One Piece: Buggy the Clown from Arkham

Chapter 174 I'm just a clown

The bet is settled.

Then let's talk about the content.

A glimmer flashed in the eyes of the flying squirrel. This bet is advantageous to him.

How many people can be on the warship is ultimately up to him.

Of course, since the clown would bet with him, it would not be so easy to let it go.

This is not the first time he and the clown have fought, so of course he would not have any contempt for him.

On the contrary, the flying squirrel was very cautious.

Since this bad guy would make this bet, he must have some tricks.

"The minimum configuration for a warship to operate is 278 people, but this does not take into account the number of people who can operate 24 hours a day. If it is just for transportation, even so many soldiers are not needed."

"It takes about half a day to sail to the nearest island."

"In this way, the warship only needs about 120 soldiers and can carry up to 300 civilians at the same time."

He tapped his fingers on the table, thinking about the upper and lower limits and matching of the number of people that the warship can carry.

Soldiers are needed, or the panicked people will kill themselves.

Or not bring the people...

Don't think the town is quiet now. Once the warship leaves the port, the people inside will definitely run out in droves...

But it's not impossible...

"Have you thought about it? But you'd better hurry up."

Bucky's mouth curled up.

"The dark environment will gradually wear away people's rationality. People who claim to be civilized will reveal their crazy side in a life-and-death situation."

"I can guarantee that I won't attack the last warship, but it's hard to say about others."

"And your town, there should be people you care about in it, after all, life."

Bucky raised the corner of his mouth, as if he could really empathize with the flying squirrel.

"We are not innocent teenagers who can live forever with passion. When the scale of life is extended, we will always meet someone unforgettable, and we will also want to stand in front of someone."


"This is human instinct.

You know, I was married too. My wife...she has beautiful blonde hair, or black hair, I can't remember it, or maybe red hair. Someone always cares about this."

"But she is beautiful. I always remember that she is beautiful."

"She is so beautiful that I always want to cut my body open and put her in, so that she won't leave."

Is there really such a person?

Not only the flying squirrel doubts, but Bucky is not sure either.

Anyway, he thinks there is one now.

"But it's a pity."

"She also likes gambling, and then she owes a lot of loan sharks."

"The gangsters from the West Sea came to us. Yes, we lived together in the West Sea at that time. They burned spots on her face with cigars."

"It's really pitiful. When she hugged my thighs and cried all the time, it was really helpless."

"She begged me to help her."

"But how can I help her?"

"I'm just a clown."

Bucky's expression was full of reminiscence, and the emotion in his words was particularly sincere, even with two tears in the corners of his eyes.

Even the flying squirrel was a little suspicious.

Didn't Buggy stay in the East Sea after Roger's death, and even went to the West Sea to marry a wife?

This information is very valuable, maybe it can be used to threaten the clown.

The flying squirrel secretly wrote down the information of the woman mentioned by the clown.

Blonde, black or red hair.

Very beautiful but disfigured.

Like to gamble.

He let his thoughts immerse himself in thinking about the past mentioned by the clown, hiding the only soft spot deeply.

"I can understand it."

Bucky's tone dropped a lot.

"At that time, I had to cut myself into pieces, very thinly, like peeling an apple, and then wrap her up..."

"You see, this way she won't see her face anymore."

"Or... hehe"

Bucky didn't say anything after that, he didn't like this or.

Although it really happened.

His story ended, and the flying squirrel had made up his mind. The old navy didn't let the clown's words interfere with his judgment. He raised his head and said firmly:

"280 people, I bet the last warship to leave will carry 280 people."

His Mohawk hairstyle gave him a bit of height advantage, and the long vertical striped suit made him look very thin.

The clown was right. The long-term dark environment is indeed constantly wearing away people's rationality, including his.

The flying squirrel's face is thin and wrinkled.

It's those eyes that are particularly firm.

280 people will all be his soldiers!

And I...

The flying squirrel didn't plan to board the warship, nor did he plan to take the clown's head and leave as the headquarters required.

Instead, he wanted to protect the clown and the town by himself.

As long as he didn't leave, the people's rationality would still have a bottom line!

