One Piece Dark Emperor

Chapter 12 The Deal Broke

Rutgers didn't know how long he waited, but finally he heard the sound of opening the door in room 221 next door, and he also heard several footsteps, one should be the footsteps of a man in black to open the door, the others should be It is the government who came to trade, there should be a lot of people!

And at this time, the girl at the front desk downstairs looked very ugly, and the uncle came to look for several World government officials? Is this a man? And there are still so many? Wow, the world is going down, the world is going down! How ugly is that guy's aunt, so his uncle can do such a thing? And why am I getting more and more excited? That girl seems to have awakened something, and the mentality of a rotten girl has begun...

After opening the door, the man in black only saw a man in a black suit like him, but the suit was different, and there was an obvious World government logo on his left chest.

The two of them greeted each other and walked into the room, while Rutgers only heard two pairs of footsteps. He also deduced that there were still many people ambushing at the door. This situation is not right... This kind of I feel that the government will not conduct transactions obediently...

The two men in black sat opposite each other, and the people from the government also directly entered the theme, put the big box they brought on the ground, looked at the guy opposite, and said formulaically: "Is the fruit always brought? "

The man in black did not suspect him. He put a box that he had placed on the ground on the table, opened it and closed it quickly, so that the government personnel on the opposite side just glanced at it and asked him to confirm it. In a flattering tone, he said: "Sir, let's start the transaction now, you give me the money, and I will give you Devil Fruit immediately!"

Speaking of which, the black-clothed man glanced greedily at the box brought in by the government officials, obviously he thought it contained the 500 million Baileys he wanted!

The government personnel confirmed that the Dark Fruit was here, and their eyes became hot. He knew exactly what the value of this fruit was! If you get it, your promotion will be just around the corner!

But after the confirmation, the government staff member hung a sneer on his mouth and said to the man in black for unknown reasons: "Deal? What deal?"

The black-clothed man's charming smile stopped, and he said in a panic, "Sir, stop joking, isn't it the deal we agreed on before?"

The sneer on the faces of the government officials continued to expand, and they pretended not to know and said: "I just heard that there is a pirate here with a Devil Fruit stolen money, and of course I am here to receive the stolen money!"

Cold sweat continued to appear on the face of the black-clothed man, but he still struggled and said, "How can it be, I'm just a bounty hunter, how can I be a pirate?"

The man in black is still imagining that the people in the government are just talking nonsense, and he still doesn't want to admit that he seems to be tricked by others?

The people from the government did not say anything to the man in black.

The government personnel stood up while talking. The face of the man in black on the opposite side was constantly changing, and the flattering look disappeared. If he didn't know the situation, he was stupid!

After the government personnel stood up straight, the height of more than two meters also brought great pressure to people, and said: "In the end, the righteous government recovered the stolen money, and naturally the evil pirates were also eliminated! How about it? , the script I wrote for you is very good, isn't it?"

The man in black also knew that this guy was going to rob Devil Fruit forcibly and would not do any more naive deals with him. He shouted angrily: "Is this the way your government works? Where does justice come from? Damn it! I can Not a pirate, do you want to do this to a legitimate citizen?"

Seeing the performance of the black-clothed man, the government officials laughed out loud and said disdainfully, "How naive! Hahaha, isn't it easy to assign a crime to you? Just now you questioned the government's justice and it was a crime! To us Of course it's even more sinful to do it!"

As he said that, the person who did not come in at the door also came in, standing behind him, and faintly blocked all the routes that the men in black wanted to approach the door.

The man in black also laughed at himself and said with a torn face: "Justice is a fart, Laozi might as well make a deal with the pirates, a bunch of disgusting guys who claim justice!"

The government officials were not annoyed, and confidently said to the man in black: "I advise you not to do any senseless resistance, you can't get out of this door! There are also our people at the door of the hotel, you hand over Devil Fruit yourself. , the crime you just questioned the justice of the government may still be forgiven!"

He is in a good mood now, and the credit for buying Dark Fruit and getting Dark Fruit for nothing is different! From now on, he will be on a steady footing!

The man in black also didn't want to say anything to this group of untrustworthy guys, and held the box with Devil Fruit tightly in his hand.

"This is not a smart decision, is it? Mr. Bounty Hunter? Oh no, it is already confirmed as Mr. Pirate!" The government worker said with a smile, but his smile gave people a chill. .

The people behind also pulled out their guns, and the guns were quickly aimed at the man in black. The guy in the lead didn't move, just stared at the man in black.

The man in black said grimly: "I'm really underestimated! I'm a Demon Fruit power! Otherwise, how could I sell this Devil Fruit?"

The government official's face was moved, and he said with a little interest: "That's really surprising, I thought you were a little pirate with no skills!"

"That's really going to disappoint you. Next, I'll show you my strength!" The man in black said that his body was also getting bigger. Originally only one meter seven, he directly became two meters. How tall is the guy, the clothes on his upper body are not bursting, can only say that the quality of clothes in the world of One Piece is very good?

The body color of the man in black has turned yellow, and there are irregular scales on it, and his face is no longer like a normal human, a bit like a yellow lizard, he opened his mouth that has become extremely hideous and said : "I'm a pangolin who ate Zoan Devil Fruit! How is it? Are you scared?"

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