One Piece Dark Emperor

Chapter 166 Liftoff! Go to Sky Island!

." Smoker was held down hard by Zephyr, eyes staring hard at Rutgers, if eyes could kill, Rutgers would have died an innumerable number of times.

"Hahahaha, let me tell you something, Hina tastes very good..." Rutgers said in a low voice with wickedness, and looked at Hina with his wolfish eyes.

If he remembers correctly, Hina and Smoker also have a faint feeling of CP in the original book, right? But now, let's spoof it...

Hina was suddenly stared at by Rutgers, and also recalled the feeling of being caressed by Rutgers yesterday, her face turned red, she turned her head sideways, and did not dare to meet Rutgers' eyes.

This scene is naturally seen by Zephyr and Smoker. These two guys naturally think more. Is Hina already given to that by Rutgers?

"Thief hahahaha, we're going to leave, let's say goodbye, friends of justice..." Rutgers also took the lead and jumped back to his pirate ship.

Wei Laki, Yarrow, and Oder also followed. After Yarrow cut the rope between the two ships, the two ships slowly separated.

The two ships drifted apart, Zephyr put the 920 and opened the Smoker, and Smoker returned to Marine's queue without saying a word. He saw Hina, but he was also hesitant to say anything. He didn't dare to ask for fear of injury. To Hina......

Hina also looked a little strange to Smoker, and didn't plan to talk to him, and the gap between the two naturally arose.

Gion looked at the pirate ship far away, and his mind was also flying out. He will be Seven Warlords of the Sea from now on... Damn guy, I must make him look good when we meet again... .

"Let's set sail, go back to the Marine headquarters, and retake the final assessment in a month..." Zephyr said with a final expression, he didn't know how to face his old comrades when he returned to the Marine headquarters, obviously he was just bringing a recruit , I actually failed twice...

"Yes..." Marine recruit also responded weakly.

"They are also far away..." Oder said indifferently as he looked at the Marine warship that had gone away.

"Thief hahahaha, then our target is Sky Island!" Rutgers looked at the sky, and the sky in front of them was obviously darkened.

"Brother Rutgers (cccf), the clouds there are very strange..." Ai Qi asked suspiciously, pointing to the dark sky in front of the left.

"That's the cumulus cloud, and the Sky Island is on it!" Rutgers also showed a little interest.

"Jiandiyun, Grandpa John said it, didn't expect to meet it now?" Ai Qi also showed excitement, all kinds of strange clouds were what she wanted to meet the most!

"Ah, Sky Island must be a good place for you..." Rutgers was also more cheerful, a little impatient.

"Then how are we going?" Wei Laki frowned.

"Of course I use my ability to fly up!" Rutgers smiled and said it for granted. He didn't want to be like Luffy, looking for the Saruyama Allied Army, and he didn't want to convert his pirate ship into that bird. look..

"That can only be fortunate for you..." Wei Laki also gave her a flirtatious glance. It was really a simple and crude idea. It's a shame that she still thinks so much.

66'Fortunately, hardship is hardship, but there are good things on it..." Rutgers licked his lips, looking very interested, paused and continued, "Have you heard of North Blue's Liar's story?

"Huh? No...I've always been in West Blue...Aggie said she couldn't find a clue.

"I can't be interested in this kind of story..." Vy Laki interrupted Rutgers' thoughts.

Yarrow and Odd also shook their heads, that story is now used to warn children not to lie, and it's still in North Blue, it's normal for them not to know...

Rutgers' face twitched, how could he feel like he couldn't even pretend to be b?

"I've heard of this..." Robin finally came out of the cabin at this time, and gave Rutgers a resentful look, which made her stay inside for so long.

"Oh?" Except for Rutgers, everyone else looked at Robin curiously.

"About 400 years ago, a navigator named Norland said that he had discovered a golden country, and when the king led his troops to seek evidence, he found that there was none at all, and then he was executed for the crime of deceiving the king. In the end, he seemed innocent. Say: The Golden Land has sunk into the sea..." Robin said slowly.

"So, what do you mean by this?" Wei Laki asked Rutgers curiously.

"Golden Country exists, it's on Sky Island!" Rutgers said with bright eyes, this body's exploration instinct is still very strong.

"Really? Brother Rutgers?" Aggie threw herself on Rutgers without saying a word, looking at Rutgers with bright eyes.

"Ah, yes, that Noland didn't lie, it's just that the Golden Land was washed up to the sky by the rising sea, and in the right eye of the skull, I saw gold... The Golden Land was originally a part of Gaya Island. Ah..." Rutgers touched Ai Qi's cute mushroom head and sighed with emotion.

"Golden Country? Let's go up and have a look..." Wei Laki said with a smile, but his eyes were full of "kindness" looking at Rutgers, the meaning is obvious, how long do you want to hug?

"Well...then get ready to go! Rutgers, 35 scared, hurriedly let go of Ai Qi, and he only felt Ai Qi's cuteness for a while...

"Heaven, will my swordsmanship take me to the next level..." Yarrow also looked up at the sky with a longing expression on his face, but it's not okay to be immersed in failure all the time!

"Sky Island! Go! Captain, great adventure!" Oder also shouted excitedly, with pirates in his bones!

"Sky Island, Golden Land, may have a very meaningful history..." Robin also said with a smile, Rutgers glanced at him and wanted to say that there was historical text on it, but he still thought about it. Forget it, take her directly when the time comes.

"Then it's lift-off, a hundred times darker. Big disc!" The dark solids poured out from Rutgers' hands, forming a big disc under the pirate ship.

The big disc moved, carrying the entire pirate ship flying towards the sky, but this time their target was not tens of meters, hundreds of meters in the sky, but 10,000 meters at sea!

Driven by the big disc, the pirate ship moved towards the black cumulus clouds, and the sea surface was getting further and further away from them, giving people an unreal feeling. Now the six people in the pirate ship are all He didn't go back to the cabin, his face was amazed and he felt this wonderful journey, talking and laughing.

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