"How many people do you bet on?"


"Wait, I think the possibility of 0 is a little greater."

Bucky's face was both tangled and casual. I don't know how such contradictory emotions can appear on a person's face.

But it was true.

He was tangled about which number sounded better, but he didn't care about the result.

"How about 6, I like this number."

The veins on the flying squirrel's forehead jumped.

He really wanted to die with the clown.

But he didn't want to miss this opportunity.

"Then let's go with 6."

6 and 280, the bet on the number of people who can leave on the warship began.

"No problem, hehe."

Bucky laughed secretly, and the arc of his mouth could not be pressed back.

But the front fell into darkness again.

Flying Squirrel sealed the box, and placed the seastone shackles on the box, separating him from the clown by a layer of wooden box board.

It seemed that he could feel at ease in this way.

Then he hurried to complete his deployment.

Letting 280 soldiers leave on the warship requires a choice, but it cannot be a big deal.

There are thousands of soldiers in the base. If everyone knows about it, it will inevitably cause a mutiny.

There are also supplies, and the allocation of supplies is also an important part.

He first circled a name.

T Capone.

The brigadier general with the name of the ship cutter, the other party's knight-like character is also rare in the navy. If this person leads the team, Flying Squirrel can feel at ease.

It was just right to transfer some marines to the warships on the pretext of protecting the warships...

I also had to show up to reassure the soldiers and the people, and I had to continue to work on the wind tunnel.

After thinking for a while, the flying squirrel put on a white navy coat, and the golden tasseled epaulettes were particularly gorgeous. The samurai sword hung on his waist, and there was a slight sound when he walked.

Just after taking two steps, the flying squirrel hurried back and took the clown's head with him.

Let this thing out of his sight, the flying squirrel was really worried.


The box, and the cold laughter came.

Without any emotion.

Buggy really didn't care about the outcome of the bet.

Because he couldn't blow up the entire town and base with gas alone. If the concentration of gas reached this level, the flying squirrel and the others would have suffocated to death long ago.

Of course, if some bombs were added to assist, a similar effect might be achieved.

But there was no need for that.

It's enough that Flying Squirrel joins the gambling game.

The noise he created has already satisfied the needs of Zefa and the others.


Of course, they are happy.

From the moment Flying Squirrel agreed to the gambling game, things began to slide in an irreversible direction.

"The prejudice of the human heart is a mountain, and the darkness of the human heart is a sea."


He turned his head like Shen Gongbao in his memory.

Flying Squirrel has no time to pay attention to the clown's mischief.

He appeared directly in the base, issued orders, and deployed supplies under various reasons.

"The last warship must not have any problems, Kibin, you will take over the task of Capone to continue to open up the wind channel."

"Let Capone and his men stay on the warship."

"Don't worry, the warship will not leave the port. The clown doesn't want to do anything to us. The headquarters has determined that his target is not here."

"It's just that I was implicated!"

Flying Squirrel has been stationed in the G1 branch for many years, so there is no need to say much about his prestige.

At his command, the people who were a little panicked because of the burning of the ship calmed down immediately. Being busy can always make people forget something.

"I can do something too."

Yixiao took two steps forward and said.

"Mr. Yixiao..." Flying Squirrel frowned.

He didn't look down on him. This day was enough for him to look through the other party's information. Although the other party was in contact with the navy for the first time, the CP organization had already paid attention to him.

He was a user of the Heavy Fruit ability and had extraordinary swordsmanship.

And unlike the clown, he didn't have any chaotic thoughts and had a gentle personality. He joined the navy because he couldn't stand the increasingly chaotic world and wanted to do something.

"Then trouble you to go to the town with me."

"I don't want to see chaos there."

Among the soldiers, Kibin, who was wearing a black suit, had a gloomy face, his long hair tied into a ponytail, and stretched out his hand to loosen his black bow tie.

"Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel... He doesn't look like someone who would disobey orders."

Looking at the figures of Flying Squirrel and Yixiao leaving, Kibin lowered his head and whispered a few words.

In his impression, Flying Squirrel is a hardliner like Akainu, and he is merciless when facing the seedlings of evil.

