One Piece: Buggy the Clown from Arkham

Chapter 282 Are you scared?

It's better to be lively.

Originally, Kaido's men were on the first half of the Grand Line. With the Fish-Man Island collapsed and no Ark, it was certain that they would be stranded.

I just don’t know how much damage he has suffered against the naval fleet...

Bucky didn't ask. He thought it would be interesting to have Kaido and Crocodile get together.

One wants to build a pirate empire, and the other wants to build a military empire. They are both pirates with ideals and plans.

Bucky didn't mind giving them something to do.

After getting the explanation, Morgans was finally able to stay away from the round iron plate openly. He didn't know when Im would summon them away through the disc.

Bucky was rather looking forward to it.

Except for his head, his body had been put together in much the same way, his breathing had become even, and he recovered quickly.

He reached out and took his head, placing it in place.

Get in front of Saint Peter.

The five-old star looked very miserable, half of his body was missing, and he seemed to have no strength to fight back while sitting in a wheelchair.

No, that half of the sandworm is also alive...

"That's a good thing, right?"

Saint Peter nodded, "The balance has completely disappeared. It is indeed a good thing to start over."

"I enjoy the process more."

Bucky chuckled.

"I'm really reluctant to let Wulaoxing stop playing like this... I thought you could bring me more surprises."

"Im waiting for you."

Saint Pit didn't know what Im meant. It was clear that the teleportation array could be activated at any time, but he was still waiting.

"What did you do?"

Bucky could read the confusion in his eyes.

If there's anything unresolved here... it's half-and-half Pit and Sartan.

Im going to lend my hand to kill them all?

"Probably... just to let Him see what you wrote."

Saint Pit felt a little bitter in his heart. The World Government had used all the methods it could target. Morgans' news agency did suffer a heavy blow at the beginning.

But later, relying on the fishman newspaper deliveryman, he rose again and escaped from the control of the World Government.

They didn't even catch the unabashed clown, and it was even harder to catch the birdman who had learned from past mistakes.

"Then he might be disappointed."

"I have a bad habit. The more others think about me, the more I don't want to follow their ideas."

These words made Peter feel a little touched.

The knife against his neck felt cold.

"Don't be so serious."

The clown hooked a knife into the corner of Peter Saint's mouth. This was not something from his body's inventory. He asked Wang to take it directly. This guy carried glass bottles like a warehouse.

"Just smile."

Saint Peter smiled very reluctantly, and with a clear understanding, he did not make any unnecessary movements.

Another important reason is that the impact of the other half of the sandworm soaking in the sea was also transmitted to him.

"That's it!" Bucky narrowed his eyes and held out a finger, quite dissatisfied with Im's behavior of staying behind closed doors. "How about we talk about Im's stories?"

"You know, I have never seen the true face of the king of the world behind the scenes."

"At best it's two goat mountain arms."

That time happened to be when Saint Peter lost half of his body, and recalling it is inevitably a bit desolate.

"But we can still imagine... Im, could he be a three-eyed woman with goat arms?"

"You should be able to give me the answer."

The clown said as he took out the phone bug and started recording.

This move was a bit hasty, so it was not broadcast live.

It’s hard to say how many people can watch the live broadcast now…

Peter could understand the threatening meaning in the clown's words... It didn't matter what the answer was, what mattered was what answer the clown wanted to hear.

He definitely wanted the happier one.

The corner of Peter's mouth twitched a few times, and he could feel that the blade of the knife had cut his skin, fighting against its self-healing ability.

"You should be very good at this kind of thing."

After all, the World Government can even erase a hundred years of its existence in history, so what does it mean to put a hood on Im's head?

Bucky said in a joking tone, "Besides, he has given up on you."

If Im really cared about the Five Old Stars and the Draco, he should have appeared as soon as Bucky boarded Marijoa.

The Five Old Stars plus Im might actually be able to kill the clown.

"Im..." Saint Pit looked into the eyes of the phone bug, and suddenly felt the pressure doubled, "It is indeed... the three-eyed tribe."

Before he could finish speaking, the black flames on the round iron plate under his feet suddenly surged, and a black magic circle appeared along the edge of the disc.

