One Piece Dark Emperor

Chapter 438 Battle! The first punch!

"What? What did you do, you don't know? You should understand why we came here!" Joz asked angrily.

He was also surprisingly angry about Scuard's death!

"What did I do? I really don't know... What do you mean?" The doubts in Reston's eyes became heavier and heavier, as if it really had something to do with him?

"Do you still want to pretend to be stupid now? It happened yesterday, why are we here? Isn't it because you did something to Scuard?" Joz said with a gloomy face, his eyes fixed on Reis Don't let him have any chance to escape.

"Yesterday? Hey, stop joking, it's just such a trivial matter, how are you guys still making such a big deal?" Reston was speechless for a while, but was it really because of that little thing yesterday?

Reston felt that it was just a normal pirate battle, but in the eyes of Josz and the others, it was an extremely important event...

"You bastard!" Before Joz and the others started scolding, Ace, who was following up, had already rushed in front of Reston, stopped less than a meter away, and stared at Reston angrily, with his body still on his back. Is there a flame that goes out, "Small thing? Scuard is dead? You're a little thing? He's our family!"5

"Scuard is dead?" Reston frowned tightly when he heard the words, and glanced at Ace, whose anger was overflowing in front of him, and it didn't seem like he was lying to him...

"Could it be that he was seriously injured and died? Or is the wound infected?" Reston thought for a while, and he could only come up with such a situation in a short period of time.

"Stop joking, you bastard, Scuard died from a fatal injury!" Ace roared unceremoniously at Reston.

"What? Fatal injury?" Reston's expression became more suspicious, as if it was different from what he thought? Skuard's death? Not because of him...

He clearly remembered that his claws avoided Scuard's key point at that time, and it was definitely not fatal...

"Don't play stupid, Reston ¨`!" Ace clenched his right fist tightly, and the flames began to condense, feeling that the next moment was about to shoot...

"Judging from what you just said, you have indeed played against Scuard and the others, right?" Joz was still a little more rational and began to analyze.

"Yes, at that time, the Big Vortex Spider Pirates robbed the goods of our Dark Pirates. We fought with them for the goods. In the end, we won. Skuard was injured by me, and we took the goods. Just let them go, most of the Big Vortex Spider Pirates are still alive at that time!"

"We didn't kill them all!" Reston said calmly and truthfully, and did not do anything boring to add fuel to the fire.

"Don't lie, Skuard and the others are all wiped out! It's definitely you who did it!" Ace said angrily without waiting for Joz to reply.

"Do you have any evidence? Although pirates are criminals, the most basic morality still needs to be taught, right?" Reston asked in dissatisfaction, and a trace of anger flashed in his eyes when he looked at Ace... .. this stunned young man is really irritating...

"This still needs evidence? Skuard said before his death that the murderer is you!" Teach also said at this time, insisting that the murderer was Reston.

"That's right, I also found your weapons on the boat!" Ace immediately echoed.

"We didn't do such a thing, and the Big Vortex Spider Pirates were wiped out? No, we obviously let them go! A pirate behind Reston couldn't help it, and retorted angrily.

"The meaningless quarrel is useless, Reston, you have evidence to prove that Scuard and their deaths were not yours?" Joz asked in a deep voice.

"That's a bit of a rhetoric, isn't it? Joz!" Reston Kaidō with an unpleasant expression.

When does a judgment require the defendant to bring evidence to prove that he did not do it? Isn't it all the plaintiff's evidence?

"Everyone lacks tangible evidence. Do you think I will believe the words of outsiders more? Skuard and the others, but they died miserably! 35 Joz said in a dark voice, his eyes were already bloodshot... .

"Wait a minute, there must be a third party involved in the matter here!" Reston was not stupid, but after thinking about it, he knew that someone else must have interfered.

"A lot of the pirates who bullied us said so when we came to our door, Reston! Do you think we would believe it?" Teach said with a grin.

"Indeed, everyone who offended the Whitebeard Pirates said so before they died!"

"Bullying our family, want to solve it in a few words? 35

"Too naive, Wild Lion Pirates, Skuard and their deaths! It must be paid for in blood!

The members of the Whitebeard Pirates are showing their fangs one by one, and their anger has all turned into ferocity!

"" "Then what else are you asking?" Reston's face is now completely gloomy, these guys can't listen to anyone anymore...

"Just to let you understand a little bit!" Teach raised his paws, murderous.

"Maybe there is a third party doing the trick, but there is no doubt that the biggest suspects are you, and it is better to kill by mistake than to let it go!" Joze's whole person is also ready to go, and his words are full of killing intent.

From Whitebeard's words, he can also hear the meaning of beating Rutgers...

For them, this fuse is also needed...

After many years of subordinates, he naturally knows his father's character very well...

"This is really a sin..." Reston's face turned somber to Ultimate, his eyes turned fierce, and his bloodiness also came up, "Come if you want, bastard (no promise) Whitebeard Sea Bandit, don't think I'll be afraid of you!"

"Exactly, I really want to kill you now!" Ace was even more angry, his entire arm had turned into a raging flame, and the air nearby began to heat up... Yong.

The situation became tense in an instant...

"It was agreed in advance that you should be clear about what it means for you to take action against us here, right?" Reston smiled relievedly. Now that he has decided to fight, he will naturally not be obedient. Pirates!

"We are ready to take over all the consequences! Even if it's a full-scale war with Rutgers!" Joz responded confidently.

"We are fighting for our family now, and the Whitebeard Pirates have never been afraid of anyone! The flames in Ace's hands erupted suddenly, hitting Reston in front of him, "Go to hell! You wretched uncle!

"fire punch!"

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