One Piece Crown of Darkness

Chapter 345 blockade

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Pirates are pirates after all, whether it is the so-called Four Emperors group or other pirates outside the Four Emperors group, the thief is a thief, in fact, there is no platform.

The overlord of the sea is Marine, or an established, large-scale armed violence organization supported by the World government, and its name is "Marine."

Undoubtedly, Marine's mobility, execution, logistics, equipment...all are higher than the pirates by more than one grade. This is their reason for becoming the overlord of the sea.

Once Marine has exhausted all the pirate forces against one party or several parties, even the Four Emperors must clip their tails and be careful and low-key.

Just as Marine is doing its best to target Donquixote and "Beasts", they advance "Akainu", the most playable and most powerful of the three major signs, to sit in the G5 fortress closest to Donquixote and "Beasts" and accompany a large number of warships. , Elites go to the G5 fortress without troops. The mixed G5 fortress is already strong and scattered, with the G5 fortress as the core and the frontier of the New World. It outlines a solid position for surveillance, field control, and suppression, just like a covering type. The big net shrouded.

Not only that, Marine also ordered another Admiral "Aokiji" to be stationed in the G1 fortress in the first half of New World to assist and echo the G5 fortress in the rear area. "Aokiji" can cruise between the G1 and G5 fortresses at any time to ensure that the rear area gives it. In addition to the safety of the material circulation of the G5 fortress, it also ensures that the "Akainu" is converged as soon as the battle ends, forming a concentrated superior force.

But what is terrible is by no means the battle that Marine puts forward. It is their maintenance and endurance of such battles. They have the protection provided by the World government, and they have the long-lasting maintenance and endurance of such battles. With the confidence to kill any pirates, even Doflamingo, the super-rich 10% of Berry in the Master world...

"I lost another sum." At the breakfast table, Tezolo rubbed nie's swollen and sore eyebrows: "The number is not large, less than 10 million Berry, but the accumulation is small and the accumulation is accumulated. This month, we will lose at least Six hundred million Berry."

Doflamingo leaned back on a chair, did not eat, lit a cigarette, and said: "The loss of money is a small matter, but the trouble is the loss of reputation. If a batch of goods is not delivered to the customer on time, then the customer will basically no longer trust us. Then we lose the opportunity to make his money in the future. He may switch to our business competitors. After all, we eat most of the underground world, and there is still a small part that is not eaten. It is not the only one."

"I regret suggesting that you invite all the giants of the underground world to the Donquixote waters." Tezolo couldn't help but feel low.

Doflamingo smiled and said, "From a long-term perspective, this is not a bad move, Tezolo! Hey, hey~~~ Besides, if they gather around me, I can protect them. If Marine sends people to restrain us, we can’t. Moved and sent people to clean them up, the result was even worse, didn't they?"

"The question is how to break the all-round blockade of Marine." Smoky interjected lazily: "Expand Umit's shipping?"

Umit, the "deep ocean current" Umit, the leader of the underground world transportation industry. In his early years, his business model was a transportation company with a clear face and seriousness. The business model of Donquixote was changed to cooperating with other giants in the underground world to transport contraband, and it was also responsible for Donquixote's responsibility to pick up nobles and wealthy businessmen to participate in sword fighting and fighting games when the new pirate forces started sword fights and fighting games. wu.

While planting archi mangroves, setting up private coating black factories, and hiring and raising hundreds of murloc sailors and slaves, Umit’s shipping channel is underwater, and the only areas that Marine can’t reach are the only remaining areas in Donquixote. External contact channels.

"Because the Yarki mangroves are not easy to transplant, Umit's black coating factory is not on our site, especially his Yarki mangrove trees do not produce much! The words of the murloc...destroy The fish men island? Regardless of The fish men island is covered by'Whitebeard', we have to go through the Marine to The fish men island." Hancock retorted without a lady's torn bread.

Smoky glanced at Hancock: "I mean to build a submarine, although it is expensive."

"The huge submarine occupied by the scientific team, ready-made, sizzle~~~", Gamenio said casually.

Doflamingo smashed cigarette butts: "CipherPol also assisted Marine this time. I dare not expose/expose the scientific team! In this way, Tezolo! You tell our customers first, distribute according to needs, explain the difficulties, and we do not want to wait. Forced, it’s a big deal to look for customers again! Tell the three golden cities of North Blue, West Blue, and East Blue to build submarines, and don’t care about the return of funds for the time being! You personally accompany Umit on a trip. In recent years, his business model has changed. The factory is not monopolized by him, grab it! Rob the newly opened black coating factory and monopolize it again."

"Understood!" Tezolo put on his top hat and left quickly.

Gamenio shook his long tongue: "Haki's enough! Hiss~~~ But! We are so passively blocked by Marine in all directions?"

"Counter-attack is inevitable." Doflamingo cuts the omelette, playfully said: "Don't worry, there are people who are more anxious than me! I have food and drink anyway, 咈咈咈咈~~~ Some people are afraid that eating and drinking will be unsustainable. ."

""Beasts"? "BIGMOM" seems to have been shot innocently. Her Totto Land is more threatened by Marine than us and "Beasts". Wow, haha~~~ What a bad luck." Barcara smirked.


PS: The first one is to make up yesterday's guarantee chapter one...

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