One Piece Dark Emperor

Chapter 417 Laser Weapon! Iron Cloud Pacifist?

"Then the quality of the iron cloud robot in the future can be taken to a new level." Rutgers also nodded with a smile. Of course he knew what Oder said this for, and naturally he wanted to improve the strength of the iron cloud robot.

If the iron cloud robot in the future has the strength of a pacifist, Rutgers will be able to wake up laughing...

It's just that it's all something to think about, but it still can't be done. The pacifists are so strong and have the body of a bear. What Rutgers and the others got is just a metal frame, which is still much worse.

However, the iron cloud robot can be reborn as long as it is not damaged by the joints, and this is its advantage! As long as Oder studies the frame at the joints, it is enough to be durable enough...

"That's right! My Iron Cloud Legion will be even stronger!" Oder looked excited, but he thought of something immediately, and a smirk appeared on his face, "Hee hee, when recruiting newcomers, the newcomers are It's getting worse...

"You guys..." Rutgers was also very helpless about this. They were all picky about their teammates, and the worse ones were pushed around, the kind that you don't want and I don't want.

"But, Captain Rutgers, this is what I want most this time!" Order stopped talking about the topic of 22, and walked over to remove a small arm from the pacifist shelf, and put the palm of his hand. A small hole, displayed in front of Rutgers.

"Could it be..." Rutgers was ecstatic when he saw him like this.

Oder's next sentence confirmed his conjecture.

"This is a laser weapon! What Tieyun Robot lacks now is a weapon with high lethality! Oder said excitedly.

"Try it, it's powerful." Rutgers smiled, not bothering Oder.

"Yeah!" A big guy like Oder, excited like a little boy getting a new toy at this time, and only in front of people like Rutgers who he treats like family.... ...

Ord pointed the hole of the laser to a clearing, connected the pacifist energy, and clicked the fire button.

Just as Rutgers had imagined, a laser shot out and hit the ground, directly causing a violent explosion with a diameter of more than ten meters...

"Really good attack power..." Odd sighed, and was very satisfied with this.

"It's just that it's ours too. It's a good harvest." Rutgers licked his lips and smiled wildly...

"Go back!" After more than an hour of tidying up, Rutgers swept an island again to ensure that no one was still alive, and then with an order, the transport ship lifted off again, fully loaded with their spoils this time... ..

The dark sky above Punk Hazard also quickly subsided, returning to Rutgers like a stream flowing into the sea.

The three ships were once again juxtaposed in the air, leaving together, heading towards the cake island...

All that's left is the large rubble on Punk Hazard island, full of dead bodies of Marine and government agents, completely blood-washed...

At this time, the sky is still dark, and the sun still hasn't had time to shine on Justice...

A few hours later, the sun will shine on the earth again...

Punk Hazard was silent, much quieter than usual, completely dead, so to speak.

"Poruporu..." From the ruins near the edge of the island, there was the sound of a phone bug calling.

Rutgers they are still not so pervert, even the phone bugs are not spared...

It's just that this phone bug has no one who can pick him up again...

This information was also immediately fed back to the Marine Headquarters. They also contacted various Marine Bases on a daily basis to report important things that happened every day and the consumption of some scarce materials, and requested the headquarters to support materials.

On the top floor of the Marine headquarters, Sengoku was sitting in a chair and having breakfast. Last night, he also worked for a long time because of the friction between Rutgers and Whitebeard. He contacted Akainu and the government, and arranged for the warship to finally report to the Five Elders. ....

After doing such a series of things, it was already midnight, and he only slept for a few hours before getting up and continuing to work hard. Now, he finally has time to rest and eat breakfast.

Sengoku happily eats the exquisite breakfast prepared for him by Marine headquarters, the special edition of the marshal......

It's really comfortable not to be disturbed, well, mostly without that old bastard from Garp...

"Marshal Sengoku! Something went wrong!" Just as he took a bite, there was a knock on the door of his office...

"Come in!" The chopsticks in Sengoku's hand stopped, his face darkened, and he said through gritted teeth.

"Marshal Sengoku!" A Marine Commodore walked in, first saluting Sengoku, and then reporting in a panic, "New World's research base can't be reached! We called several times this morning. Phone bugs, no one answers..."

"Punk Hazard?" Sengoku frowned suddenly, pushed his breakfast aside, picked up the map of New World and looked at it with a serious look.

"Yes, I didn't come in contact all of a sudden. It was fine yesterday. I tried every phone worm I used to get in touch, but I couldn't get in touch..." Commodore said with a heavy expression, a fool knows, Something must have happened...

"What the hell happened..." Listening to Commodore's words, Sengoku's heart sank to the bottom, and he suddenly looked up at Commodore, "Where's Kizaru? With him and his scientific team here, how could something go wrong? "

"Mr. Kizaru just left Punk Hazard two days ago...with Science Department Team 273 and Mr. Vegapunk..." Commodore reports truthfully.

"Vegapunk is fine..." Sengoku breathed a sigh of relief, Vegapunk was the most important thing, otherwise he wouldn't have sent a Marine Admiral and a scientific force to protect him.

"What happened to Punk Hazard? Didn't G1 and G5 find anything?" Sengoku tapped his fingers on the table and asked thoughtfully.

"No, they don't have the slightest distress message at all..." Commodore looked unsightly at Kaidō.

"That is to let them go and see what happened. Punk Hazard is such a big island, can it still be gone?" Sengoku gave an order with a irritable expression, and the Rutgers and Whitebeard things had already annoyed him enough... ..

"Yes!" Commodore hurriedly went down to deliver the order.

"It's really a headache, New World... If something happens to Punk Hazard, the World government is going to be in trouble again... And that bastard Rutgers, and Whitebeard is engaged. What? Sengoku instantly felt that his head was huge, and even the breakfast next to him was not in the mood to eat...

It's just that if he knows about Punk Hazard's tragic situation, he probably won't even have lunch...

ps: Yesterday, the database was upgraded again, and the results exploded again. Even the monthly passes were all gone. Obviously, I finally asked for a ticket once. …

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