One Piece Crown of Darkness

Chapter 300 Take a sharp turn

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The turbulent waves and the turbulent waves came over from overseas. Once encountered delays and obstacles from the islands, it instantly rose up, and the high boiling water curtain felt like covering the sky and covering the sky.





The whole Goya Kingdom was panicking, and they finally knew what the swaying and thundering of the earth were foreshadowing not long ago.

"Humhhhhhhh~~~ It's a masterpiece." Standing high and looking far away, Doflamingo saw everything in sight. He smiled, praised, and boasted: "Hey, Mr. Sora? My Donquixote did a good job. Bar?"

Sora's uncontrollable anger, the blue veins and blood vessel roots on his forehead burst, like an earthworm clinging: "You monster, Doflamingo! Do you think it's funny? Look at what you did! How many innocent people..."

"It's really funny, hahahaha... I'm laughing at my tears!" Doflamingo laughed unscrupulously and interrupted Sky's Path: "Isn't it funny? I didn't want to kill them. , They are dead, tusk~~~ What the hell is it? Empty! It's because of you! Isn't this just another explanation of'In order to eliminate evil, paying a certain price is inevitable'?"

Sora was burning with anger, and his eyes were bloodshot, and he wanted to choose someone to eat.

"Garp, Shanks, give me the answer I want." Doflamingo pressed harder step by step: "Either you kill the sky, or I kill the ‘most evil blood in history’."

Shanks drew his sword, pointing away, he had no choice.

Garp has always been entangled, entangled in family affection, friendship, entangled in the past and present, entangled in the perceptual personality letter and intellectual mission and responsibilities...

"Hula la~~~"

Wind blows.

The wind fell again.

The riots in the distance subsided, the blue sky and clouds were illusory, writing a line of words-father, I took the child away.

The situation has taken a turn for the worse, becoming subtle and weird.

That cloud of illusory words, the one who left him, whether Doflamingo, or Garp, Sora, Shanks, Beckman, knows that Monkey·D·Dorag, the "child" of the so-called "child I took away", There is no doubt that it refers to "the most evil blood in history"!

Faced with the dual threats of Doflamingo and the World government, the son of "One Piece" that has been exposed was rescued, and he obtained the most suitable soil for his survival and growth.

The civilians of the Goa Kingdom facing natural disasters were rescued, and there is no need to worry about their families breaking down.

Garp, Sora, and Shanks, who were faced with how to choose, are all rescued!

Garp doesn't need to struggle anymore. The "most evil bloodline in history" he regards as his family is safe and sound. He is willing to admit his mistakes to Marine and the World government and bear the punishment of World government and Marine.

Sora no longer has to consider whether to report to the World government that Garp is harboring "the most evil bloodline in history" despite years of friendship, and what to do with Garp when the World government absolutely refuses to let go of the "most evil bloodline in history", etc. He was troubled by a splitting headache, and he believed that Garp himself would give him, Marine, and the World government an explanation.

Shanks doesn't need to listen to Doflamingo's cao verticals anymore, and has more choices.

Everyone is a beneficiary of Dorag's sudden influx, except Donquixote.

"Monkey D. Dorag...he slapped me fiercely, 咈咈咈咈~~~ I really forgot how he came to my site to beg for mercy." Doflamingo sneered in a low voice, and the conversation turned. He said: "Mr. Kong, that is Monkey·D·Dorag, aiming to overthrow your World government's Free Revolutionary Army party/leader! His move just now proves that he has been lurking in Windmill Town for a long time, and we have not fought against each other. Pay attention to him, but before the battle... his purpose of returning home? Did he meet with his father and have an ulterior motive? Why didn’t his father as Marine tell..."

"Shut up!" Kong Ben gritted his teeth angrily: "I don't want to listen to your nonsense, don't engage in these silly tricks, Doflamingo! This makes you appear cowardly!"

Doflamingo said disdainfully: "Do you not want to hear, or dare not to listen? Hey, hey~~~"

"you give me……"


The knees were bent, the muscles of the big tui swelled terribly, and the power was crazy, and the ground crushed by the toes was overwhelmed by shenyin and shattered.

"Get down!!!"

With a roar, Garp jumped into the sky, sprinting with extreme speed.

"Iron Fist!"

Fast, too fast, the line controlled by Doflamingo · Susanoo can't avoid it at all.



"Boom rumble...boom rumble...!!!"


PS: The first one, the first chapter of the guarantee on the 11th, wow, suddenly Kavin, it is not a story, but I don’t know how to write, I wrote a chapter in the morning, and I feel that the writing is not smooth.

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