One Piece: Buggy the Clown from Arkham

Chapter 19 Navy: I don’t have it!

"Good morning, Grandpa Allison."

"Good morning, our little newsboy on the 24th."

Allison responded with a smile.

Of course he recognized the little newsboy in front of him, who was only eight or nine years old, but his cloudy eyes couldn't tell whether he was Secco or Lange.

There are many such little newsboys.

"Would you like to buy a newspaper? Today's newspaper is extremely popular!"

"Is it those pirate stories again? I don't want to read this."

Allison shook his head. At his gray-haired age, he was no longer interested in stories about pirates. He just arranged the stall neatly for today and put the wild fruits picked in the early morning on it.

Hope I can make some money.

It's not every day that he can pick enough wild fruits to set up a stall.


The newsboy said happily, "It has something to do with the island. The navy said it was going to free the slaves!"


Allison's rickety figure instantly straightened up, and his cloudy eyes were uncontrollably misted.

He hurriedly took a warm newspaper from the newsboy's hand, and stuffed several fruits into the newsboy's arms.

His eyes were not strong enough for him to see clearly the ant-like small letters under the title.

But enough to read the title.

"In response to justice, the Navy declares the emancipation of the slaves!"


This is real!

Allison felt a tremor of excitement all over his body and hurriedly dug into his bag to find a magnifying glass with a lot of wear and tear.

Read carefully word by word.

"Navy Major Yarrow leads the team"

"Human auction venue. Completely burned down"

"Really, this is true!"

"My Perini can finally come back, I have finally waited for this day!"

Moist tears kept sliding down the hilly ravines on his face.

Allison didn't know how to describe his mood at the moment.

Perrine, his daughter.

He was trafficked to this area when he was fourteen years old.

Since then, the small home he had worked hard to build for half his life collapsed.

No one pleads for them, no one seeks justice for them.

navy, white navy

When he tried to resist, he was arrested instead.

He thought he would never be able to wait for his daughter to come back in this life.

Now, he sees hope.

Major Yarrow, Allison knew the name by heart.

It's not just him.

Newspapers from the World Economic News Agency fell across the island like winter snowflakes.

In almost every street and every human settlement, you can see people crying or beating their hands on the ground.

They have waited too long for justice!

Someone has even hung the navy's seagull flag, hanging it high on the highest eaves, as if to declare ownership of this place.


"A just response? That's great."

Warring States never thought that he would be so disturbed by a page of newspaper that he would feel so complicated.

Doesn't he know about the Shampoo Islands?

Of course that's impossible.

But so what?


On the conference table in front of him, someone slammed the table and shouted loudly.

"The Navy never responded to anything about the slaves!"

"A person as reckless as Yaro should be kicked out of the navy!"

"Marshal, we can't discuss it any longer. We must deal with the incident in the Shampoo Islands immediately!"

This is a meeting belonging to the top brass of the Navy.

The participants were all with military ranks above lieutenant general, and also included some officials from the world government.

Apparently, they also saw the same newspaper.

Warring States wiped his nose lightly and collected all his emotions.

As a marshal, he has long been accustomed to not showing his thoughts in front of his subordinates or people in the World Government.

"I understand, but the existence of slaves is always outlawed by the World Government, at least what Yarrow does, from our perspective."

But this is a good dream, and Warring States wants to make it last longer.

"The CP organization will not tolerate it either."

Next to him, the gray-haired naval chief of staff, Lieutenant General He, reminded.

She was reminding Sengoku.

If the Navy doesn't handle this matter in time.

Then the CP organization will deal with it in a more cruel way.

I seem to have become a little indecisive because of the newspaper title.

Warring States shook his head and laughed at himself.

Then he said in a tone that left no room for criticism:

"Inform the World Economic News Service to stop reporting this news, and at the same time, collect this newspaper across the island!"

"At the same time, block the news of the human auction site and don't give our enemies a chance."

"As for Yaro."

He pulled out a page of files from the desktop, and Yaro's somewhat green face was posted on the file.

"There are irregularities in his promotion. I suggest that we recall him to the headquarters for questioning."

There are certainly problems with Yarrow's promotion.

A navy that didn't even kill a few pirates was promoted to the rank of lieutenant commander at the speed of light in two or three years.

He is almost comparable to the King of the Navy.

But as long as the top management doesn't care about these things, it's fine.

Whenever you make a calculation, it's all a bargain.

"I don't agree."

A government official in a black suit stood up.

"This is no longer an internal problem within your navy."

"This major is suspected of killing nobles of allied countries and plundering the legitimate property of nobles. His behavior is no different from that of a pirate!"

"It's not your turn to speak here!"

Zhan Guo was also very polite. He was a naval marshal after all. How could an official change his mind?

"This is the opinion of the Five Elders."

The official said indifferently.

Is it really the opinion of the Five Elders?

Not necessarily.

With their positions, they don't even have to care about such things.

But they won't oppose such opinions.

Zhan Guo's face didn't change much, but he felt a little disappointed.

Justice of the king.

The navy under the control of the world government can't achieve it at all

Recalling Yaluo to the headquarters is just a kind of protection for him.

"Then suspend him temporarily and wait for investigation."

Tsuru on the side gave a relatively mild opinion.

"There is another theme of today's meeting, which is about the handling of the pirate Ace..."


Sicily had a bad sleep today.

Whether it was the bombardment of calls from the navy and the world government, or Buggy's heart-wrenching words.

All of them made him feel exhausted.

It was so early in the morning, and there was still a lot of noise outside the base.

"Why is it so noisy outside? Have we been invaded by pirates?"

He had a stern face and was in a very bad mood.

The nobles were dead, and his future was gone.

Let alone his future, he would be very lucky to keep his current position.

"Major General!"

Diouf hurried over from the gate of the base, holding a crumpled newspaper in his hand.

"Sir, they said the navy is going to liberate the slaves, is this true?"

"Liberate the slaves?!"

Sicily woke up instantly.

The last person who shouted to liberate the slaves, even his bones turned into slag!

He almost kept saying: "I'm not, I didn't!"

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