One Piece: Buggy the Clown from Arkham

Chapter 93 The Devil's Snicker

"How about it? Isn't my suggestion very good?"

"After all, it's a win-win for both of us."

"So who lost?"

Bucky looked worried that the world would be in chaos, which made Smoker's face look dark.

"Well, strictly speaking, this pirate was also caught by you, Smoker."

"It seems that I have failed."

Kizaru sighed softly, with a bit of a smile on his face.

Finally he found an excuse.

If Satan hadn't been urging him, he wouldn't have even thought of rushing over so quickly.

Just like when he was in charge of the science unit.

The justice he believes in has always been ambiguous, and its meaning is to make do with whatever you can!

If you can't take a stand, don't take a stand.

Be a professional veteran who fishes quietly in the workplace but is as stable as an old dog!

So when the Warring States Period announced preparations for retirement and the Five Old Stars wanted to choose a new marshal among the three generals, Kizaru immediately refused.


With the current degree of corruption in the new world and the various disputes within the navy, taking office as marshal at this time will really make him die from exhaustion.

I originally thought that this position was fought between Akainu and Aokiji, but who knew that such a serious accident suddenly occurred in the holy place where Akainu was stationed.

The fact that Wulaoxing didn't remove him from his post was already a sign of his respect.

The Celestial Dragon families whose relatives had died wanted to trample Akainu to death.

In their view, it was his incompetence that led to incidents such as the bombing of the Holy Land and the escape of slaves.

As for Qing Pheasant, Wulao Xing was originally not optimistic about it, but was only included in the list because of Warring States' recommendation.

He, Kizaru, did nothing.

Just trying to fish in a new world.

But with the help of his teammates.


Stand out!


Smoker was speechless.

He forced himself to breathe.

"White Snake."

His right hand turned into smoke, grabbed Bucky's head directly, and squeezed it hard.

There was a pop.

His head deflated like a deflated balloon, leaving only a cheerful laugh...

"Hahaha, you should really consider my suggestion seriously, especially after you know...the truth."

It’s fake.

Kizaru breathed a sigh of relief obviously.

Under the sea.

The fire core in the oil lamp was still swinging back and forth.

As they continued to sink, the speckled rays of sunlight shining on the sea became as dim as stars.

Instead, it's underneath the ship.

In the darkness, a faint light emerged like a will-o'-the-wisp.

This means that they have officially entered the realm of the deep sea.

At the edge of the faint firelight, a huge shadow faintly passed by.

"Is it the Neptune type!?"

"Such a big body..."

Kabaji's voice trembled and he didn't dare to speak loudly for fear of disturbing this unknown sea king.

From time to time, his eyes fell back on the lonely figure standing blankly on the side of the ship.

Lonely... He didn't know how to think of this word, as if the other person didn't belong to this world.

It was only when I whispered a few words occasionally that I felt like I was truly living in this world.

"Maybe that's Captain Bucky's original strength. It's us who have been holding him back."

"After all, the captain is a member of the Pirate King's crew."

When Kabaji was blaming himself, he suddenly saw the figure again with a look of laughter on his face, holding his lower abdomen with one hand and slapping the wood of the boat vigorously with the other.

"Pfft hahahaha——"

"Interesting, so interesting!"

"Don't let me down, Smoker."

One side of Bucky's perspective has been removed, and the world has returned to completeness.

His laughter was at the confusion that appeared on Smoker's face.

This is a stubborn guy with his own opinions.

So what kind of violent reaction would such a guy have after learning the truth about being deceived?

But don't be too calm.


The laughter seemed to disturb the huge black shadow outside the membrane.

A round eyeball suddenly stuck to the boat membrane, and the yellowish light illuminated the black shadow's true appearance.

A huge human face with an iron-gray complexion.

Sausage-like lips and sparse teeth.

His eyes were full of curiosity.


"See you in Mianjin?"

Bucky raised his head and whispered a few words, his smile not diminishing, and even smiling more cheerfully.

This big face and blank expression are quite iconic.

A long-lived fishman under Vander Daken IX, who originally belonged to Vander Daken I's Flying Pirates.

Now he is following the orders of Vander Daken IX.

Hearing Bucky's voice, Mianjin tried to get closer.

The coating on the ship was obviously crushed.

Compared to Mianjin's huge size, Teabeard Pirate Ship is just a bigger pimple on his face.

Looking up from Bucky's perspective, it was a huge thing that was holding down their ships.

The trio continued to shiver.

"See you in Mianjin, have you forgotten what Captain Roger said?"

Bucky shouted.

"...Red nose! It's you!"

"You can't attack ships, I know that."

A clear smile appeared on Mian Jinjian's face. He tried to open his eyes wide, just to see clearly the source of that familiar laughter.

Herein lies the benefit of starting high.

I know a lot of people.

"It seems that our voyage can be over soon."

Bakimo said. Without the fun of Smoker, the endless darkness had made him a little tired.

"...Red Nose...Play!"

Watatsumi's voice sounded like a child.

I don't know if it is the price of immortality, this guy's IQ has never been high.

He completely confirmed that this was an acquaintance who had played with him before, but the other party had grown up a lot, and the ship was different.

"Of course, of course we have to play."

Baki licked his lips, and his smile was in stark contrast to Watatsumi's innocent smile.

One was the devil's snicker, and the other was an unguarded smile.

He quickly went through the plot of the original work in his mind, including the people and things that Buggy had known.

According to Hawkins's information, Fishman Island is still in the struggle of the three emperor forces, to be more precise, it is in the struggle between the Big Mom Pirates and the Beasts Pirates.

Red Hair was just forced to stay here to prevent the intensity of their battle from affecting the residents of Fishman Island.

But according to Sasaki, they might have done it on purpose.

To avenge Red Hair for blocking Kaido.

Now it seems that the dust is about to settle.

But if it is like this...

it is a bit boring.

Buggy's eyes are drooping, like a devil brewing his new conspiracy, and the shadow of the devil is floating behind him, as if he is looking forward to joining this plan.

Chaos and joy.

Looking forward to seeing those pairs of eyes with fear and distortion in the interweaving of blood and fire.

This is a demon born out of people's disgust with order and the old-fashioned and boring reality.

It has now found the best host.

He is an agent of chaos, and his wish is to make everyone fair.

Well, a noble criminal.

"But I happened to meet Watatsumi, so let's start with Vander Decken."

Ask for votes~~

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