One Piece: Buggy the Clown from Arkham

Chapter 53 The Chaos You Want

The black smoke from the explosion added a bit of gunpowder smell to Gion's face.

The Kinpila slowly sheathed.

She didn't know what was going on.

In short, when she was able to do so, she didn't really want to save the Celestial Dragon.

"I can only choose one between saving the Celestial Dragon and protecting my subordinates."

She silently defended herself in her heart.

Yes, she could only choose one of the two.

She chose to swing her sword like a dance, removing the powerful impact of the explosion one by one.

However, Gion deliberately didn't think about the fact that stopping the explosion of Saint Miklos could also protect his subordinates.

"Don't remember what happened here, understand?"

"Yes, sir."

The navy soldiers who were a little shaken just now could only follow suit in the face of such a powerful force.

What's more, Gion saved their lives in the explosion.

Apparently, there were no valuable clues left after the explosion.

What was a little relieved was that the scary broadcast was over.

But Gion still felt heavy in his heart.

Where did that crazy clown go?

What was the purpose behind his crazy behavior?

Liberate slaves?

Or is it the side of the Gomei Army?

Such a bewitching ability is somewhat similar to the style of the Gomei Army.

"Lord Taotu, the slaves belonging to Saint Miklos are gone."

"Including the two devil fruits collected by the Macas family."

They quickly counted the things in the building.

The most important thing is people and property.

"Do you want to be a hero who liberates slaves like Tusher Tiger?"

In this case, Gion can still have some admiration, but the other party is too bold.

"It's still for money, but if it's just for money, why do you have to go to this extent?"

Her fingers rubbed back and forth on the handle of Kinpila.

The subordinates who were familiar with her lowered their heads and pretended not to see it.

They knew that this was the performance of Lord Taotu when he was entangled in something.

"But the Holy Land is so big that it's really hard to determine the whereabouts of the enemy of the world."

"The CP agent in charge of the guard was killed twice without making any sound."

"Should we disperse the navy at this time?"



When Gion was struggling, a long roar suddenly resounded through half of the Holy Land.

Some Celestial Dragons who were originally confused finally understood after hearing the broadcast and the agent's report.

The Holy Land was invaded by a bold guy.

What's more terrifying is that this guy dared to kill Celestial Dragons.

The only few Celestial Dragons who died unnatural deaths in recent decades were killed by one person!

This made the Celestial Dragons, while angrily scolding the navy and the agents for their incompetence, immediately asked them to build a copper wall at their gates.

It seemed that this would make them less panic when facing that bold guy.

They huddled in their own manor, stomping their feet that they didn't use at all, and shouting that Fisher Tiger was back again.

The reason was simple.

After a long bird cry, the flames suddenly burned again.

"Murray Karate·Samewa Straight Punch!"

Pallada did not hide his figure, and swaggered through the main gate to defeat the guarding agents.

The straight punch that he used all his strength to hit not only made the agents vomit blood, but also directly broke the bronze gate in front of him.

How long have I waited for this opportunity? !

Five years, seven years, or ten years?

I really can't remember.

In the extreme oppression of Chalmarco, just staying alive has consumed all his strength.

If the other party hadn't enjoyed the pleasure of this kind of training, I would have died long ago, right?

But it doesn't matter, I finally waited for this opportunity.

Like the hero Fisher Tiger praised by the fish singer, become a hero who rescues slaves!

This is the only belief that can support Parada from degenerating into his own kind of raw meat and blood-drinking!

The long-term extreme oppression life made him unable to store anything else in his mind.

In other words, only by keeping this belief can he survive.

Any other distracting thoughts will make him fall directly.

"Only in this way can I live up to my years of training in the Sea Forest."

"It is not a waste of your conditions."

A string of raw beef steaks is hung around Parada's neck. After punching, he will take a bite and chew it carefully.

His shriveled body gradually fills with muscle lines.

Behind him are some slaves with similar experiences.

He rescued more than these, but after Fisher Tiger, the Celestial Dragons put more effort into training slaves, so that the first reaction of slaves after breaking free from their restraints is not to flee, but to panic.

Parada does not force these.

His life is close to exhaustion, and he is lucky to be able to burn in this way.

"Mr. Clown, the chaos you want, let me fight with my boxing!"


The Tianlong people who were just yelling at first found that Fisher Tiger, the guy who had been dead for more than ten years, seemed to have really come back.

Those damn slaves dared to step on the flowers and plants they carefully trimmed!

"How cruel."

"They should be your subordinates."

Bucky put his hands on the wings of the masked brain, trimming away his confused cognition.

The masked man finally saw clearly those dead Bucky.

They were all agents of the CP organization who came in a hurry.


The beak of the bird that was vomiting blood trembled and shouted loudly.

The strong vitality brought to him by the animal devil fruit prevented him from being fatal due to such injuries.

But I was shocked.

Not only does he confuse people, this clown can really play with them!

Tie Yu turned around, resisting the stinging pain in his heart and trying to drive away the clown who came into contact with him.

Most superhuman Devil Fruits are achieved through contact.

This is not common sense, but his experience.

The iron feather blows out a terrible cyclone, driving away all life around it.

The masked man's skillful killing experience allowed him to react quickly.

The bird's claws stamped hard on the bluestone.

He has already become extremely skilled at shaving.

The speed at which it is played is also particularly outstanding.

The iron beak pecks at all sensible life.

He couldn't tell, really couldn't tell which one was the clown.

He also couldn't tell if the one he killed was a real clown.

Then kill all life in sight, as long as the clown is among them!

Mercy, compassion, companionship, justice.

The CP organization, which was cultivated as a killing weapon, has no need for these unnecessary things.

A little further away.

Bucky, who was far away from the masked man at some point, pressed his chest and kept snickering.

"Hahahaha. Interesting, so damn interesting."

Wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes.

I saw a navy man wearing a shirt coming quickly from a distance.

The masked man wore a clown's mask on his cold and heartless face.

The white mask was splattered with blood.

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