Bucky's skin returned to normal in an instant.

The corners of his mouth were raised slightly, and his eyes were playful.

To tame an obedient pet, you must let it know who is the boss.

The artificial fruit demon was one that Bucky indicated to swallow, but Smoker was not included.

And the demonic clown's actions crossed the line.

"Children who disobey will be punished."

There are probably about ten more poisonous ES pills left, but Bucky has made some progress in his research on this thing.

So it doesn’t hurt to consume it.

He dropped one in his mouth and chewed it like candy.

His eyes were stained with a bright red.

The form just now was the state where the devil was awakened, right?

And that aura is comparable to that of Overlord.


Why did Bucky feel more dangerous to him now than in his previous form? !

The so-called devil seems to be no different from a dog in the clown's case.

Smoker's vision and color kept sending dangerous signals.

However, the improvement of Bucky by the vicious medicine has been limited.

The inventory that Holly stole for the entire new fish-man pirate group was almost eaten by him, especially when he fought Akainu last time, he knocked it down one by one.

So what he values ​​more now is actually the aging side effects of the vicious drug.

I saw old wrinkles appearing on Bucky's face, and a little gray at the roots of his hair, but then, these side effects were separated by him.

He passed this aging and overdraft onto the demon clown.

This is just like his original guess about the development direction of the Split Fruit.

You can rush all the way towards the microscopic world, or you can extend the concept of division to these unreal worlds just like the Soul Fruit and the Memory Fruit.

Conceptualization is the biggest obstacle to the fruits of the rules system.

So he can split the side effects of the vicious medicine and combine them into the devil in his body like he does now.

The little replenishment the Demon Clown had just received was immediately lost.

The face is withered.

Damn it, you are obviously the devil, how could you get to this point?

The demon clown felt that his body was extremely old, and all his abilities as a demon had been taken away by Bucky. The awakening of the demon in this form should consume the energy user's physical strength, but now it consumes himself...

He has become a consumable!

The initial conjecture has been almost verified. Bucky actually has some ideas about the stage after the demon wakes up.

One is to swallow the devil in the devil fruit and achieve enhancement like he just did.

The two of them swallowed a new devil fruit, allowing them to have two devils in their bodies at the same time.

But what Bucky really thinks is...

"Of course I want it all for such an interesting thing."

Feed demons with artificial Devil Fruits, which can also incorporate new demons.

Bucky chuckled quietly.

He does not specifically pursue power, but he does not exclude mastering stronger power.

Moreover, playing tricks on demons is also very interesting.

Bucky thought with some anticipation, what would the demon clown do when he saw another one of his kind squeezed into the already crowded world?

"Besides, I am exploring a bloody path for this world."

The power of espers is not only a matter of painstaking development, but can also become stronger by adapting to demons and devouring demons.

The confusion that would result can be imagined.

The chaos caused by Hawkins's four stages in the world alone is far more than just a cow ability user...

I'm afraid there will be more groups like Blackbeard that specialize in hunting ability users.

What will happen in the end when you raise Gu? It’s really exciting.

"They should thank me."

The clown licked his lower lips, with a chilling expression, and turned around and said.

"Hunter White, your chance to be promoted and make meritorious deeds has come."

Putting someone like Smoker in the position would be a tear for the Navy itself.

Although the vigilance in Smoker's eyes did not fade away, he still focused on the artificial devil fruit.

This is a hot commodity in the underground world!

In addition to Baolan and the people who fell into the mouth of the Sea King, there are many living people on this ship who can be interrogated.

To be honest, Smoker was actually prepared to leave no one alive, after all, the person coming was a clown.

However, the clown had no intention of getting involved in blood. After completing his own verification, he reluctantly restored the ship.

"Repetitive killing is monotonous and boring. I don't like it. In many cases, I like to watch them commit suicide."

The clown seemed to notice Smoker's question and said with a grin.

He didn't plan to say anything more to Smog. This place itself was close to Punk Hassad, and it would not be difficult to find out the information.

Not long after.

Smoker had already determined the source of the goods.

