One Piece Crown of Darkness

Chapter 278 Uninfluenced gangsters

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"Only four people, one sixty or seventy-year-old little old man, I stabbed to death with one finger, and there is also a little old lady. The most difficult thing is this weird big fish and this egg.", waiting for the fire. The Flamingo approached, Burgess ended the battle early, showing off the results of the battle and showing off his strength: "Weihaha~~~Although they are weak and explosive, they are tough enough to resolutely not surrender."

Burgess's description is rather crude, but surprisingly appropriate. The deck of the giant submarine has four people lined up. They are not just a pair of thin old men and old ladies, each wearing a fur style and a cheongsam style, even if they are lying on their stomachs without showing their faces. , Can also be judged by their loose skin to be very old, then a large cyan male murloc, a middle-aged man with limbs and head like an egg.

"This is a scorpionfish... a murloc?" Robin curiously walked to the corpse of a strong blue male murloc, and inspected it professionally: "Scorpion murloc can't be this big, mixed? Scorpion murloc? With... giants?!!!"

Secretly contrasting the size difference between the scorpionfish murloc and the giant, and replenishing some unhealthy images in the brain, Robin shuddered.

"What's the matter?" Reiju asked softly.

The corners of Robin's mouth twitched, and he said with profound emotion: "Love is so great, it can make people ignore all obstacles."

"If I'm not mistaken, this giant submarine is still a semi-finished product." Doflamingo patted his head, and said depressed: "Tell you to leave that'egg'. He is called Guyram, with the ability of'Cube Fruit'. The engineer and combatant of the Ward Pirates Regiment, he is a smart shipbuilder, and he designed and built this giant submarine."

Burgess' scream disappeared suddenly, grinning stiffly.

"There seems to be a rumor a long time ago that Bandy World is preparing to build a giant ship and erect a super cannon that can exert the greatest power of his'Momo Fruit'...", the front end of a large number of giant submarines in Smoky's shock. : "They did it."

Doflamingo groaned, and said, "Gladius, try to start it, send it to the shipyard for complete repair, and also-replace the funny sign on the bow."

"Understood." Gladius didn't say much, and his execution was extraordinary.

"Whhhhhhhh~~~ It's cheaper. It feels good in vain." Doflamingo returned the Flamingo and said vaguely: "It would be better if you could get the'Momo Fruit', no I know when Guy will be able to research the science and technology of recycling Devil Fruit."

The scientific team led by Guy Sa Courant did not act with Doflamingo to hide the Golden City for research. After all, Doflamingo is not going on an outing. He has to consider the safety of the scientific team. For this reason, he left Hancock and Bo Bin as defense.

Then on the road, the Flamingo still went unhurriedly, mainly because Doflamingo recently paid attention to the growth of the little guys, and even took over personal training.

In August, Donquixote was still on the North Blue boundary.

One landing for supplies.



The door of the bar occupied by Donquixote was pushed open, and a dozen people poured in.

"Hahaha~~~ You are the Donquixote family!", the head is a blond boy, very strong, with a band-aid on the bridge of his nose, he is probably injured, and the boy’s impulse when he speaks is full of urgency and excitement. : "You are Doflamingo, right?!"


Donquixote, who was dining, turned his head, you look at me and I look at you.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

"Woohoooo~~~Bad boy."

"You're welcome!"


Laughed loudly.

"Who are you?" Torreja dragged the chains and walked towards the blond boy "wow!"

"Hmm! It's the Treasure Hunter! Is he also a member of Donquixote?"

"It seems that I didn't find the wrong thing!"

"We are right!"


A group of teenagers and girls of almost the same age behind the blonde teenagers all murmured in joy.

"Let's join Donquixote too! Hahaha~~~", the blond boy said loudly with his lips pressed.

Torreja took off his glasses, her hideous eyes flickering with cold light: "Don't be overwhelmed! You innocent bastard!"

"Doflamingo!" The blond boy cried, ignoring Torreja's whole body, Lion Majesty's chain that was about to attack.

Diamanti also got up, drew his sword and threatened: "You little ruffian by the name of the young master!"

Since Torrepol's death, Diamanti has not dared to insist on calling Doflamingo "Duffy", and changed his words. He knows that Donquixote uses him less and less, and he pays great attention to expressing loyalty at all times. This is his only one. The way to survive.

"I admired you since I was very young, we are willing to follow you, give a chance! Doflamingo!", the blond boy continued.

Diamanti swung his sword and slashed: "Get away! Annoying flies!"


Doflamingo put down the wine glass.


Diamanti's blade pressed against the blonde boy's neck, cleverly controlled the intensity, cut a trace, and shed a few drops of blood.

"Humhhhh~~~", Doflamingo turned his head, the eagle looked at the wolf, and his smile penetrated people: "Where did it come from?"

The situation reversed for an instant, and the blond boy who was still sweating coldly the last moment grinned and couldn't conceal his joy: "Notis!"

"It's not very rich there. What are your dissatisfaction with." Torreja, who is also from North Blue but so poor that he is sickly thirsty/hopeful for treasure, said unhappy.

The blond boy made a fist and said, "That kind of place is boring! The Donquixote family is the pride/arrogance of North Blue! We also want to form a pirate group like you! You are completely different from those guys who dream all day long!"

"Ohhhhhhhhh~~~ There are opportunities, of course." Doflamingo drank red wine briefly: "Ten years, the World government has offered a wanted order with a reward of 200 million Baileys. You will find me when you reach this level."

"Really? Great!"

"Oh oh oh~~~"


The hot-blooded boy completely ignored Doflamingo's harsh conditions and celebrated wantonly.


PS1: Third, it’s a bit late, mainly to determine Bellamy’s age. It seems that there is no official information. It has been checked for a long time, so I have to refer to the first time he and Dover meet, Dover’s dress, probably the original book Luo joined The costumes around Donquixote are estimated to be about the same period, that is, fourteen, five or six years ago, when Bellamy was only a teenager? Is it the leader of a good juvenile group?

PS2: Thanks to the book friend [[Empire] Lonely Bad Child] for the five thousand VIP rewards, thank you.

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