One Piece Dark Emperor

Chapter 143 Marine's decision! Fight!

Hina took out the phone bug and started dialing. Yarrow took a look on the deck of the pirate ship and found that they didn't seem to care about him, but out of doubt, he ran back to the cabin, slipped to the third floor, and slapped him. Aggie's door.

"What's the matter? I'm just halfway through the sea drawing!" Ai Qi opened the door reluctantly, staring at Yarrow with her lovely big eyes, as if he would kill him if he said a word of nonsense!

"There's a group of guys over there at the port, it feels a bit strange, they've been whispering something, I just want you to listen to it!" Yarrow also hurriedly explained that if he was targeted by Ai Qi, he would have The already poor food may be shrinking again.

"Hmph, trouble, I'll go take a look!" Ai Qi's expression softened, if Rutgers was not around, they still needed to be as careful as possible.

Ai Qi walked to the "Nine Zero Seven" deck, glanced at Hina and the others, lifted her mushroom head, and her ears also turned into a light cloud that flew to Hina's side, attached to them. On the wall next to Hina, they just happened to be invisible blind spots.

At this time, the phone bug that Hina called was also resolved, and the Marines next to him also surrounded him. The phone bug opened his mouth and made a nice voice from Gion, "Moses Moses, I'm Gion, what's the matter?"

"Sister Gion... No, Assistant Teacher Gion, I'm Hina, Hina has discovered a major situation here and needs to report to Teacher Zephyr!" Hina said with a frown.

"Ah? Mr. Zephyr is by my side, I'm going to give him the phone bug..." After Gion finished saying this, he got up and walked to Zephyr's desk and handed the phone bug over, "Zephyr Teacher, Hina, she said there is important information to report!""

Zephyr also put down the document in his hand, and the only left hand took the phone and answered it, and said in a deep voice, "Hina, it's me, Zephyr, have you found anything?"

Gion pretty stood aside, she was also very interested in what Hina was going to say next, she always felt that something was going to happen...

"Ah..." Hina took a deep breath, stabilized her tone, and continued: "Mr. Zephyr, we found the pirate ship of the Dark Pirates, just on the other side of Gaya Island. the port!

"Dark Pirates?" Zephyr had some doubts, but he didn't read much about Rutgers and their information, only knew the name of Rutgers, and looked at Gion with some puzzled eyes.

"Dark Pirates? Are you sure? Hina!" Gion said with a serious look to the phone bug on the table.

"Yes, it has been confirmed that Yarrow, the wind swordsman of the Dark Pirates, is on board!" Hina also reported truthfully.

"Gion, the Dark Pirates, is that?" Zephyr still had some doubts.

"It's the latest rookie pirate group! Dark Emperor Rutgers, Mr. Zephyr!" Gion said with a gloomy expression, the information on their Marine was more real than what was in the newspaper, at least, she knew that Rutgers had defeated Ku Reed Vice Admiral only entered the Grand Line... Although Kured Vice Admiral is old, he used to be an elite Vice Admiral at Marine headquarters!

"It's that kid's pirate group!" Zephyr's eyes narrowed instantly after hearing this, and his big hand that smashed the prosthetic leg was clenched tightly. As for Rutgers, of course he knew that he had occupied the headlines twice in the past few days. He has already defeated a Shichibukai and came here. Suddenly, Zephyr's heart also flashed many thoughts...

"What should we do? Hina, um, do we still need to continue our assessment..." Hina continued to ask with some solemnity. Cool!

Zephyr was silent after hearing Hina's words. He tapped the table with his left hand, and Gion didn't speak. The only sound in the huge office was the sound of fingertips hitting the table, which seemed inexplicably quiet.

"Gion, what do you think it should be?" Zephyr asked Gion inexplicably, staring at the table.

"Teacher Zephyr, we are all recruits here, it's not suitable to fight with pirates like this..." Gion pondered for a while, and gave her own opinion, the implication was that she hoped Zephyr would take a step back , Although she also knew that this should be impossible, when did Mr. Zephyr back down when faced with pirates...

"But this kid is also a newcomer to Pirates..." Zephyr said with a cold expression, this also made Gion speechless for a while. It seems that there is nothing wrong with newcomers to newcomers, but I don't know why, It still doesn't feel right...

Hearing this, the Marine recruits on Hina's side also looked at each other in dismay. Listening to what Teacher Zephyr meant, he wanted them to continue the assessment... No, it's not that they are not confident, but the gap is really big. Too big... Rutgers are already famous pirates, but they're not even Marine...emmm?

"But..." Gion hesitated for a while...

"I know Hina and the others are not as strong as Sakazuki and the others..." Zephyr glanced at Gion, as if he had finally made up his mind, "But, they still have us! To deal with pirates, Marine can Always do your best!

"Mr. Zephyr, what do you mean..." Hina said with some surprise, and her fearful heart was stabilized. If it was Teacher Zephyr, no matter what kind of pirate it was, it would be fine. ..

"Ah! Yes, this time, all of the Marines are dispatched to meet the Dark Pirates! Gion, notify all Marines that the assessment will be converted into a confrontation against the Dark Pirates! Everyone, please do your best!" said with a firm look on his face.

Hearing this, the recruits of the Hai 2.5 Army next to them also looked encouraged, as if they saw infinite hope, and responded loudly, "Yes, justice will win!

Ai Qi on the deck scratched her other ear with some pain in her head. Really, say this, why are you so loud all of a sudden! However, this time, it seems that I really heard something useful. ..

"Mr. Zephyr, what should we do now?" Hina asked with a ruddy face. It seems that they can fight with the former Marine Admiral this time... It's exciting to think about it!

"You stand by and wait for us to pass. The assembly point is your port! Above!" Zephyr said in a deep voice and hung up the phone. What they didn't even notice was that a small cloud flew towards Rutgers and their Pirates....

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