The former location of the World Government Research Institute is now an uninhabited island - Punk Hassad.

The island was supposed to be enveloped in poisonous fog after a huge explosion...

Smoker looked at the island slowly emerging from the sea.

This spring island with a pleasant climate does not look green at all, but instead reveals the twilight of late autumn and early winter.

There are only patches of dead grass and cold smoke, and the only stream flows down from the east side of the island and finally merges into the sea.

Circles of purple ripples are launched on the surface of the blue water.

It is not difficult to imagine the scene of the big explosion a year ago, when the ground was covered with red ground and poisonous gas filled the sky.

The iron net with the fatal mark circled the island, which was the last conscience of the world government.

However, this conscience has been broken into several large gaps now, and there are obviously traces of human activities.

Behind the warship, there is another huge ship that has been slowly following, the ship is floating, and the shadow covers a large area of ​​​​the sea.

Like the King of Hell.

The clown will choose to cooperate only if you are valuable.

If you are not valuable, you will probably become the other party's plaything like the blue ship.

Smoker blew a smoke ring. He was not naive enough to think that the clown would let them go with a gentle face and let them take all the credit.

Behind all the benefits, there are unbearable costs...

But there is no way out.

If you want to realize your own justice, you must climb up!

Climb to the position of vice admiral, you can influence the navy of a base, and climb to the position of admiral, you can influence half of the navy.

Climb to the position of marshal...

You can influence the world!

In the past few years of settling in Rogue Town, and the news about the destruction of a country in three years, it was enough to make Smoker clench his fists.

He was extremely dissatisfied with the current situation!

"The top management is too useless, so why not let me do it!"

He was not a person who followed the rules.

Moreover, it was ridiculous to let the navy become an accomplice or even prey of the Celestial Dragons' hunting activities.

If the industrial chain of artificial devil fruits could be exposed, at least it would be enough for him to climb to the position of vice admiral, and if the clown could be caught...

He had to be patient!

Smoker bit his cigar with a fierce look in his eyes.

Tina's account had not been settled yet!

Then he waved his hand and said loudly:

"Everyone listen to the order, put on gas masks, and prepare to land on the island!"

After that, he looked at the giant ship again.

Judging from the previous performance, the clown seemed to be interested in the artificial devil fruit, so did he mean to let him explore the way first?

In fact.

Buggy had no intention of asking Smoker to explore the way.

Although the giant ship was hanging behind the warship, Buggy had already taken the lead.

He can fly by stepping on his right foot with his left foot, so why would he be so silly as to play with landing on the island?

His body is divided into five parts, each flying on its own.

After flying along the purple-green river for a while, you can see many guys patrolling along the river in heavy chemical protective suits.

They look very strange.

Some people use goat legs, while others use remote-controlled balloons.

Ellis still uses remote-controlled balloons.

He tied up his lower body and hopped around.

He was obviously envious of his companions who used goat legs.

"How is it? Is this goat leg good?"

"Haha, much better than that balloon."

"I wonder what it tastes like when roasted. Is it much different from an ordinary goat..." Ellis couldn't help but think, but considering that his companions were all pirates, they all had bad tempers.

So he didn't say it.

Instead, he sighed:

"I think so, but the surgeon said that they have to come one by one, saying that they are experimenting with some approaching characteristics and trying to awaken the devil."

"It sounds scary."

"That's hard to say, maybe you will be the next one."

The companion also said politely.

After experiencing life and death, these death row prisoners have become much friendlier.

The most important thing is that the lower body has completely lost consciousness under the attack of poison gas, and they have to rely on the remote-controlled balloon made by Lord Caesar to move.

After the death surgeon came, there is an additional option of limb replacement, which looks good.

But Ellis does not plan to replace the lower limbs of the goat, and there are only a few women on the island.

"It's all thanks to Lord Caesar, otherwise we would all die in that explosion."

Before the explosion of Punk Hazard, they were experimental materials. After the explosion, the death row prisoners rescued by Caesar were free.

"That's true."

"There shouldn't be anything to do today, why don't I go see the doctor first."

