One Piece Dark Emperor

Chapter 413 The Fourth Division of the Dark Pirates!

"So, our main goal now is to break down this black wall that doesn't know what's going on?" After listening to the conversations of the giants Vice Admiral, all the Marine soldiers on the edge of the island turned their attention. to the dark sky.

However, at this time, a strange door also opened near them...

"What?" The surrounding Marine soldiers turned abruptly.

Under their gaze, a giant ape king nearly ten meters tall ran out and looked at them with a terrifying power.

"What kind of monster is this?" A Marine soldier swallowed in fear, feeling a little hard to breathe, as if the surrounding air was thickened...

It's just that the Great Ape King didn't give them time to think, so he jumped up and smashed his huge fist into the crowd fiercely, and the Marine soldiers who were hit fell to the ground.

The Great Ape King thought, and a terrifying explosion broke out. A mushroom cloud with a diameter of more than ten meters rose up. The air wave generated by the explosion blew all the nearby Marine soldiers into the sky. The bloody land just flew upside down...

"This..." A Colonel Marine, who had escaped the impact, looked at the shocking power of the Great Ape King with just one punch, his body was trembling, and the sword in his hand was unstable. ......

"Don't panic, we stand for justice! Form up and shoot this monster!" A Marine Commodore took command, commanding the panicked Marines.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, he was knocked away by a mammoth that had just come out of the door, scarlet blood was dripping in the air, and Marine Commodore fell to the ground with white eyes...

Oder's beast puppet, for these Marine soldiers, is really an unstoppable existence, it is completely slaughtering, no one can stand it...

After these two beasts, a Tieyun robot came out, followed by some members of the scientific research team.

The same thing happened in the other three directions, the beasts were bloodbathed, and the Iron Cloud Robot began to tyrannize the Marines..

"What is this? A white robot? It has the logo of the Dark Pirates on it....

"Why is it okay to pierce their chests... ah, damn..."

"What the hell are their swords, why can they stretch..."

Marine soldiers can't fight against the beasts, and they can still do a few tricks against the Iron Cloud Robot, but the result is cruel.

The Tieyun robot has been continuously improved by Oder, and the main improvement direction is to reinforce the key joints. If these places are not destroyed, then the Tieyun robot will not fall.

On the contrary, the difficulty of recruiting people for the Dark Pirates has also increased, but the real powerhouse will not be limited by such difficulty...

Moreover, Fujitora and their requirements are really too high, you don't have to be able to defeat the iron cloud robot, for example, they are too procrastinated, tricky, or whatever excuses they come up with.

"Go on! Today is the time for our Dark Pirates to take over here!" A member of the fourth team swept a team of Marines to death with a machine gun in his hand, and shouted excitedly.

Where his bullets swept, the walls were pierced, and the ground was shot with several deep holes.

Not only is the bullet very special, but there is also Armament Haki on it, and the lethality is terrifying.

"Captain Rutgers said, there is not one left in Marine and the government! The mortar in the hand of a big man next to him suddenly fired a shell, and the mushroom cloud rose more than ten meters high, and the nearby Marine was powerless. was bombed.

The mortar on his shoulder is bigger than himself...

"If it is also a scientist, a guy with a tight mouth can keep his mouth alive." An ordinary man said silently.

"Oh, the last time you killed that rookie pirate group, that's not what you said, hahahaha!" The big man said disdainfully, and the mortar in his hand took away many Marine soldiers again. s life.

"Last time, you said that dead people are the worst at telling the truth!" The man with the machine gun also said playfully.

"Captain, he has said that there is a need for valuable things to exist. As for whether they will betray? Anyway, we have Miss Violet..." The eyes of ordinary men are cold, as if they don't feel anything General interest.

The only thing I want to remember is Rutgers' words...

"I know, I know, then let's go to the base quickly!" The big man couldn't stand his icy look, and he rushed towards the nearest scientific research base with his cannon.

"That's right, Captain Rutgers wants us to deal with it as quickly as possible...

"" "It's enough to leave it to the robot here, the powerful Marine, it must be in the base! 99

"Then let's see how many attacks they can withstand! Hahaha!"

Speaking of which, the other people also rushed over there quickly, even with heavy weapons, all of them were equally vigorous, and the black cloaks on their backs fluttered in the wind...

Although there are not many people, it feels like a Shinigami who is harvesting life...

In the control room of a scientific research base, a giant phone worm projected images of various places on Punk Hazard, which was originally used to monitor the movements of the prisoners on the island and observe the situation of the island.

It's just that the place is now in a mess, and the roaring and screaming outside, even if these images are not needed, they can be heard clearly.

The guarding soldiers and scientific researchers also looked panicked, and the scientific researchers started to pack their things, hoping to escape to the so-called lifeboat...

"Caesar, why aren't you ready to escape? The Dark Pirates are about to call!" A researcher hurriedly reminded Caesar when he was sorting out the package when he saw that Caesar had been looking at the images outside. road.

At the same time, he is also a little puzzled. In his impression, Caesar is a guy who is very afraid of death. Every time an accident occurs, he is the first to slip away. Why is he not panic at all?

"Hey la la la... Escape, where are you going? Punk Hazard has already been locked up by that Rutgers! He can't even contact the outside world, how can he let people leave?" Caesar smiled strangely. , pointed at the huge black wall in the image, with a strange tone.

"Then what can you do? The opponents are the Four Emperors, so we can only escape... 35 That researcher's movement of packing up the package was stagnant for a while, and his face revealed a hint of despair.

The enemy is not something that scientific researchers like them can contend with...not on the same level...

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