One Piece: Buggy the Clown from Arkham

Chapter 274 Undersea ruins in the Calm Belt

The moon was bright and the stars were sparse.

On the sea surface, only layers of white waves were seen, and the sound of the waves covered the sound of the whistling sea breeze.

Shirahoshi exposed her head above the sea surface, and her tail fin swung underwater.

The sea kings seemed to be waiting for her, and their swimming speed was not fast, but after Shirahoshi approached the herd, they all whimpered.

The herd began to move closer to their king.

Shirahoshi didn't need to swim much, the current formed by the swinging of a group of sea kings could push her forward.

The sea kings also floated up a little, revealing their dorsal fins or tail fins on the sea surface, and their skin was also different.

Some were as bright and clear as carp, and there were scales reflected when they floated out of the sea.

Some were like eels, with a layer of smooth mucous membrane, and they swam particularly fast.

Buggy's feet hung on Shirahoshi's head, and his body was suspended in the air, and he was also curious about this wonder.

Neither the college student nor the red nose had such a picture in their memory.

Maybe there was one eight hundred years ago?

Roger had concluded that the soon-to-be-born Shirahoshi and the mermaid princess eight hundred years ago both belonged to the "Sea King" Poseidon through the historical text of Sky Island and the description of King Neptune.

A kind of inheritance?

There was also a funeral-like ceremony in front of him.

They were not just beasts...

Buggy recalled a setting he had seen in his memory... Sea kings have a long lifespan and high intelligence, almost equal to humans.

Using the Calm Belt as their nest...

If they really have the same intelligence as humans, I'm afraid these big guys are the real kings of the world, right?

"Another secret of the blank hundred years?"

He looked into the distance and saw the morning light floating far away on the sea.

A secret that even Red Nose didn't know...

The rising and setting of the sun was like someone replacing an image in the sky, and the scene around Buggy had not changed at all.

The sea kings were hurrying on their way, and Shirahoshi seemed to be infected by the emotions of these sea kings, with red eyes all the time, occasionally showing her face for a while, and then quickly burying it again.

Buggy didn't even have anyone to talk to.

However, he also had a clear understanding of their position.

Buggy stretched out his hand and felt it.

The moment the sunlight was completely swallowed by the sea, the sea breeze disappeared, and only the layers of white waves left by the tsunami were still surging on the sea surface, but the waves had been much lower.

Calm belt.

This is the calm belt.

On both sides of the herd, huge shadows like islands flashed by from time to time, and then seemed to merge into the herd under the sea, and soon disappeared again.

From the time other sea kings gathered, Buggy felt that this ceremony had gone beyond the scope of a funeral, but instead seemed to be some kind of witness... like, a coronation ceremony.

He floated his head higher, and his body was like a kite pulling his head, so that he could see more clearly from a bird's-eye view.

They were the center of the herd.

To be precise, it had nothing to do with the clown, Shirahoshi was the center.

The sea kings were very respectful by not dragging this guy who stepped on the king's head into the water and skinning him alive.

"I bet that Godzilla is definitely a child in front of these guys. Isn't the reason why the sea level continues to rise because these guys are getting bigger?"

Baki muttered a few times, his voice was not concealed.

"Master Joker!" At this time, Shirahoshi turned around and changed from prone to backstroke.

"We are going to dive."

The direction of the herd of beasts began to gradually go down. Floating up was just to accommodate the king. Now we have to rush to the target.

Baki nodded and put his body back together section by section.

"I still miss the deep sea."

"I still lose my ability."

"I should have asked them to go easy on me. At least leave Barrett's submarine behind."

Diving without a coating or a submarine is an extreme sport no matter how you look at it.

Baki could feel his heartbeat thumping, and then it quickly calmed down.

This kind of thing was not as exciting to him as Barrett's battle with "Godzilla".

But he was curious about the sea kings.

He took out the bubble gun and created a bubble that was just big enough to hold him. The texture of the bubble was very similar to the bubbles made by the coating craftsmen, but when he touched the bubble, he could clearly feel the weakness in his body.

But it didn't make him completely lose his ability.

