One Piece Crown of Darkness

Chapter 566 Children

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Sea Circle Calendar 1522.

It has been more than ten months since the "West Blue War" that shocked the world. After a period of great panic, the forgetful people were calm again, because they discovered that although Marine had killed an Admiral and a meritorious service Vice Admiral and 20,000 elite troops, but they can still control the situation with the full support of the World government.

"Evil" becomes bigger.

However, if some people are content with the status quo, others will naturally be restless, especially those who are desperate. They aim to flourish and formally declare the Free Revolutionary Army that has stepped onto the front desk against the World government through the "West Blue War", as well as the "Heavenly" ascended the throne. The kingdom of Donquixote led by Yaksha, and the "Beasts" claiming to be the "One Piece" who just went to Zolavrud.

The calm underwater undercurrent is surging, which is very suitable to describe today.

At this time, Doflamingo stood on the tower of his king, staring at the burn on his right arm.


Doflamingo is still thinking about the "West Blue War". The reason why Donquixote, Beasts Pirates, and the Free Revolution Army failed to do their best to destroy the 50,000 Marine Expeditionary Force is the rapid support of "Akainu". The World government developed a flying machine. The aircraft powered by Sky Island’s Fengbei, even if it has not yet been put into mass production, clearly shows the power of the era.


"Akainu", "Aokiji", and "Green Bull", three powerful fighters with overwhelming strength, especially "Akainu", who came as Marshal Marine, saved the morale of the Marine Expeditionary Army from collapse, Donquixote, Beasts Pirates, Freedom The revolutionary army was stuck in a hard fight, and could only escape for a long time. After all, the follow-up force of the World government organization was continuously invested.

That battle was extremely difficult. No matter which side it was, almost no one was unconcerned. Tang Jihede suffered a great loss. The cadres lost more than a dozen people. The 20,000 troops gathered in the family waters and West Blue were ten to five. six.

For an unknown period of time, Doflamingo suddenly moved.

The tip of his right finger secreted silk thread, Doflamingo imagined standing in front of him "Whitebeard" in the prosperous spring and autumn. He used Observation Haki to predict the shaking fists of "Whitebeard", turning over and jumping dexterously, and then on the other side was the frantic "Golden" "Lion" kills with a sword, and his short body exudes dark gravity on his left hand to change the trajectory of "Golden Lion" and guide "Golden Lion" to attack

"Whitebeard", the silk thread was cut down and picked up. He resisted the fierce assault of "One Piece", and then hurriedly carried the "Whitebeard" of the "Golden Lion" on one side and one foot.

As the setting sun slanted to the west, a battle that didn't exist at all continued fiercely, as if it would never end.

"My father, what are you in a daze?"

Barbara has gone through the 20-year growth process of others in two weird years. She has transformed into a big girl. She perfectly inherits the beauty and good luck of her mother, and the talent and character of her father. When she is the second double Demon fruit power Born, the violent destructive power of "Shock Fruit" and the tai resilience of "Phoenix Fruit" made her realize the title of "Goddess".

Doflamingo interrupted his thoughts, exhaled for a long time, and smiled: "It's nothing.

"My father.

The second daughter Karina, the third daughter Betty, and the youngest son Dominic, who were held in a row by Barbara, greet them well. They are scientific products, and they also have the rapid growth of Barbara. Years old, beautiful and handsome.

"Earrings and rings made of pure gold, your body grows too vigorously, if you don't stop it, I am afraid that it will be older than me in two or three years, Buddha, Buddha, Buddha~~~", Doflamingo everyone presents one A gift.

I am very pleased with the excellence of the children, and it is precisely their gradual strength that makes Doflamingo have the capital to reform Don Quixote to formalize and establish the kingdom of Donquixote. He can eliminate some people who are disobedient and inconsistent with the concept. Of course, he does his best. To avoid internal consumption, it was announced that even if it is going to be normalized, it is not forgetting the identity of the pirate, etc.

Somehow it coaxed people like Burgess.

Barbara lit a cigarette, slapped her siblings on the heads one by one: "Talk."

"Huh? Oh!"

"Thank you Father!"

Looking at the obedience of the twin daughter and the youngest son being disciplined by the eldest daughter, Doflamingo laughed and jokingly said: "Hey, sing hello, it's too shameful, right? You are my sons and daughters, how can you not challenge authority? Xiaoxiaopi Buddha~~~ Try to challenge your eldest sister! You are also double Demon fruit power, domineering, physical skills, I also have a hand-in-hand teaching you

More attentive than your eldest sister. "

"Welcome!" Barbara spread her hands, completely indifferent.

Dominic scratched the scattered blonde: "I don't want to fight with monsters."

"Without the self-confidence of the strong, you deserve to be unable to get my Conqueror's Haki.", Doflamingo joked and ridiculed: "Buddha Xiaoxiaoxiao~~~'Sparkling fruit', even the 417 in Logia Devil Fruit is outstanding, I will give it back If you "Slow Fruit" as a support, you can run away if you can't beat you! I don't believe that Barbara catches up with you, even if she catches up, she is slow

You go on running again."

"If you can run, the monk can't run to the temple." Barbara interrupted Doflamingo: "His home is also my home, hehe."

Doflamingo: ""

"What about you? Karina, Betty? A "Shadow" plus "Diamond Fruit", a "Lion Fruit" plus "Mera-mera Fruit", Karina is in charge of close combat, and Betty is in charge of long combat. , Consumption also exhausted Barbara.”, Doflamingo said.

Karina and Betty are silent.

"Forget it, don't tease you.", Doflamingo smiled and said: "The group of little ghosts of the extremely evil generation frequently moves. The first one is the recently assembled Straw Hat Pirates. I will give you a task to get them."

Barbara resolutely said: "OK! Leave it to us! Go!


PS1: It feels like there is nothing to write about. Pick the key points and finish the book as soon as possible.

PS2: Thank you book friend [What kind of bear is a bear] for your 300 VIP rewards and support, thank you. .

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