Especially when bombing Judicial Island.

Although it was just because a fool launched the Demon Killing Order, Flying Squirrel's face at that time was very cold.

But now...

He is indecisive.

He can make better decisions, but like some fools, he is tripped by a bunch of useless people.

Kibin, who came from the CP organization, is an orphan and has no relatives. In his eyes, completing the mission is far more important than anything else.

Just like what Lucci did at the beginning.

"Commodore, what should we do next?"

An adjutant beside him asked.

"I'll go talk to Capone."

Kibin doesn't plan to make a fool of himself with Flying Squirrel here.

The town shrouded in fog is dark, and the atmosphere of panic is spreading.

The stuffy chest, the sky light covered by the cage, the ship that suddenly sank into the sea, and the navy soldiers who made money in the name of fire fighting.

Like a thin string, it becomes tighter and tighter as time goes by, and the middle part becomes very thin, as if it will lose control immediately with just a slight push.

The flying squirrel doesn't want to see this scene.

He and Yixiao walked on the streets of the town, their faces were a little heavy.

The town built on the basis of the naval base itself has a close relationship with the base, especially during the war in Marinford, a group of naval families moved in.

"The tense environment makes some soldiers lose themselves."

"Excuse me, Mr. Yixiao."

Bucky did not lie.

Some areas for navy family members were fine, but when the two walked to other areas, the chaotic scene made Flying Squirrel frown.

"I am not an ascetic monk who came out of the deep mountains and old forests."

Yixiao grabbed the cane knife and followed the flying squirrel.

"It is a blessing to be blind. There are too many dirty and vulgar people in the world that people can't bear to see. I closed my eyes because I couldn't bear to see such things."

"Just now, unless all five senses are lost, there will still be lingering sorrow."

It is not difficult to understand what Yixiao meant by this. He is very clear about the evil of human nature and has escaped before, but now he wants to do something.

"In the current turbulent times, the Navy really needs Mr. Yixiao to join. After the incident, I will recommend Mr. Yixiao to the headquarters for assessment."

"But now, I need to clean up these scum first."

The flying squirrel's fingers grasped the hilt of the sword, and the snow-white blade slowly pulled out.

Before he witnessed these things, he could turn a blind eye, but after seeing them, he had to clean them up.

"Sir... Mr. Flying Squirrel!"

"Sir, the base commander, why are you here?!"

Several soldiers who had just come out of the residents' houses and were still in dishevel suddenly froze and their faces turned pale.

Then a silver-white knife flashed.

The head fell to the ground.

"Let's look at other places."

The flying squirrel shook the knife, and blood beads dripped from the snow-white blade, without getting a single drop of it.

Changchuan, his sword, is also a famous sword listed among the twenty-one great swords.

The blade is slender and the hilt is gorgeous.

He didn't say much.

His appearance and the bloody head were the best reassurance for the increasingly panicked people.

Along the way, the flying squirrel had already sensed many hidden corners of the window, full of scrutiny.


The flying squirrel walked a distance with a smile, allowing his figure to appear in the eyes of countless people.

"Do you want to go over here to take a look?"

He stopped with a smile, and his ears heard that when he passed this area, the flying squirrel's heart skipped a beat.

But this area was extremely quiet... It seemed that there was no sign of human activity.

The flying squirrel opened his mouth and was about to answer.

A soldier rushed over.

"Your Excellency the base commander, Mr. Kibin and Mr. Capone had a conflict at the port!"

Things were indeed not that simple...

The flying squirrel still weighed the box in one hand, and rubbed his fingers on the box board a few times, feeling a little heavy.

"It really makes trouble..."

"It's a pity that Ralph and Adams died in the top battlefield."

These two were his former subordinates.

During the war, although only Akainu and Sengoku were injured, and Kizaru's clothes had more wrinkles.

But the casualties of the middle and lower levels were quite horrible.

Many positions were vacant.

Kibin and Capone were transferred at this time. Flying Squirrel had not yet completely convinced them, otherwise there would not be someone who bypassed him and reported directly to the headquarters.

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