One Piece Dark Emperor

Chapter 454 Emergency meeting at Marine headquarters!

Grand Line, Marine Headquarters, Marineford!

In the high floors of Marine Fortress, footsteps sounded constantly, the voices were very calm and rhythmic, and there was only one end point for all footsteps, Marine headquarters conference room...

Not long ago, an alarm sounded throughout the Marine Headquarters, which immediately informed all the high-level generals at the Marine Headquarters to gather.

Apparently, something terrible happened...

In the conference room of Marine headquarters, a group of real Marine Vice Admiral filed in, quickly found their place and sat down, and immediately set their eyes on Sengoku, who was the first.

It's just that Sengoku is frowning deeply, his whole face is like a bitter gourd...

The Vice Admirals also did not ask questions with interest, their expressions were different, and there were some subtleties. Perhaps, some of them already knew what happened through their own eyes...

"Trouble... Obviously it's a good lunch break, my vacation..." Qingzhi's tall and thin figure appeared, dressed in a white suit, with a Marine justice coat in his hand, not Stop hitting Hache, obviously just woke up...

"Hurry up and take your seat, if this incident is resolved, I'll give you a week off!" Sengoku, obviously getting used to Aokiji's character, said angrily~.

"Yes..." Aokiji walked to the seat next to Sengoku and sat down, Sengoku's words dispelled a little sleepiness, "A week off? Well, it seems that this incident is very tricky...

"Of course, if this matter is not handled well, Grand Line, no, the whole world will be in turmoil. 39 Tsuru's wise eyes cast a glance at Aokiji, and his face is calm - said.

"This is really troublesome..." Aokiji squinted his eyes, the sleepiness on his body disappeared immediately, and he sat up straight.

The expressions of the other Vice Admirals also fluctuated...

Overall, the atmosphere became very dull...

"Hahaha, Sengoku, what's the matter today? Why did you call the old man urgently?" However, the dull atmosphere was soon broken, and Garp walked in carelessly with a bag of senbei.

"Hurry up and sit down!" Sengoku really couldn't help his old comrade-in-arms.

"Yo, Kuzan, I haven't seen you for over a month..." Garp sat casually next to Tsuru, nibbling on senbei, and greeted Aokiji across from him.

"Well, long time no see, Mr. Garp." Aokiji still wasn't as out of place as Garp, didn't look at the atmosphere, just nodded lightly.

Seeing that Aokiji ignored him and didn't care, Garp continued to nibble on the senbei to himself.

"Then, let's start..." Seeing everyone, Sengoku announced with a very serious expression, and then he looked at a thick-lipped man with short green hair beside him, "Brannew, tell me situation.

"Yes! Marshal Sengoku!" Brannew respectfully gave a military salute, opened the intelligence document in his arms, and began to read: "Just last night, we monitored several pirates under the Whitebeard pirates. , Suddenly there was action, ammunition and supplies were prepared, personnel gathered, and moved to other places.""

"Combining the direction of action of several pirates, it is not difficult for us to infer that they are gathering in the same direction! Further speculation, we can almost conclude that it was the Whitebeard pirates who called them!

"Because we can't monitor the movements of the Moby Dick, we don't know what Whitebeard is doing for the time being. We can only define a conclusion that the Whitebeard Pirates will have a big action."

"However, the situation was broken this morning. Our spies on Mango Island saw with our own eyes all members of the second and third teams of the Whitebeard Pirates, who took the Whitebeard Pirates' pirate ship and attacked Mango Island. !

"Now, the second division of the Dark Pirates has arrived on Mango Island and started a fierce battle with the Whitebeard Pirates! Even, the Dark Pirates have begun to transfer the residents of Mango Island.

"So, the battle situation is likely to continue to change drastically! So much so that it will evolve into..."

Speaking of this, Brannew couldn't help swallowing, and a drop of cold sweat appeared on his forehead.

"A total war between the Whitebeard Pirates and the Dark Pirates!"

"Is that so... The violent friction between Whitebeard and Rutgers... is indeed a troublesome thing..." Aokiji nodded knowingly, and rubbed his temples with some headache. .

"This is a war between pirates and pirates, shouldn't it have anything to do with us Marine? Maybe, we can still applaud?" Ghost Spider smiled coldly.

"Don't be kidding, a full-scale war between the two Four Emperors will break the balance of the world! Moreover, the people of the New World..." Huoshaoshan reminded with an ugly expression.

・・・・For flowers・・・

"Huh! New World? Most of the people there have long forgotten about Marine's justice and threw themselves into the arms of pirates!" Dauberman snorted coldly.

"They have forgotten us, and our justice still has to shine on them! This is Marine's justice!" Another Marine dove general continued.

"Okay, don't have meaningless quarrels, we Marines exist to maintain the calm of the sea, and now this war that is likely to break out, we must find out!""

"Rutgers is still Shichibukai, if something happens to him, the impact on the world will be too great!" Sengoku interrupted their exchange in a deep voice.


"Have you figured out why the Whitebeard Pirates attacked Mango Island? Isn't this the war provoked by the Whitebeard Pirates? 35 Crane asked Brannew calmly.

"No, this is still unclear... Our people can't get close to the center of the battlefield, but only vaguely hear the people of the Whitebeard Pirates, who seem to be shouting for revenge..." Brannew Shaking his head regretfully.

"Vengeance, could it be that Rutgers moved Whitebeard's people?" Aokiji speculated.

"It's quite possible, the Whitebeard guy, who values ​​the crew more than anything else..." Sengoku nodded in agreement.

"The information is only about Whitebeard's side, what about Rutgers? He should have acted too, right? Have you contacted Sakazuki's side?" Crane continued to analyze.

"No, not yet..." Brannew lowered his head a little embarrassedly, and his consideration was still not so comprehensive.

"Sakazuki has already contacted us..." Ghost Spider said with a cigar in his mouth and smiled confidently, "Before noon today, the waters of Totto Land have entered a state of full combat readiness, and a large number of personnel have begun Transfer, the frequency and depth of all patrols are greatly increased, it is absolutely certain that this war will happen!

After listening to the ghost spider's words, the dove generals present looked a little subtle...

Especially Sengoku...  

Akainu doesn't report this kind of thing to the marshal, but tells his close subordinates, what does he mean? Did he take him as a marshal in his eyes by pulling the mountain so blatantly?

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