One Piece Dark Emperor

Chapter 203 The temperature fruit is not just for cooking.....

The war here has also been going on for some time. One of Marine's warships was also attacked by the pirates, and most of the decks were destroyed. The battle situation has also heated up, and the pirates and Marines are already red-eyed.

Both sides are almost their own elites, and their combat effectiveness is very good, but even so, there are many blood-stained corpses lying on the broken ice, and the smoke of battle has not dissipated.

A part of the battle situation was also covered by the fierce sword qi. The ghost spider held the sword with one hand and blocked the crazy attack of Carlo's double swords. The sword qi splashed continuously between the two people. Thieves did not dare to approach.

"In this battle, justice will win!" The cigar held by the ghost spider was half smoked. He shook the ash and slashed Carlo's two swords, "Nine Four Three".

"Justice has always been the most ridiculous word. Only the winner can define it!" Carlo was very disdainful.

"Right now, right away, you just can't say such a thing!" Ghost Spider's expression was very unhappy, and a mere pirate dared to question Marine's justice?

"That is to try it! Double sword flow. Cross cut!" Carlo's one eye narrowed, and the two swords formed a cross and slashed fiercely. A huge cross Slash Wave slashed towards the ghost spider with a terrifying momentum. .

"Marine's justice is invincible!" The ghost spider said with a serious expression, holding his sword high, his aura was condensing, and even the cold air on the ice surface was dispelled by him.

The slash with the ghost spider sword intent fell, blocking Carlo's cross Slash Wave, and a terrifying wave burst out from between the two people, which was also mixed with sword energy, which sputtered onto the ice. , The ice surface is cut like paper.

On the other hand, Olide reluctantly used his large spatula to block a sword qi, the temperature on the top dropped sharply, and the air next to him was full of cold currents, and the sword qi was frozen into a sword qi-shaped ice. , fell on the ice.

Olide glanced at the battle on Rutgers' side, and he was also sweating coldly. That fighting style is really fierce. Could it be that the bodies of those two guys are monsters? Fighting like this?

He has already fallen a lot of pirates along the way, but it's not enough, his hatred for the Slaughter Pirates can't be resolved, at least one or two important characters have to be killed...

Thinking like this, his eyes were also on Carlo who was fighting against the ghost spider. It seemed that he was going to give this guy a few shots!

Olide grinned, and the temperature on the spatula in his hand also began to change sharply, and instantly became red. This spatula was also an alloy product he bought at a high price, otherwise he would not be able to stand it at all. This changes the temperature.

"A thousand degrees!" The air near the spatula was distorted by the high temperature, and Orid was also heating the surrounding air, making the heat rise to a terrifying level, and the air began to show a strange red color.

The ice under his feet was beginning to melt, and he felt that it was almost the same. Olide's arm was bent, and the muscles on it were instantly tense. He tapped the air with terrifying heat with a spatula at a speed that the naked eye couldn't see. , This is also the technique he used when cooking the meat, super high-speed beating makes the meat more tender and chewy, this is also the super combination of his cooking and fighting, after all, he is a chef...

Several red air balloons with small diameters attacked Carlo at super high speed. Carlo also just blocked the attack of the ghost spider. Suddenly his face tightened and he felt the threat. Due to the threat of the ghost spider, he also Only one sword could be vacated, and a red red balloon was blocked in a panic.

But at the moment of contact, the terrifying heat broke out. At most, his knife was at the level of a good and fast knife. A catastrophe.

The next few red air balloons also changed his complexion. Haki quickly covered the knife and blocked many with one hand. At the last time, the ghost spider also realized that the opportunity was coming, and forcibly opened it. Carlo's other sword made him unsteady, and the last air ball hit his waist.

Fortunately, Carlo even covered Armament Haki to block some of the damage, otherwise his kidneys would be ripe, but now he can't be optimistic at all, and the skin on his waist is severely burned...

The ghost spider bullied him and slashed into Carlo's chest, causing Carlo to fly upside down.

"Damn Marine, is it your justice to collude with the pirates?" Carlo stood up with some difficulty, his chest was already dripping with Bloodline, but even so, he didn't let go of his two knives.

"Victory of justice is absolute!" said the ghost spider grimly, his black hair suddenly lengthened and stretched to the side of the fallen corpse in the battlefield, turning into eight hands, each grabbed a knife and returned to his side.

"Damn it! I won't fall here, Boss Ides will definitely win!" Carlo continued to rush towards the ghost spider with his sword in both hands as he said so. The sword intent on his body was already crazy.

"It's just the whining of the bereaved dog!" The ghost spider's voice was emotionless, and the nine knives on his body were covered with Armament Haki, his feet bowed, and he rushed towards Carlo.

Nine knives slashed in a dazzling arc in the air, and the terrifying sword intent was released. Nine bloodstains appeared on Carlo's body, and he fell down covered with blood. This time, his only eye was full of blood. Weakly closed.

"Then, the first one is over, the second one..." Olide's eyes were on Kus who was fighting with the mole again.

The ghost spider took a look at Orid and went to deal with the other 2.5 pirates. He naturally regarded Orid as a Rutgers. Although he wanted to win by all means, he also hated pirates!

Olide also rushed towards Cusi, full of energy, basically repeating his old tricks, but this time he used a cold air balloon. Under the powerful strength of the mole, Cusi was also defeated, and the chainsaw was defeated. They were all chopped in half, and there was a scar that could be seen deep in the valley, and they fell weakly on the ice.

"Then next, there's basically only the battle over there..." Olid also stopped, he had done enough, and now it's time to wait for the Rutgers battle to end.

Of course, the mole will not stop, and there are pirates that need to be eliminated, and Marine also needs his command.

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