"It's really boring."

Bucky shook off the knife, a little disappointed.

He was just waiting for Peter to finish.

After the black flames rose, a white light filled his field of vision, and he felt like the world was spinning.

"It's a new scene. Is there a new BOSS?"

Before the white light dissipated, the clown's voice came out first.

A goat hand suddenly shattered the white light and grabbed it towards the clown.

"It seems someone has broken through."

Bucky dodges hastily and can only blow himself up again.

On the contrary, Saint Peter did not escape and was caught directly.

"Im...Master Im!"

Saint Pit only had time to shout a few words before his body was crushed to pieces by Im.

There was even more turbulent black flames on the goat's arms, covering Saint Pit in an instant.

"It's so cruel... After all, he is also your subordinate."

Before Bucky had even finished putting his body together, he teased in front of him.

Im's limbs are like those of an upright goat, and gray wool covers it almost to its chest.

At this point, it has become a female feature again, including His face, which is a female face that looks somewhat graceful.

But his skin was dark in color, with dead marks. His eyes were open and lifeless, and were a mixture of gray and red.

Goat arms stretch like rubber.

Bucky was already floating in the air.

At this time, the white light of the teleportation array had dissipated, and except for him and Wulaoxing, no one else had been teleported.

It seems to be still directional.

"You seem to care about appearance."

He muttered and glanced at the surrounding environment.

Saint Peter did not deceive him.

The other end of the teleportation array is indeed another intersection point between the Red Earth Continent and the Windless Belt, the Upside Down Mountain.

But it was originally a mountain shape, with five ocean currents passing through the Upside Down Mountain, after the king of heaven Uranus emerged from the red earth continent.

It also floated here.

The entire Upside Down Mountain seems to be part of the ring. After being pulled up by the ring, it turns into a starfish shape.

The place where he stood was the leveled Upside Down Mountain.

Something looks familiar...

Bucky didn't have time to speculate. The red-blooded Lord Im didn't even want to communicate, and the goat's arm quickly grabbed him.

fight back?

As soon as he had this idea, there was an extremely dangerous feeling in his perception of sight, hearing, color, and the old monster's little hand couldn't hold it.

"Gas ghost!"

Gas exploded continuously in front of him, and Im's arm seemed to be knocked back by the shock wave.

"But isn't it good to be a beauty from the three-eyed tribe? It's better than what you are now...hehehe, a half-goat and dead fish-eyed person."

Bucky felt it his duty to accurately describe his friend's appearance.

But then, he saw the leveled Upside Down Mountain explode.

The red moss broke through the mountain and came out like wild tentacles. The wild dance gave Bucky the illusion of being in a jungle of giant trees.

"Well, it seems that I got into trouble with someone."

Bucky didn't have much physical strength at this time, so he could only keep splitting his body. When a moss tentacle slapped down, he heard a sound like the surging tide.

"So it was this thing at that time..."

When Im chasing him underground, he used countless red moss attached to the red earth continent... He thought this guy really had some ability to turn soil into water.

Fragmented bodies kept running around in the jungle of giant trees made of red moss. Moss was not only found in Mariejoia, but also in Upside Down Mountain.

Is it possible that the entire red clay continent is this guy’s home court?

This is not impossible.

In the past eight hundred years, Yimu has rarely appeared. If it was Moss's ability, it would have taken eight hundred years to spread throughout the Red Earth Continent.

"Why don't we have a chat first? It's easy to get fatigued from fighting and killing all day long."

One mouth was still chattering away.

As soon as his voice came out, countless red moss immediately covered the sky and the earth.

The red moss became denser and denser, leaving less and less room for him to move.

If this continues, no matter how finely he is divided, he will not be able to escape the fate of being strangled, right?

Of course Bucky also understood this, and he was just trying to find a better opportunity to fight back.

Above the sea…

Upside Down Mountain originally gathered seawater from all over the world and poured it back into the Grand Route. Even if it was leveled at this time, the seawater would not drain away for a while.

There are no tentacles of red moss rising here, but Bucky can float on it with his left foot and right foot.

