One Piece Dark Emperor

Chapter 410 Punk Hazard kills the island!

There are various voices of doubt and conjectures.

Of course, as long as the knowledgeable guys will know, this means nothing at all, because the Whitebeard Pirates and the Dark Pirates still exist as usual, and the important personnel have not lost a single one...

But they all know that this may be a turning point in the sudden change of the times, and the sea will be more turbulent in the future...

He didn't pay attention to the incidents caused by Rutgers himself. After all, no matter what he does now, it may bring great changes to the world....~..

The incident is still fermenting, and now Rutgers has left the capital of Totto Land and came to the sky above Punk Hazard-...

Several kilometers in the air, a huge transport ship and two Explorers were quietly suspended here. The Explorers were Rutgers' own No. 0 and Order's No. 4.

"This height, it still feels too high, go a little further down..." Rutgers stood on the deck of Explorer 0, his body surging in darkness, spinning frantically, as if condensing in his hands what...

Hearing Rutgers' words, the three ships are also descending slowly in synchronization...

"It's really suitable for this kind of sneak attack at night..." Oder also echoed, his face was very excited, he was waiting for this action, but he had been waiting for a long time... .

"It's not the same as I remembered..." Rutgers glanced down, the distance was still very far, and it was dark at night, and only some experimental lights could be seen vaguely. .

As for Punk Hazard in Rutgers' impression, it was four years later. Akainu and Qingzhi turned it into an island of ice and fire. Naturally, it was completely different from now...

Now Punk Hazard is still a vibrant island, with birds and flowers everywhere, dense forests, and three huge scientific research bases. Of course, there is also a bit of artificial transformation of nature...

"Lord Rutgers, there's a call from Marine..." Just as Rutgers sighed, Laki walked out of the cabin with a phone bug.

"Marine? This time?" Rutgers glanced at the outline of Punk Hazard's island below, his face slightly subtle....

"Well, it's Marshal Sengoku, who came to ask about the handover of the two islands with the Whitebeard Pirates. Because Whitebeard is involved, Sengoku asks for a direct dialogue with you." Laki said helplessly, and Sengoku is especially serious when it comes to Whitebeard. , this is not a call Robin and she can stop.

"That's why I have to pick it up, so don't go down yet..." Rutgers looked a little weird. He was about to attack Marine's scientific research base. Wouldn't it be exciting to have a few words with their heads?

Laki handed the phone bug to Rutgers, and the three ships that had been falling safely were suspended again.

"Good evening, Mr. Sengoku, are you Marines so dedicated and still working at night?" Rutgers spat out a few words as soon as he answered the phone.

"It's not all your fault, you have made so many things, which has increased the workload of our Marines!" After dealing with Rutgers a lot, Sengoku was not polite to Rutgers, and went back directly.

"What happened to us? We didn't do anything," Rutgers said innocently.

"Then why did Whitebeard give back those two islands to you?" Sengoku asked angrily, Rutgers' expression no longer had any credibility in his eyes.

"Ah, that, ah, those two islands were originally ours. Grandpa Whitebeard is a good man. He just gave it back to us. It's just a matter of returning to the original owner." Rutgers started to flicker...

"Stop kidding, how could the pirates give up their territory so easily, especially the Whitebeard guy!" Sengoku couldn't believe it, and began to growl again.

"Oh, I just had a good talk with him, and Whitebeard gave it to me..." Rutgers was still vague, but he was telling the truth, and he did have a "good" talk... ...

"Do you think I might believe it?" Sengoku asked, blowing his beard, glaringly.

"If you don't believe me, there's nothing I can do, it's the truth." Rutgers spread his hands, as if you were like this, dead pigs are not afraid of boiling water.

"Really?" Sengoku's tone couldn't help but be a little suspicious. In his impression, Rutgers never spoke so calmly...

・・・・Seeking flowers・・・

"It's true..." Rutgers affirmed again.

"Little brat, if you didn't really notice what your troops were doing... Sengoku squinted his eyes and said, he knew he wouldn't be able to ask anything.

As soon as the incident happened, he asked Akainu to send a warship to investigate the incident, and the CP agents from the government were also dispatched, but the waters of Totto Land were like stagnant water, and there was no action at all, only cakes. The island is as lively as ever...

The two islands that were handed over were also very quiet, exchanging pirate flags safely, and Rutgers had no intention of contacting Whitebeard personally.

This discovery also gave Sengoku a sigh of relief. What he was most afraid of was that Whitebeard and Rutgers were hooking up together. The two Four Emperors joined forces and could truly shake the world...


Otherwise, in the original book, Whitebeard and Redhead contacted, Marine would not be so nervous...

"That's natural, I'm a good pirate, and I won't pick things up at will... Rutgers said without blushing, and Laki next to him couldn't help but sigh Rutgers is thick-skinned...

After all, you're just above other people's bases right now, not picking on things? Huh?

"Hopefully, the most important thing is that you must never come into contact with Whitebeard and other Four Emperors! This is our bottom line!" Sengoku's tone and expression were extremely serious.

"Yeah, got it..." Rutgers agreed casually.

Of course he knew that if the Four Emperors united, then really...

It's just impossible, how could a big pirate like the Four Emperors at the apex cooperate with other people, let alone subjugate people!

"Hmph! Remember me!" Sengoku snorted again, and hung up the phone bug. He also knew that Rutgers couldn't do such a thing. After all, it seems that now, the friction between him and Whitebeard has become more and more the more intense...

"Then let's go on..." Rutgers returned the phone bug to Laki, looking at the island below with a wanton and wild smile on his face.

"Whereabouts! Prepare to go, Punk Hazard slaughter the island! Loss.

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