It was not the same as the effect claimed by Vegapunk. It might be that the concentration of Buggy's demons was too high, or the seawater content of the bubble was too low.

Shirahoshi held the bubble in his palm.

Then he stabbed it again.

The dark blue world suddenly entered Buggy's eyes.

Unlike the herd of beasts that appeared like a floating island on the sea surface, the true face of this herd of beasts was under the sea surface.

There was no need for starlight to penetrate the sea water. The glowing eyes of these super-giant sea kings were enough to illuminate everything in front of Buggy's vision.

Around him, hills of different colors were moving slowly. The ocean currents dragged these hills, as if they had turned into substance.

The starlight was farther away.

After Buggy and his friends dived about 200 meters, they could vaguely see the twinkling lights on the dark blue seabed.

Not only the lights.

Although Shirahoshi was holding the bubble, she still showed her front side so that Buggy could see what was in front of her...

A city sunk in the sea, with fluorite or lantern fish emitting light between the ruins, and the sea kings shuttled through the openings of the dilapidated buildings as if they were shuttling through the holes of their nests.

This made Buggy quickly realize that the city in front of him was a huge city that belonged to giants.

The scale of the city was almost endless, and it was more urbanized than Marijoa, and the buildings were more dense.

After arriving in the city, the sea kings dispersed again. This was their nest, and those sea kings wrapped in corpses were still rushing to the center of the city.

"What is this place?"

Shirahoshi couldn't see enough with her eyes. In front of the tall door, her size was equivalent to that of a child.

"I have a guess." Buggy tapped his fingers on his chin. The antiquity and mystery here brought him a lot of fresh feelings.

Some of them were like... Red Nose went deep into the ruins of a buried treasure.

The greatest enjoyment during the exploration process was to keep seeing new things.

Including the huge wave cross carved on these buildings, Buggy felt that he seemed to have seen this pattern in some places.

Shirahoshi's attention was more on the emotions of the sea kings, "It should be here."

She heard the sea kings whimpering again.

Surrounded by a pile of dilapidated buildings, a mushroom-shaped tower stood, and the bodies of the sea kings flowed into the opening of the tower along the sea current.

"They are saying... the fire will be rekindled."

Shirahoshi could feel the emotions of the sea kings, which were unwillingness, persistence, and joy of seeing hope again after hundreds of years of waiting.

"Then this is a pile of ashes."

"The ashes of the giant kingdom."

History can be erased, but the land where the giant kingdom once stood cannot be erased, but the world government still makes it all disappear very thoroughly.

Buggy couldn't figure this out before, and now the answer is-the land where the giant kingdom is located has been completely submerged.

Just under the sea surface of the doldrums, the giant kingdom is buried here.

But what is the relationship between the sea kings and the giant kingdom?

At Buggy's eye signal, Shirahoshi lifted the bubble and swam towards the tower. The bodies of the dead sea kings fell into the tower, while other sea kings surrounded them, looking at them with expectant eyes.

This should be called a blast furnace.

After approaching, Buggy had a clearer understanding of this towering building.

If there must be something similar... This seems to be a huge version of the energy furnace that Vegapunk used to make the Holy Mother Flame.

He remembered that the Holy Mother Flame also had a name, called the Mother Fire.

Is this where the Mother Fire of the Giant Kingdom is located?

The tower is dimly lit, with phosphorous fire burning.

The circular wall has been corroded for many years and its original appearance can no longer be seen. It can only be barely recognized that it seems to be integrated with cables, circuit boards and other things.

"They said that this place was very bright many years ago."

Shirahoshi can still hear the voices of the sea kings.

"Like the sun, it provides endless energy to the entire kingdom..."

"But this fire was extinguished by a demon."

"The opposite of their path, the demon believes that power should be in the hands of a few people, not..."

Shirahoshi opened her mouth, not quite understanding the words conveyed by the sea kings.

"They want to use faith... the wishes of many people..."

She frowned, and the sea kings who had experienced countless years also had extremely jumpy thoughts, and soon jumped to another thing.

"Let a few people evolve into gods..."

Baki didn't say anything, but thought of some of Vegapunk's research on the nature of fruit abilities, that is, human pursuit of evolution.

