One Piece Dark Emperor

Chapter 200 Awakened Zoan ancient saber-toothed tiger fruit!

The pirate ships are constantly approaching the warships, and when they reach the range that can be shelled, the three warships start to shoot frantically, but you all know the accuracy of the cannonballs in One Piece...

"Bang bang bang!" Almost half of the shells were hit in the sea, and the other shells were also blocked.

The one-eyed sword, Hao Caro, pulled out the two swords from his waist, and chopped vegetables and melons, cutting off a few cannonballs. The chainsaw in Kusi's hand was spinning at a high speed, jumping up and slashing, blocking several more shots. However, Ides was more simple and violent, smashing all the cannonballs with his fists, and the cannonballs exploded on him, which was completely useless.

"Ice Age!" Seeing that the distance was almost there, Aokiji jumped up from the deck and jumped into the air. Two sharp ice arrows shot out of his hands and hit the sea.

The sea surface began to freeze in an instant, and the ice quickly expanded outward. In the blink of an eye, all the sea area was frozen. Naturally, the three warships and the pirate ship could not move, and the ice surface was also released now. chill.

"Amazing..." Olide looked at the ice surface with a horrified expression, and was even more terrified by Marine Admiral's strength. He could also freeze the sea surface, but the gap was so big that he didn't want to say anything. ......

Naturally, it wasn't just Orid who was terrified, but the Marines too, but they were excited, Marine Admiral, but they were Marine's strongest fighting force!

"Aokiji?" Ides looked at the ice with a gloomy expression, so he could only fight to the death, he couldn't escape at all.

"Little ones, take over! Kill all these Marines, and Butch Island is ours!" Ides shouted, and he was the first to rush down and stepped on the ice, which was also directly on the ice. Was directly trampled by him.

"Oh oh oh, follow Captain Ides and kill all the Marines!"

"Winning is enjoying! A whole wealthy island!

"Kill, this ice, just to give us a foothold!

"This little bit of cold doesn't dampen my enthusiasm at all! Hahaha! Kill "〃!"

The pirates roared and rushed towards Marine, this is the last battle, lost nothing, won, huh, then Butch Island is purgatory on earth...

Aokiji fell back on the deck, this freezing is a must, and the pirate ship must be stopped!

"Attack, don't back down, we are the citizens behind us, for justice! Strike!" The ghost spider drew out the sword around his waist and pointed at the sky, shouting loudly.

"Oh oh oh! For justice!

"Pirates or something, you don't need to be afraid at all!

"Justice will prevail, protect the citizens behind you!

The Marine soldiers also got off the warship with enthusiasm. They couldn't lose this stop. There was an island behind them that they needed to protect. The people who were completely unaware...

"Don't stop the shelling, destroy their pirate ship first! Don't give the pirates a chance!" Mole commanded the artillerymen to continue attacking with a serious expression.

"The thief hahahaha ... it started ..." Rutgers looked at the Marine and Pirates that had been touched below, and laughed bloodily.

The melee also broke out in an instant, and Marine and the pirates were also entangled together. One was the pirates of New World, and the other was the elites of the Marine headquarters, but there was not much difference, but the pirate flag of the Slaughter Pirates was unmanned. , Under the shelling of Marine, it was blown up a few times, and it was burning everywhere..

There are roars of pirates and marines everywhere, and of course their whine, which is the battle! Every moment someone is falling...

Ides, Carlo, and Cuth are all in the Marine too, and no one can stop them!

Carlo's two-handed sword continued to fall on Marine, and the only remaining eye flashed with cold light, reaping Marine's life.

When he just finished cutting a Marine, a sword qi also slashed towards him, Carlo's eyes narrowed, and the sword slashed away the sword qi, looking at the ghost spider that had come to him, "I can't help it anymore. The ghost spider Mr Vice Admiral?"

"I can't let you go on like this anymore, this is your burial place!" The ghost spider was holding a cigar with a grim expression on his face.

"Then come and try!" Carlo didn't say nonsense, just rushed up with two swords.

"Hahahaha, trash, it's all trash!" Kuss waved his huge chainsaw, and the Marines were cut tragically by him, and they died tragically.

"You should stop here too, there is no road ahead for you!" Mole blocked the chainsaw wielding Kuss with his sword in both hands.

"Haki? Me too..." Kuss retracted the chainsaw, covered it with Armament Haki, turned black, and cut to the mole again.

"Justice can't be lost!" Mole's face was serious and he blocked the chainsaw. They must not lose this battle!

When Ides saw that Carlo and Cusi were blocked by Marine Vice Admiral, he also roared loudly, and the whole person underwent a terrifying change. A huge saber-toothed tiger with a length of more than ten meters and a height of four or five meters appeared. On the ice surface, there were terrifying muscles all over his body, and the two saber teeth were two or three meters long, and they looked extremely terrifying, giving people the feeling of a Liaoren who chose people and devoured them.

A word of king appeared on his forehead, he roared, and the Marines next to him were also thrown away, spitting blood, and the pirates behind him also hurried away from their captain to avoid accidental injury.

This Zoan cat fruit ancient saber-toothed tiger shape is many times more terrifying than the tiger fruit that Rutgers encountered before. Compared with this one, that is simply a kitten...

""Hey, is it possible, has this guy's fruit ability awakened?" Rutgers threw away the cigar he had already smoked in his hand, and said with some surprise.

"That's right, I've awakened..." Aokiji also looked serious, Zoan's awakening would give Host an incomparably powerful vitality.

"Rutgers, I'll take the shot first!" Olide couldn't stand it anymore, the enemy who destroyed his hometown was right in front of him, it was strange that he could hold back.

"Well, whatever you want, just be careful!" Rutgers said casually, standing up himself.

Hearing Rutgers agree, Orid just rushed out, and his target was not Ides, first to settle the accounts of the other pirates!

Olide took out his spatula and kitchen knife, one was minus fifty degrees, one was two hundred degrees, one was cold and one was hot, and he greeted the pirates. The pirates he shot and chopped were not covered with Frost is a massive burn.

Olide's complexion is very cold, and the scalded ones will be patted with an ice spatula. One cold and one hot will directly make them go to heaven...

He didn't think it was too much for him to do this. They deserved it. They dared to do this to his hometown. It would not be too much to die 10,000 times. Damn!

Olide looked crazy, and he kept killing pirates, which also attracted the attention of other pirates. Several small cadres also blocked Olide's offensive and temporarily blocked his nephew.

ps: It's 200 chapters so soon, so excited.

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