One Piece: Buggy the Clown from Arkham

Chapter 79 What have you done!

The transparent parasitic thread hung up every inch of Buggy's flesh.

Just like the pieces of meat waiting to be sold in the butcher's stall.

"Maybe I should thank you."

Dover pulled his hand, and hundreds of pieces of meat were barely pieced together into a half-human shape in front of him.

The white thread that bound them made it impossible to put them together.

"My life is so boring and dull, and you offered yourself to be my toy."

Dover's development of the Thread-Thread Fruit is definitely not just about cutting.

The parasitic thread that can manipulate people's limbs like puppets is one example.

It is also the move that can best target Buggy's ability.

The white thread returned to its original position, not cutting, but binding.

His index finger and ring finger gently pulled.

He hung Buggy, who was barely able to hold up a human shape, upside down and moved him above the sea.

"If you fall into the sea in this way, can you still survive?"

The grin on Dover's face was restrained a lot.

Turned into a look of indifference.

He never got angry with the dead.

"Where's the pain? Where's the pain you promised me?"

Baki's eyes showed no fear, but disappointment.

He asked in disappointment, where was the painful death promised by the other party?

"It seems that you are no different from those pigs in the Holy Land."

"What's his name, Charles or something?"

"When he mentioned you and your father to me, he looked disgusted. Well, I forgot to say that I am his grandfather."

He kept chattering in disappointment.

"Ah, stupid Celestial Dragon who abandoned his noble status."

"He took his two children and wife to live alone in the human world."

"In the end, what happened?"

Baki shook his head hard while wrapped in the thin thread, and his blue hair fell backwards.

Telling stories seemed to bring him great pleasure.

"My wife died of illness, and my two sons lived like beggars. At dusk or dawn, they tried to find a little food in the garbage dump, even if it was just a little bit, and they even had to risk being beaten by the slaves who were originally ridden under your crotch."

"Do you think I'm mocking you?"

"No, no, no, I respect everyone who lives seriously. Only by living can you be happy, right?"

Dover's fingers twitched.

The parasitic line that hung Bucky upside down tightened a lot.

He tried to keep his face calm to prove that he didn't care.

It was just that the look that seemed to be about to bite his teeth to pieces showed that he cared extremely.

He hated this period of humiliation very much!

Suffering made him grow up, but it didn't mean that Dover would be grateful for this suffering and pain.

He would only hate it more!

"My fat pig-like grandson also told me their ending."

Bucky's disappointed expression finally disappeared, and he was a little happy.

Is it storytelling that brings him pleasure?

No, no, no, how could that be possible? He is not a kindergarten teacher.

The people who listen to his stories are the source of his fun.

Especially Dover's expression.

Ah, I am so bad!

Bucky continued to laugh. This kind of mockery and exposure of scars made Dover reluctant to kill him.

His ears twitched, and he tried to think of a way to make Bucky die more painfully.

"The kid who likes to wear sunglasses finally took off his father's head with his own hands."

"Want to use his father's head to knock on the door of the holy land again."

"Well, guess what Saint Chalmaco said?"

He tilted his head and tried to imitate Saint Chalmaco's posture in the increasingly tight white line.

"He said that even if we are a group of pigs, we cannot accept the pigs that jumped out of the pigsty to come back."

"Even if it's his seed, hahahaha!"

Bucky's unbridled laughter seemed to reveal all of Dover's humiliating past.

Would Saint Charmaco really say that?

Of course not.

It was obviously just the last lie of this clown before he died.

But the heartbreaking thing is that all the lies he said were real.

"I can't bear to see you die like this."

Dover's facial features twisted uncontrollably.

With a bend of his fingers, the parasitic line hung Bucky from the sea surface to his front.

He took off his pink sunglasses, his eyes full of extreme cruelty.

"I will keep you hanging, let the vultures take every piece of your flesh, I will let you live, live more painfully than death!"

"Puchi hahaha!"

Bucky's laughter became even more hearty.

"Don't you still know what I want to say?"

"I mean"

His crazy laughter turned into extreme coldness after a blink.

Looking at Dover's eyes, it was as if he was looking at a clown who was not funny.

"You shouldn't thank me."

"You should be afraid of me."

Dover was stunned.

There was a sound of a pop, and the flesh was pierced by some blunt instrument.

Then he lowered his head slightly and saw a dark bamboo piercing through his chest, with small pieces of flesh on the bamboo joints.

Vergo was standing behind him, covered in dark Armament Haki.

He held a ghost bamboo that was also as dark as ink in one hand.

His expression was cold and showed no emotion.


Why did Vergo attack him?

No, this was not even a sneak attack. Dover's observation Haki had long known that Vergo was behind him, but he was his subordinate who was like a family member.

Dover did not pay attention to his condition.

Instead, he could not suppress his anger in the story of the clown.

"What did you do?"

Dover looked up, vomiting blood foam from the corner of his mouth, and his voice sounded a little hoarse with a hole in his chest.

He did not question Vergo.

The other party would never betray, it could only be this clown!


Vergo just said indifferently, and the ghost bamboo in his hand was about to spin.

"Foot shaving line!"

Dover turned around angrily, with eight nearly transparent thin silk threads on his toes.

He kicked Vergo hard.

The eight extremely sharp thin threads even cut through the defense of the armed color domineering, oozing bright red blood.

Vergo was kicked from the bow to the stern in the blink of an eye, crushing several layers of iron plates.

White lines spread up Dover's ruptured chest, like a bandage growing out of the skin, grabbing and stopping the blood from the hollow chest.

"What did you do!!"

His expression was extremely ferocious, and he almost roared at Bucky who was hung upside down.

Compared with the humiliation in the past, being betrayed by his current family made Dover feel more unacceptable!

"Uh hahahahahaha"

Bucky's smile became brighter, and the increasingly tightened parasitic line was about to cut him from a few hundred pieces to a few thousand pieces.

But this did not affect his good mood.

"I just want him to be simpler."

"It's not tiring to live like this."

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