One Piece: Buggy the Clown from Arkham

Chapter 70 You finally got it

How does it feel to split yourself into tens of thousands of parts?

In the past, Bucky would have thought that the specially incarcerated schizophrenia patients at Arkham Asylum might have some say.

but now.

He is the leading authority on this subject.

Because he really divided "himself" into tens of thousands of parts.

Every division of the body carries part of the spirit and tens of thousands of selves exist at the same time.

Why bother with me.

Bucky thoroughly enjoyed the tearing.

In such a torn situation, he felt normal, as if his normal self should exist like this.


Very happy!

In the only spiritual world, Bucky seemed to be in the compound eyes of an insect-like creature, with tens of thousands of different pieces of information pouring into his brain.

A demon-like shadow enveloped him, laughing wildly with him with its mouth open.

Some soldiers wiped their cheeks aimlessly, and they didn't know when there was a little blood on them.

Blood stains stained the back of his hands as he wiped them.

When a certain cross-faced lieutenant general was shouting in a silent environment, a thin piece of horny skin touched his neck.

When the beautiful woman with long pink hair lifted her hair, a tiny piece of debris got on her long hair.

The indifferent officer didn't notice that an unknown piece of debris was attached to his body.

Lieutenant General Dauberman?

Is he crazy?

Vergo looked stunned. First, he was angry that the people from the G5 branch were acting without permission. At the same time, he also read the general meaning of the other party's mouth.


He always paid special attention to this word, so it was also the word he contacted first.

His expression became even more indifferent invisibly.

Virgo was tall, tough and muscular. Wearing a white plaid coat and sunglasses.

At the cuff of the coat, a piece of bamboo slowly emerged.

This is his weapon, bamboo.

"I am not an enemy, Mr. Dauberman."

Even though he was dissatisfied with Dauberman's gesture in his heart, even though he knew that the sound was being completely blocked.

As a good undercover agent, Virgo still put on a gentle appearance.

At least he couldn't take action against the navy first.

There are many people watching here.

The other party seemed to understand his mouth shape, and there was some struggle in his ferocious face.

Dauberman is not easily swayed by his inner emotions.

Just briefly lost in the killing.

He began to fear the voice inside him.


Dauberman seems to have a clear understanding.

I remembered my original goal.

The red eyes slowly softened.

Blood slid down the hanging blade to the deck, making a dripping sound.

From the far horizon, a white line flew over and hung on the lightless clouds.

There seemed to be a figure hanging below, echoing among the clouds.

"Little Lord?"

In the silent environment, Vergo said to himself.

He is no stranger to the realm of silence, but he doesn't have too many scruples.

But these two words fell like a thunder in Dauberman's ears.

The voice is back? !

The two of them were suddenly frightened.

And in Dauberman's mind, there was still a voice of unbridled ridicule.


The clown's laugh is exaggerated and harsh.

"Have you seen it, young master? Your fellow lieutenant general calls a pirate young master!"

"Did you see it? Hahahaha!"

"Where's your justice, where's your absoluteness?!"

"In what you think is absolute justice, you think the navy only needs to be obeyed!"

"It's already riddled with holes!"

"This is what you think is justice, hahahaha!"

Dauberman seemed to see the clown right in front of him, laughing so hard that he couldn't bend over.

"Is your justice really absolute?"

A mocking voice echoed repeatedly in his mind.

"They violated justice." Dauberman's blood-red eyes calmed down.

Reason turns to madness.

It was as if he saw a hemp rope that should be able to pull him up, but suddenly it was wrapped around his neck and kept tightening.

Then hang all his sanity.

"Justice. Absolute justice."

"Everyone who desecrates it must be killed!"

In his spiritual world, the white light group occupied the living space of all other light groups.

Although Dauberman has no sympathy for his subordinates, although he never cares about the life and death of these irrelevant people, although he does not care about the life and death of the so-called people,

But only absolute justice is his belief.

It is precisely because of this absolute justice that he can ignore everything else and only need to execute it on behalf of the justice behind him.

The premise is that what he represents is truly justice.

"Yes, yes!"

The sarcastic voice in my head was not so harsh at all.

Instead, he shouted in a joking and appreciative voice, "Kill, kill, absolute justice should not tolerate a grain of dust. Only this can be your pursuit in life!"

"You finally enlightened, hahahaha."

Black clouds drifted by, and the figure under the white line revealed its true appearance.

A puppet wearing a clown mask! !

Why are the puppets swinging in the sky!

Vergo had an angry look on his face, and his familiarity with the Fruit of Silence made him relax his vigilance.

The other party also unveiled this area so appropriately.

This time, I can't explain it.

Virgo sighed lightly, and the thought of killing arose in his heart.

If I kill them all, no one will know, right?

He couldn't help but think of this.

Just like before, he shouldn't have said the word "young master" so carelessly.

It seemed that something in his heart kept magnifying his emotions and thoughts.

The pupils under the sunglasses were also stained with a touch of red.

The bamboo body slowly became black.

The armed color domineering spread up.

"Tell Hina, what are you doing, Lieutenant!"

The hands and feet of the artilleryman who was venting his emotions were suddenly blocked by a row of black iron bars, and then he turned around and wrapped him like a net.

Hina's hands extended a pair of black iron bars to lock his men tightly.

Compared with Lord Doberman who slaughtered his subordinates for unknown reasons, and the two warships fighting a little further away, Hina chose to solve the problem on her warship first.

She held a cigarette in the corner of her mouth and questioned coldly.

"Miss Hina." Tears kept falling from the artillery's eyes.

His will was not firm, and his emotions were cut into a mess under the madness.

"You deceived me, deceived me!"

"The justice you talked about is completely false!"

"I have only been serving those fat pigs!"

His face quickly turned into an angry and embarrassed look, red and hot.

"You just treat us as materials that can be discarded at will!"

"No matter how hard we, the trash, practice, we can't even see your back!"

"Nonsense, Lieutenant!" Hina said coldly, "We have rescued a lot of people--"

The artillery did not give her a chance to defend herself, but tried to twist her locked hands, took out a pistol, and pointed it at her throat.

There was a bang.

Blood mixed with meat splashed on Hina's beautiful face.

The irrational person taught her, a rational person, a lesson with madness.

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