The knife he used to threaten Saint Peter is still in his hand...

"Why do you have to be so serious?"

The clown is smiling, his body is pieced together on the river, his left hand is in a circle, and his right hand is holding a knife.

"Smile, maybe you'll look better when you smile?"

As soon as he finished his teasing words, extremely terrifying power seemed to burst out from his body, which was not very strong.

"God avoids and shatters."

The black lightning went hand in hand with the shattered light group, sweeping away countless moss tentacles and heading straight towards Im.

The lifeless eyes of the goat monster finally showed some signs of fluctuation.

The gray-red pupils seemed to focus and tilted a bit.

The wind seemed to stand still.

Breathing also became extremely slow.

Bucky felt that it was extremely difficult for him to even turn his eyes at this time, and the dancing moss tentacles suddenly became extremely quiet.

Like crawling.

The goat monster had crossed countless obstacles in the blink of an eye and came to Bucky.

Those dead fish eyes actually revealed anger and disgust.

"Keep playing."

Bucky's breath was broken when he spoke, and blood dripped from the corner of his mouth.

One of Im's arms penetrated his chest.

It hurts so much!

Flesh and blood were penetrated, blood vessels and organs were squeezed, nerves screamed to the brain, and blood flowed out through leaks.

"You are not a continuation of that war."

After Im finished venting his anger, he spoke for the first time.

The World Government has long investigated all the details about Bucky.

Bucky is just Bucky. He does not have D's will, nor is he a race being judged, nor does he inherit any will.

He has nothing to do with the war that lasted eight hundred years.

So Im was puzzled.

"That war?"

Baki chuckled, and he felt a little out of breath.

The feeling of air leaking from his chest became stronger.

"Do you think I must be the successor of some war, must belong to a certain camp, or must have Nika's ability to achieve this step?"

Im looked calm and relaxed, and he had an attitude of easily controlling the clown.

But the reality is that the World Government is completely gone.

From the moment the Five Elders died, this government composed of twenty kingdoms and major member states was declared dead.

"They should all have it."

Im's dead fish eyes drooped.

His hair was lake blue.

"Huh... Hahahaha... I just saw that you hid so deeply, so I thought... Ah, what would it be like if I revealed Him to the world?"

"You know, people like me... cough cough!"

The clown coughed up black blood and his face turned pale.

"I don't care about willpower or war."

"I just like you the way you are now."


He laughed wildly, and could feel the arm that was piercing his chest retracting, and the dark and rough fingers lifted the flesh of his chest and touched his heart.

"You are afraid!"

The clown seemed to see through the disguise under the fierce appearance of the goat monster.

"You want to sit in that position, but you are afraid of being attacked by the crowd, so you got twenty swords and an empty throne."

"You want the greatest power in the world, but you are afraid of being discovered by others!"


"You can't hide your existence anymore, and when a lot of people from all over the world rush towards you and the cliffs of the red earth continent collapse, you can't wait to flood the whole world."

"You are so scared!"

The black flames spread from Im's body to the clown, like greedy insects, clinging to every inch of his flesh.

Im's fingers have already touched the clown's heart, which is beating slower and slower.

"I'm not afraid."

The dead fish eyes didn't seem to change at all.

"Only those who are extremely scared will say that they are not afraid." The corners of the clown's mouth curled up.

"After all, this is how you won the last war, right?"

The dead fish eyes finally couldn't be concealed, and the eyes suddenly enlarged, staring at the clown, and the strange domineering aura that seemed to make the wind, water, and clouds stagnate swept across again.

Im's fingers pressed against his heart, hooked several times but didn't go down.

"I won't let you die so easily."

He picked up the clown like a trophy.

"You will see."

The scene where everyone worships me as a god!

The red moss continued to dance, and the mountain of the Upside Down Mountain was completely shattered, and the sea water finally crossed such a natural chasm and merged together.

The sea water in completely different directions washed against each other, forming a huge whirlpool under the Upside Down Mountain.

The bottom of the whirlpool was empty.

Buggy raised his eyes and saw this scene.

"Raftel, hehe."

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