One Piece Crown of Darkness

Chapter 201 Cut you, cut it

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"Try this! Kid! Jiehahahaha..."

"Lion Majesty· ​​Thousand Slice Valley!"


The swords crossed, Shiki flicked his wrist.

It's so simple, it's a sword qi tide, a sword blade storm, shredding the top black cloud, and competing with the scorching sun.


"Hula la~~~"

The silk giant bends its knees out of thin air, and the air oscillates like a drum, and its wings roar with the wind and thunder.

"Yeah yeah yeah~~~"

The sword qi hits the silk giant like a torrential rain, and the dense sound of gold and iron is like a furnace. The gods are smelting, and a series of explosions are set off frantically.


The sound stopped, the ice armor shattered, and even though Armament Haki was slicing, the silk giant rushed to Shiki's body, and the exaggerated Shinigami sickle drew a graceful curve, aiming at his neck and slashing brutally.

"Lion Majesty Sky Roll!"

"Rumble rumbling~~~"


The dissipated dark clouds fiercely formed a swirling vortex, first submerging Shiki, and then transformed into a huge lion in the blink of an eye, as if offended by the majesty of the king of beasts, roaring angrily to bite the silk giant, making the most powerful counterattack.

"Bachiqiong Gouyu!"

"Swish swish~~~"

"Puff puff puff puff!!!"

The silk thread giant’s eye sockets, the brilliance flowing, the overwhelming light bullets pouring out, the thundercloud giant lion that almost wants to swallow itself tit-for-tat, it instantly pokes the thundercloud giant lion with low density and hardness, so it is difficult to maintain its form. dispersion.

Ironically, Marine’s slacker, Polusalino, who is afraid of trouble, is still playing on the battlefield. He refuses to show his strength. On the contrary, Patong’s "Fit the raccoon" is only a fake of 50% of his strength. "Kizaru" "corrected his name" for him, letting the world know that his Marine Vice Admiral rank is not a result of waiting for death.

So Polusalino, who looked up to the sky and watched the battle, also scratched his head and muttered: "It's strange, isn't it said that Doflamingo is Paramecia's'String-String Fruit' capable person? How can he still use laser light? There is the freezing of'Aokiji'."


Suddenly a light flashed, and all the light was suppressed, whether it was laser light or sunlight, it was brilliant and unparalleled.

It’s hard to look at him. Even Polusalino, who wears sunglasses, closes his eyes subconsciously and opens his eyes again...


The silk giant in the cloud has been cut off, and the lower half/identity falls apart from Doflamingo's control, and the silks are scattered everywhere.

"Jiehahahaha~~~You're still too tender, kid!" Shiki exclaimed, although the half rudder nailed into the top of the head looks like a cockscomb, it is not funny at all, and some are unbelievably domineering and arrogant: "Laozi's sword , The strongest in the world! Nothing can stop it."


The smoke curled up.

The damage to the virtual device/official that Patong gave to the Silk Thread Giant has been severely dissipated, and the Thread Susanoo is also mostly lost.

Doflamingo lost consciousness for a moment, and then patted Patong’s little head to let Patong take back his virtual fake "Kizaru" and fake "Aokiji", and completely disconnected the line. Susanoo... This trick he used as one of the cards against the Four Emperors. 1. Dealing with "Beasts" and dealing with "BIGMOM" may work, but dealing with "Golden Lion" is really not effective, dealing with "Whitebeard" is not necessarily, not all work.

"Humhhhh~~~" Doflamingo smiled lowly, and said: "But you used the ‘Lion Fruit’ to fight instead of the previous support."

Shiki remained silent for a long time, then fought back: "Your things are too mixed, messy, hahahaha~"

"No way, I'm still playing Conqueror's Haki repeatedly. After all, I have limited aptitude. I'm not a monster with talents/exceptions/endowments such as'Beasts' and'BIGMOM'. ~Relatively ordinary." Doflamingo shrugged, not making excuses, just plainly expounding the cruel reality.

"Next sword..." Shiki pointed to Doflamingo: "Laozi cut you down."

"Then you have to get along too.", Doflamingotianshi's lips: "Hey, hey~~~"



Shiki was stunned, and the raised blade picked it up, and Observation Haki carefully felt the silk thread, silk thread everywhere, one after another.

"It took me three whole years to get it done. I realized that one of the characteristics of silk thread is sharp. It is blended into Birdcage material. Oh, it is the main material of Susanoo. What does it mean? Truncated silk thread." Doflamingo reached out to do please: "Try to cut it."


PS: The second update, the second chapter of the guarantee, there is no such thing today.

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