The blood smells a bit fishy.

But it smells a bit fragrant.

After all, it is her own blood.

Gion closed her eyes and carefully felt the tearing pain in her shoulder.

This kind of pain made her feel relieved.

She admitted the hypocrisy of her justice, so she got real relief.

If there really was no concept of justice, how could the navy fight against the pirates one after another.

But it is precisely because they have a little justice, and it is precisely because they always talk about various justice such as lazy justice, absolute justice, and justice that dominates the people, so when she tells the truth to the Celestial Dragons, her heart will be twisted into a knot.

Justice, this word does not come from the description of natural things, but from the definition of people.

It is extended from the simplest values.

Even after various additional explanations or definitions, its foundation is still the human expectation for fairness.

So Gion will feel even more uncomfortable.

When facing the Celestial Dragons' broadcast, she instinctively dissuaded her subordinates from believing it, and she was also dissuading herself.

Because she knew what the other party said was right.

Would it be better if the order built by the World Government was torn apart?

She could not think of it, nor did she dare to bear such consequences.

But Buggy gave her a demonstration.

He demonstrated it with a gorgeous fireworks display.

The result was

Who cares about the consequences!

Anyway, it can't be that bad!

She unconsciously imitated Buggy's exaggerated and wanton smile, his attitude of throwing everything away and recasting everything.

Six terrifying legs, two or three meters long and almost covered in matte black, emerged from her back.

Four of them clattered on the ground.

Like an exoskeleton support, it supported the already tall Peach Rabbit.

Her body leaned back slightly, and the fulcrum was completely based on the legs extending from her back.

Her hair was messy and scattered like a dragonfly bun.

Her pink cheeks showed a bit of paleness.

There were two sharp legs coming around her shoulders and resting on the handle of Kinpila.

Slowly pulling out the blade that pierced her shoulder.

Black blood continued to flow out of her shoulder, and the legs pulling the handle were pulling higher.

Like a black flower gradually blooming.

The bleeding blade was completely pulled out, and the flower was also about to wither.

With a snap, the six legs suddenly flipped, and the shape of the seven characters changed from supporting to hanging.

Gion slowly raised his head, with a smile like a crescent moon on his face.

Her ability is the spider fruit fantasy beast seed net bride form.

This is a devil fruit that looks forward to hunting and killing.

Gion does not resist this expectation.

"Since you don't choose to escape, then stay."

She smiled lightly. Not all navy and slaves have the keen sense of her former subordinates and fishmen.

The rest are still complaining and worried.

Complaining about why the navy's support has not come yet, and worrying about what kind of punishment the world government will have.

She was also full of resentment towards those who suddenly ran away.

The Celestial Dragons are still here, why are they running?

And Gion has not planned to leave the Navy yet.

As a senior member of the Navy, she can see more.

The order of this world is a short pyramid.

The Celestial Dragons stand at the top of the pyramid.

The member states and the Navy are in the middle, and the non-member states and pirates are below.

Member states and non-member states, the Navy and pirates, this is the order built by the Celestial Dragons, an order that will continue to consume internal energy.


"As a navy, you can go after that guy."

She chuckled and pointed the tip of the knife at the people who stayed behind.

It's hypocrisy anyway, so why should there be any justice.




"Almost got caught in such a terrible whirlpool."

Basil Hawkins said with a serious face and some relief.

"Yeah, who would have thought that the Fishman Island would attract the attention of three emperors at the same time, and we have to pass through this place at this time."

The subordinate with curly hair said with lingering fear.

They had just surfaced from the ten thousand meter deep sea, and they missed the real fresh air on the island.

"Fortunately, there is Kidd who is making trouble. If we were not allowed to, we might not be able to get out."

"After all, he is the emperor who has been in the New World for a long time."

"But fate tells me that if I don't go to the New World, it will only be more dangerous to stay in the archipelago."

"Especially that clown"

"The fate he symbolizes is more like a whirlpool, which can always stir up chaos."

"When our strength is not enough, it is better to stay away from such chaos."

Hawkins thought of the chaos caused by Buggy, which almost swept the entire Sabaody Archipelago, and even they were forced to fight with the CP organization several times.

He glanced at the scenery of the island again. This was once the territory of an emperor, but now that the emperor has passed away, it has become a piece of meat without an owner.

It is also very appropriate.

This island is famous for its coating technology and spices.

However, the towns here are a little too peaceful when facing these pirates.

There is even admiration in their eyes.

"Pirate Lord, please accept my offering!"

An islander with short curly hair and brown skin suddenly knelt in front of Hawkins.

He held a large stack of Baileys in his hand.

Accept or reject?

Hawkins pondered for a while, then took out a stack of cards from his arms.

He placed his left index finger on the cards, muttering something.

Then he turned over the first card.


It symbolizes emotions and subconsciousness, and the card is upside down, which means obedience.

He frowned, not understanding why an islander's offering would allow him to draw the Moon card.

"I accept."

Hawkins followed the result of the divination and took the other party's Bailey.

"Great, great, another pirate is willing to accept my offering!"

The short curly-haired islander was delighted, and then he prostrated himself at Hawkins' feet devoutly.

"Great pirate, I have prepared a communion for you at home, and I pray that you can come to my humble home!"

"If you don't mind, I will make a wooden statue for you to worship!"

Because you are used to being under the protection of the Whitebeard Pirates in the past, so now you can only keep looking for the protection of other pirates?

Such obedient islanders seemed to have no meaning for pirates to rob.

After all, even the word "offering" was used.

Hawkins guessed in his heart, his expression did not change at all.


Divination told him to obey, so he would just follow it and see.

But he didn't know why fate hinted at his emotions and subconsciousness.

The islander's home was not far from the port.

Near a breadfruit tree, the second floor was made of earth and stone blocks. I don't know what paint was used, and the facade was brown.

There were also several pirate flags.

The most conspicuous one was the flag of Whitebeard.


Why is there a red-nosed flag?

Hawkins felt familiar and divined again.

A little scared, but generally no danger.

And the obedience of the moon.

"Destiny, the more you resist something, the closer you will get to it."

He sighed lightly.

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