One Piece: Buggy the Clown from Arkham

Chapter 21 You can't change anything

What Luo thinks of happiness is beyond Bucky's control anyway.

And what he didn't expect at all was.

When I just returned to the Navy's Area 66 base, I just stepped into the thick concrete wall.

Not surprisingly, he was imprisoned.

As if this was some treacherous pirate.

In the underground inquiry room on an unknown number of floors below the base, Bucky finally met the base director.

"Do you really think you did that for justice?"

Sicily's questioning voice was unceremonious.

He has a Chinese character face and a crescent-shaped beard on his face.

The hideous scar under his left eye showed the difference between him and Bucky.

There were obviously many pirates or innocent people's heads under his position as major general.


"This island was like this a hundred years ago, it is like this now, and it will still be like this in a hundred years."

"You can't change anything!"

"Stop your pretentious look. The entire Lukes family was destroyed because of you!"

What Sicily couldn't understand the most was why Yaro, who was a vested interest himself and even a participant in the slave game, would use such a high profile and such an arrogant attitude to rob another auction venue.

He even threatened to free the slaves in the newspapers!

"That's such a shame."

Bucky flicked the shackles on his wrists casually, and then scanned the single cell beneath him.

What a familiar feeling!

"But why do you think I am here, Your Excellency Sicily?" he asked politely.

I don't know why, but when Sicily heard this rhetorical question, he felt a shiver deep in his heart for no reason.

It's like something terrible is about to happen.


Finally, he spit out these two words from clenched teeth.

Crazy, this is his evaluation of this noble major.

The cell used to hold the major is located on the third underground level of the base.

A cold iron bed took up one-third of the entire cell.

An incandescent lamp hung overhead.

Beyond the lonely incandescent lamp is a long stretch of darkness.

There was no sound, not even a guard.

Such deep darkness and silence, like an abyss with no bottom, keeps pulling people's hearts downward.

"We have never used this confinement room, so we kept Major Yaro in it. Isn't it not good?"

"Moreover, the order from the headquarters is only temporary."

"Shut up." Sicily glanced at the short-sighted adjutant.

The look on Bucky's face when he asked the last question always made him uneasy.

He was so uneasy that he had to imprison Bucky in the solitary cell on the bottom floor to find some peace of mind.

"Go check again and see who else Yaro has been in contact with besides Diouf."

"No, including Diouf, check it out too!"

"I don't believe it anymore. A person is fine in the detention center base, but when he comes to me, he becomes a lunatic!"


"Wow, did you see it? It's a Ferris wheel!"

In the Soap Bubble Park, the Straw Hats were running around shouting and screaming as if Grandma Liu had entered the Grand View Garden.

The magical bubble creation suddenly occupied their eyes.

"Haha." Robin covered her mouth and chuckled twice. This group of happy guys seemed to be able to dispel all the depression in her past.

However, she also noticed that there seemed to be a depressing atmosphere among the people coming and going on civilian street.

She vaguely heard it with the ears that grew on the corners of the streets.

Seems to be related to a certain newspaper that is no longer in circulation.

She grabbed it casually and took out a newspaper from someone's house.

Then pass it again, passing the left hand to the right hand repeatedly.

The Flowey Fruit's ability allows Robin's limbs to grow at will.

The newspaper fell in front of her.

"Navy. Free the Slaves Yarrow"

"It's incredible."

Robin, who grew up in an environment where he was constantly being hunted by the world government, can better understand the weight of this title.

When I related it to the depressed atmosphere of the residents on civilian streets, I felt a little clearer.


"What are you looking at?!"

The jubilant mermaid Kemi came closer. She was full of curiosity about the human world.

I was so excited that I accidentally exposed the fish’s tail.

Several figures on the street corner noticed this scene.

Slowly came closer.

Robin's eyes turned cold, and he crossed his hands together, as if he was ready to strangle someone to death at any time.

"Please be careful!"

The visitor looked unhappy and held a yellowed price list in his hand.

Pointing, "Female mermaids can be sold for a sky-high price of 70 million beli in the hands of those slave-catching teams!"

"Am I so valuable?!"

"You are?"

Robin was stunned for a moment, this contrast was somewhat beyond her expectation.

The visitor smiled honestly.

"We are Major Yarrow's followers!"


"Yes, even if the Navy does not acknowledge that response, at least Major Yarrow really did it. If he hadn't burned down the human auction venue in Area 1, those slave-catching teams would have been so rampant!"

The visitor was still a little angry, "The navy and the World Government are all the same as the slave-catching team!"

"Even newspapers that have been published must be banned."

"Speaking of which, the newspaper in your hand is also very rare. Now we have hidden the newspaper of that day."

"Thank you so much."

Robin couldn't help but smile. The navy that shouted to liberate the slaves was indeed special.

Even Cammy beside him looked frightened.

She had heard about the fate of the slaves from other tribesmen a long time ago.

It was a hundred times more terrible than being made into sashimi!

"You're welcome!"

"No cruel world, this is Major Yaro's declaration and our creed!"

The visitor's eyes were much firmer, and his big hands were clenched:

"We will never let them cover up what Major Yaro did, even if they still use the public execution of a pirate named Ace to grab people's attention!"



Robin seemed to be electrocuted.

The only Ace who could be publicly executed by the navy was that person, the Fire Fist Ace of the Whitebeard Pirates? !

How could the man who claimed to be the strongest in the world watch his son being executed? !

This is,

a sign of war!


Under the lonely incandescent light.

Bucky tapped the iron bed again and again, humming something from time to time.

A dark solitary room for one person

Hey, how fresh!

The solitary room in Arkham Asylum is like his home.

"It's about to start."

"Wait, wait a little longer"

Just thinking about the joyful game that is about to sweep the world, he couldn't help but snicker.

His smile even became brighter.

There is no one guarding here, he can use his own face.

In the dark solitary room for one person.

You can see a clown laughing alone.

If you look more carefully, you will notice it.

With his joyful laughter.

Under Bucky's fingers that tapped again and again, a few white marks like splitting appeared faintly on the iron bed.

The devil is very satisfied with him!

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