For some reason, Ellis's idea of ​​remodeling his lower limbs suddenly became very urgent, as if he would miss an opportunity if he didn't go.

Patrolling day after day was not so important.

The companion hesitated for a while, but still said:

"Then go, anyway, the poison gas on the island has not been completely dispersed, and the transport group dared not land on the island."

"Haha, if they landed on the island, they would suffer the same fate as us, with the lower body paralyzed!"

"It's a good deal if you can still drink alive!"

Ellis responded with a few words, left the patrol team, and walked up the river.

The explosion destroyed most of the creatures on the island, but those who were still alive were either lucky enough or fierce enough.

Ellis knew that there was a giant beast called the Big Stupid Dragon by Ms. Monet living in the wild forest by the river.

It is said that it was used by the World Government to guard it in the past.

But as long as you walk along the river, the stupid dragon will notice it and will not approach.

The purple river water looked toxic, and it was indeed toxic.

He had only taken two steps when he heard the alarm ringing, and the communication headset came with the urgent news that a warship had landed on the island.

All over the lifeless island, warning lights suddenly rose from the ground, buzzing and shining.

This island was originally transformed.

An enemy attack?

Then he had to hurry to see a doctor!

Ellis didn't know where this idea came from, but he was particularly persistent in his heart.

"Hurry, go faster!"

The remote-controlled balloon bounced one after another.

After walking along the river for a while, when I could vaguely see a dilapidated white barrel-shaped building, I suddenly turned a corner.

After passing through a bunch of bushes and walking at a slower pace for a while, at the bottom of a cliff, a valley suddenly appeared in front of us.

The sloping mountain forest just covers this canyon. If you look at it from the sky, you can easily ignore this canyon.

It is precisely because of this that the base here was not affected by the explosion and was preserved.

Because the alarm bell was blaring, a tower-shaped research base on the edge of the valley was already flashing red light.

More death row prisoners wearing chemical protective suits poured out of the base.

They were a patrol formed by Caesar.

There were two snipers covered in white fur following behind.

"The one who invaded the base is White Hunter Smoker. That guy is a natural ability user. Don't confront them head-on. Attack them with poison gas bombs. Just don't let them get close to the research institute!"

"have you understood?"

"Got it, Ms. Monet!"

Monet listened to the echo on the phone and nodded with satisfaction.

In front of her was a monitoring wall composed of about twenty screens, monitoring the situation all over the island, so they were informed immediately when the warship landed on the island.

But I don't know if Monet is alone in the main control room.

Beside her, two pure white wings swayed slightly.

"Can the experiment continue? I can replace your legs with bird claws."

Luo tilted his head and covered his eyes with the brim of his white hat.

"Hey, hey, hey, even though this is part of our cooperation, there's no need to rush. Besides, I haven't taken away your heart yet."

As the director of the research institute, Caesar is naturally also in the main control room at this moment.

It's just that he didn't look very trusting when he looked at Luo.

A newly emerging supernova came to say that he wanted to cooperate with him...

This is not surprising, after all, his artificial Devil Fruit has stolen the limelight all over the world.

There are many people who want to find him.

But I didn't expect that this pirate came up first.

The rhetoric used is to investigate research data on world government.

This doesn't hold up very well.

But his ability is so useful.

It's just a pity that this place must be abandoned. Even if all the navy is killed, the news here will definitely spread.

However, Doflamingo, the sponsor, gave him many favorable conditions, and the Smile Factory over there happened to be completed.

Just becoming Tenyaksha's subordinate may not be easy to take on the work of other pirates.

Auntie's remuneration for researching the giantization project is quite generous.

Caesar said it was regret, but still grinned high, and a pair of goat horns dangled above his head.

"Our focus is still on this ship."

Caesar adjusted the perspective of the main control room.

A huge wooden boat can be seen floating on the sea.

"Is it the Mermaid Princess's ship? What is she doing here?"

Luo also knew something about this Sea King.

They are very similar to me, they are both tools used by clowns.

"No, no, no, according to the intelligence, the person on this ship is the clown."

It was so cold that my hands froze.

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