One Piece Crown of Darkness

Chapter 265 Heavenly Yaksha

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Sengoku, who was busy sorting out New World's conflicts and chaos for nearly three months in a row, browsed and processed official documents and connected to a phone worm who directly called his private number...


"I'm Sengoku."


Sengoku took the lead in identifying himself, but did not receive a response. He strangely put aside the processing of documents and official letters, took a look at the phone worm, and wanted to understand who the other party is through the phone worm's ability to imitate.

Just now.


Annoying laughter, one of Sengoku’s most annoying laughter, not even one, especially in the first half of this year. Those who are not peaceful, not quiet, turbulent, troublesome, are all the owners of this laughter. Thanks, at least ~ can't get rid of the relationship.

"Doflamingo." Sengoku took a deep breath, adjusted his emotions, calmed his mind, and was ready for what he could do, because he knew that Doflamingo is very good at using words from a mental perspective or to tease/poke, or stimulate, or tease others. Then it makes others lose their minds and make mistakes incorrectly. In a sense, it belongs to Doflamingo's absolute talent.

But Sengoku's preparations were useless. His defense was quickly destroyed by Doflamingo: "M (Marine) C (number) 01746... Donquixote Rosinante, Naval Headquarters lieutenant colonel."

"You guy, Doflamingo! What did you do to Rosinante?!!!" Sengoku jumped up in a horrified manner: "Tell me!"

"Whhhhhhh~~~ From my point of view, it is called'cleanup', from your point of view it is probably'murder'?" Doflamingo said, "Sengoku, sir, you educated him very well, integrity and justice are also stupid and stupid. , Kind or idiot, innocent or stubborn... He is your good son, good subordinate, not my good brother, good family! What a pity."

"Asshole!'Hai Liu mang', you asshole! He is your own brother...", Sengoku's eyes were tearful, and his sorrow made his face hideous and flushed.

Doflamingo remained silent, letting Sengoku curse.

For a long while.

"You killed him, you concocted the tragedy of brother killing, and I will avenge you." Doflamingo seemed to be serious, but also seemed to be amused by his own seriousness: "Hey 咈咈咈~~~Hahahaha... …Humans, it’s really interesting, sensitive and fragile, and it’s incredible to have become the master of the world! What do you think? Mr. Sengoku?"


It was Sengoku's turn to be silent, and the phone worm's microphone only had a heavy breath.

"Nothing else, I just asked you to demonstrate, 咈咈咈咈~~~ Oh, by the way, convey to the World government, Five Elders and Tianlong people, I will pull them off the altar and take back what I deserve Everything! Hahahaha..."


The phone worm hangs up.

Sengoku took off the frog glasses, let the tears fade, and sat in silence for a long, long time, as if he were a lot older.

"Tuk, tuk, tuk~~~"

"Marshal Sengoku? Are you... okay?"

Outside the door, Marine, who was attracted by Sengoku's roar, asked carefully.

The trance-stricken Sengoku immediately converged and wiped away the tears, as if nothing happened: "It's okay, no! Adjutant, come in! Go to the General Staff to find Crane and ask her to change Donquixote Doflamingo's wanted order for a reward.'Hai Liu Mang' is not for him. Now, it’s more vividly called'Heavenly Yaksha'. In addition, let her contact the government and inform her that Rosinante has failed. She will understand."

The adjutant nodded hesitantly and turned to leave. He could feel Sengoku's abnormality.

"Natural'eating' human" Sengoku murmured, exhaustedly dealing with official documents. He is Marshal Marine, shouldering the task of peace in the sea, and he can't mess around for himself, he also knows He has a complicated mind and is not suitable to take over the death of Rosinante, so he handed it over to Crane and Five Elders for judgment.

Less than three hours.


Five Elders fell into deep thought. The death of Rosinante meant that the rift between the World government and Doflamingo widened.

"How long will it take for New World to settle down?", Kimono Five Elders glasses shone coldly.

Crane considered: "The BIGMOM pirates clashed with other pirates, and several of Charlotte’s direct descendants died. The'BIGMOM' was furious and personally marched into the new forces of the pirates, which intensified the evolution of contradictions, the situation was uncertain, and the'Golden Lion incident' The five lords who have weakened Marine's combat power on the Grand Line also understand that the Four Seas Branch is busy suppressing the second wave of pirates, and they are unable to adjust their combat power."

"It's just that when Marine is not sure that the cost is relatively small, even the BIGMOM pirate group will defeat the other pirates." Five Elders wearing a flat hat automatically interpreted Crane's speech and said forcefully: "At the end of the year, New World must be released. In the first half of the period, it is re-incorporated under the control of the government and under the supervision of Marine. The government will send scientific troops...the air force auxiliary, and the government is contacting Gekko Moria and inviting him to be the Seven Warlords of the Sea."

"Gekko Moria, he is one of the most powerful participants in the New World chaos. If he stands on our side, we are confident that the problem will be solved by the end of the year." He said simply.

The blonde Five Elders pondered: "Gar, tell Garp to chase Red Hair Pirates, persuade Zephyr to go to North Blue temporarily, at least give Doflamingo pressure first, wait until Garp successfully merges with Zephyr, and you will send out Admiral after the end of the New World chaos at the end of the year..."

Crane frowned slightly, and the blond Five Elders couldn't hear the follow-up words clearly, mainly thinking about Garp and Zephyr. The former was in a state of being involved in suspicion and observation due to the opposition of the Free Revolutionary Army of his son Dorag to the World government. This is why you can't find his shadow in the incident. Of course, this is also what Five Elders means. The latter has been in the second line for many years. Is there still a "Black Arm" style?

"Eventful autumn." Five Elders with long white hair and beard sighed.

The bald and bearded Five Elders only said, "Damn bastards."


PS1: The third update, add chapters.

PS2: Thank you book friend [Relentless Burial Month] for the 1,000 VIP rewards, thank you.

Volume Four The Seven Sins

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