One Piece: Buggy the Clown from Arkham

Chapter 60 The more chaotic, the more interesting

The oil lamp in the cabin was not very bright.

It was shaking with the waves.

The light was not clear, but intertwined, and the shadow on the deck was stretched and shortened.

When it was reflected on Buggy's face, it was dim and difficult to see.

Especially Buggy's face was still smiling.

He looked like a big villain.

Alrita and the others huddled in the corner of the cabin, looking at this strange captain, and their hearts trembled.

Is this still their arrogant and timid Captain Buggy? !

It was like a completely different person.

It was scary enough when we were in the Sabaody Archipelago, but after witnessing the way Buggy destroyed the Teabeard gang.

Oh my god!

It was even more scary!

Of course, this was because what Buggy did in Marijoa was deliberately blocked by the World Government. Except for the high-level officials of the Navy and the World Government, most people still knew nothing about what happened in the Holy Land.

After all, it happened on a continent as high as 7,000 meters.

Otherwise, they would be scared to death.

The one who blew up the holy land was our captain?

Doesn't that mean we blew up the holy land!

It's time to bury him.

Buggy didn't know whether Morgans and Arne could report it successfully?

The New World was where Morgans's base camp was located, and he didn't force him to stay by his side.

They were both people who yearned for big events and chaos, and that was enough.

And Morgans had better pray that Buggy would not be caught by the navy.

Otherwise, as an accomplice, he would definitely not get any good.

The same goes for Moria.

After the red onion realized his wish for revenge, the fire on his head not only did not go out, but burned even more vigorously.

Smiled and said that he was going to find trouble with Kaido.

Buggy didn't care about it. He never liked to tie these tools to his side.

It would be better to let them go to the position that suits them.

Well, I hope Kaido will like this hot-blooded Moria.

Don't play him to death.

After all, he is a tool man who is easy to use.

But when he needs to use him, Buggy will not be polite.

"So, you actually broke through Fishman Island and passed through FOOD VALTEN Island before you were caught by Teabeard and others?"

Baki asked with interest, tossing the permanent pointer in his hand.

He really didn't expect to meet his original crew members in the New World.

What's more surprising is that they can actually cross the Red Earth Continent.

This is different from their previous style.

"We don't want's just that the impact you, Captain Buggy, have brought is too great."

Alrita answered with barely the courage.

Their biggest goal was to rescue Buggy from the underwater prison, but they didn't expect Buggy to escape by himself and become particularly crazy.

When they were in the Sabaody Archipelago, the CP organization had been chasing them relentlessly.

Forcing them, who originally only had the purpose of treasure hunting and revenge, to boldly break into the New World.

The Fishman Island was in the struggle between the three Four Emperors, but it unexpectedly maintained a balance, and they came over without any danger.

"What about FOOD... Island, did you pass by there too?"

Buggy had some impression of this island.

After all, the New World can be regarded as a return to his homeland.

This island is not on the route indicated by the record pointer, but it is the island closest to the Red Earth Continent.

Most pirates who enter the New World, even if they follow the route indicated by the record pointer, have a high probability of encountering this island.

I heard that there are also special coating craftsmen there.

Speaking of this, his former chief of staff who liked to practice swordsmanship on a unicycle breathed a sigh of relief.

"It is a peaceful island with a large town, and we successfully completed the supply there."


Using this word to describe the island under the protection of the New World pirates

It's really interesting.

Buggy's mouth finally curled up with an expectant smile.

And the navy. I robbed a small boat in Red Harbor openly. They couldn't fail to notice it.

Well, we also have to consider the hatred of the Five Elders towards me now.

Buggy thinks it's not too much to send an admiral.

Plus, there is another Shichibukai in the New World who has been provoked by me many times.

It seems to be interesting again.

"Why not make it more chaotic." He whispered, "The more chaotic, the more interesting it is."

Seeing the familiar smile, Kabaji and the others finally relaxed a little.

The oppression of 1.2 billion Baileys is a bit strong, and there is nothing to be afraid of.

But following such a strong captain in the New World, safety is finally guaranteed, right?

I heard that the navy can't control the pirates in the New World.

Kabaji thought comfortingly.

Dressrosa, in the palace.

"That guy, actually came to the New World?!"

Doflamingo seemed to have heard some interesting news and said with a grin.

He swung his feet across the throne again and covered his forehead with one hand.

The other foot stepped on the stone steps in front of the throne, and the pointed shoes tapped excitedly.

"That bastard actually dared to come!"

There was no need for the World Government to notify him. The secret agents he arranged in the Navy had already learned the news that Buggy appeared near Red Harbor on the New World side.

That particularly arrogant face appeared in his mind again.

He actually called out his name several times in front of the whole world!

Thinking of the extremely embarrassing situation at that time.

The veins on Mingge's forehead emerged uncontrollably.

He wanted to kill him as soon as possible!

Especially the tone of the other party's words, which reminded him of another navy lieutenant who was also extremely disgusted.

It made people even more angry!

"Young master, please let me share your worries."

Diamante took the initiative to say.

As the leader of the "Fighting Group" of the Don Quixote family, it is his duty to clean up the enemies of the family.


Doflamingo couldn't help but exert force on his forehead. The fingers intertwined with muscles and veins could fully explain his inner anger.

But he tried to smile.

"The Navy and the World Government will not let him go."

"But I must kill that guy with my own hands!"

"Kill him!"

"I will let the people of this world know that the name of Don Quixote is not something they can mention casually!"

Only from the information obtained by Mingge's undercover in the Navy.

At this moment, the navy surrounding Red Harbor and a large area of ​​surrounding sea already has as many as six vice admirals.

And there is also the CP organization that has been in the dark.

This is already a lineup far beyond the Demon Slayer Order.

That's right, that's right, that guy dared to slaughter the Celestial Dragons who did not choose to withdraw and trampled on the face of the World Government, so he should pay this price!

Doflamingo is probably the only person in the world who has experienced withdrawing from the Celestial Dragons and partially returning.

He has a deeper understanding of the majesty of the Celestial Dragons in the world.

It is also clear how deep the hatred suppressed by this majesty is.

But precisely because of this, he yearns to trample on the huge power behind the majesty of this hatred.

It's the end of the month, readers, please vote for Xiao Mengxin with the useless monthly tickets in your hands~~~

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