So the idea of ​​Joyboy or the Giant Kingdom is to let everyone evolve together?

He looked around, the sea kings with wisdom, longevity, and huge bodies... Could they be the attempt made by the Giant Kingdom?

The twenty countries chose to form a coalition to attack because they could not accept this deformed evolution.

What role did Im play in it?

Baki was more interested in this.

But the sea kings were silent again at this time, and Shirahoshi chose to take Buggy and swim to the depths of the blast furnace.

She wanted to see what the ashes looked like?

There were many corpses of sea kings floating in the blast furnace, and phosphorus fire was produced in their bodies. These sea kings seemed to try to use their bodies as fuel to rekindle the fire.

This seemed to be a futile effort.

When Buggy and his companions sank to the bottom of the blast furnace, they did not see any fire, nor any ashes.

Time has smoothed all the traces.

"King... they said that another king is needed to rekindle the fire."

"We need to find another king... to win the war."

"Then the world will be connected."

Shirahoshi could understand what the sea kings meant, but it was difficult to convey the meaning to Buggy.

But Buggy suddenly laughed, "You can ask if the king is called Nika, the god of the sun."

His eyes were narrowed.

"Well, he might have been called Joyboy eight hundred years ago."

Shirahoshi's face was full of confusion.

Whether it was the king mentioned by the sea kings or Nika mentioned by Buggy, they were things she had never heard of.

However, she still conveyed this meaning to the sea kings.


The sea kings hovering outside the blast furnace suddenly became excited, staring down with their huge eyes. It seemed that they only paid serious attention to the clown following the king at this time.

"They said that Joyboy was the old king, the former sun god Nika, and his will has been passed down through this..."

"The king will be born again."

Shirahoshi felt like he had become a mouthpiece, passing messages back and forth between the sea kings and Buggy.


Baki asked Shirahoshi to take him out of the blast furnace and come outside.

The super-giant sea kings were circling around, looking at him with scrutiny.

"So the power of the devil will continue to cover up everything, and will make the king's will drown in the sea like this city."

"Just like a former pioneer, now you are forgotten and hostile like a monster in the sea."

"You attack every ship that enters the doldrums."

"It's just because countless ships have attacked this place and you."

Baki's speech speed is not fast, so it is not difficult to convey what Buggy means. Shirahoshi only needs to use his own ability to easily convey it.

After Buggy can finish a sentence, the reaction of the sea kings can be clearly observed.

They have human wisdom, but they become dull and unable to conceal over a long period of time, making everything bright and clear.

The expressions of the sea kings suddenly became anxious, and they bared their teeth at Buggy, as if they were ready to swallow him into their stomachs at any time.

This actually confirmed Buggy's conjecture.

The sea kings were once an attempt made by the huge kingdom for the evolution of all mankind, such as the mountain spiders of Saint Satan and the sandworms of Saint Pitt.

But in contrast...

"But you refuse to step out of the doldrums and treat this dilapidated ruin as a nest, just because... your evolution is not yet complete."


A giant sea king like a sea snake suddenly rushed in front of them, and the strong current it stirred up made Shirahoshi cling to the wall.

This reaction made Buggy even more delighted.

His eyes completely left this ancient city and stayed on these city defenders.

Well, it seems that he guessed right.

"Who are you? They are asking."

The emotions transmitted by the sea kings were full of questioning and shouting, but Shirahoshi herself turned it into a soft and sticky tone.

She didn't dare to speak loudly to the clown.

"The one who supports the only king." Buggy grinned, and his speech speed was still very slow. In the case of few facts, he had to adjust his words according to the reactions of the sea kings.

The reaction of the sea kings to this was not fierce, at least calmer than when Buggy just poked their sore spots.

"We don't need another king. Someone has already created a new kind of fire. The seas are about to become one..."

"The tsunami is proof of that."

Baki brought up the tsunami again, just like a charlatan during a natural disaster, using people's powerless emotions when facing natural disasters to decorate himself.

However, it is also very useful for sea kings who also have human wisdom.

"Where are they?"

Shirahoshi relayed.

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