god, is the goddess of 卯.

"Give me a body, give me strength, goddess, as long as I can resurrect you, my humble life will be enough."


The bag came out from Jun Ma Lu. Although he was awkward and frustrated, he did not vent, even if he was beaten, he could only swallow his stomach.

Speaking of it, the humiliating life that has been humiliated for so many years, even if it is beaten by others, and the dog is bloody, he will be tolerant. The pocket is not qualified to complain about other people, and the unfairness attached to him by fate is not qualified for resentment. The poor person must have hatefulness. This is exactly what he said.

The pocket experienced the third war of endurance, and both parents died and were used as chess pieces. Never had a free life. He did not dare to resist, afraid to be killed, afraid to lose everything.

He will look up to heaven in hell. He envied those who can control his own destiny. He wants to have powerful power and want to be able to live like other people.

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